Harry Potter and the exasperated mum........help

by fifi40 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • fifi40

    My ex is a JW (as previously mentioned) and is against our son going to see the new movie, despite admitting that he has witness friends who will happily go and see it........oh and he also has witness friends that would dob their brother into the elders for going to see it.

    I have just had a bit of a heated debate about it with him (our son is 14, nearly 15) and I just wondered if any of you have good sound reasoning for what is a 'matter of conscience' for these brainwashedd poo brains!!!!!

    Help.........Warlock can you just wave a magic wand or something...........

    A mother doing battle with the force...............a brain numbing, mind control force at that

    Seriously folks though any gems you have would be greatly appreciated

  • Emma

    If you have joint custody, just take him. This is crazy, no stupid.

  • DJK

    Take your son to see the movie. Tell him to keep it a secret from ol poo brains.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Master Midwich (also 14) and myself went to see this last Saturday....if you think your lad will enjoy it, take him! Don't let a bunch of uneducated, pedantic, pervy control-freaks spoil Master fifi's fun. I can't see any reason why watching it has anything to do with the 'Elders/Glorious Ones'...it's PURE FANTASY - you know, just like the WT publications

  • ex-nj-jw

    If you have joint custody and he's with you most of the time, let him go. If dad has physical custody, take him on your visitation day, and tell him to keep his mouth shut about it or dad will cause problems.

    It's a movie for christ sake! What is the big deal? Damn JW's get on my last nerve with that crap!

    Sorry, had flashbacks of being a kid and couldn't do anything but study WTBTS crap!


  • fifi40

    I would just take him.................but unfortunately Alex asks me to check it with his dad first................because he doesnt want to displease his dad (poo brain)..............

    The truth he wants to go..........but he knows his dad wouldnt go and he is in that horrible trap of not wanting to upset his dad.........aaaaggghhhh

    I did at least say to my ex (in a private conversation that our son was not privy to) when asked the question........'Would I rather Alex was raised as a JW or not'....that I would rather he was not...............and he also asked me if I thought he was (my ex) was brainwashed and I replied 'I think I was brainwashed for a long time so I think you must be too'

    He also went off topic and started on about the huge payouts the R.C. church are making to sex abuse victims and I said I think you want to check out what the JWs have done recently of a very similar ilk..........and are not mentioning to their congregations.

    This is the first time I have been so outspoken to him about my non belief and I think I got a lot off my chest.........hope I didnt go too far.....

  • MidwichCuckoo

    I think you did great with poo-brain (is that his real name?) - you answered his questions, no more - and he must have been thinking about stuff to ask your opinion. Perhaps you could mention that Alex would love to go to pictures, but would only enjoy it with his dad's approval.

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    Jws and many other christians FEAR allowing anti-christian thoughts to enter their minds...


    if they could distinguish between fantasy and reality, they would not be in those religons (^_^)

  • DJK
    This is the first time I have been so outspoken to him about my non belief and I think I got a lot off my chest.........hope I didnt go too far.....

    A discussion about your beliefs that effect us as parents. I think being a good parent has no set limit for how far you can go.

  • hilannj

    when I started reading the books I tried to tell my mom that it was no different than Snow White or the Little Mermaid.. it was not very helpful tho because then she just got rid of those movies, but It might work for you.

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