Just finished my second study book

by saywhat? 62 Replies latest members private

  • nowisee

    so glad for your decision.

    this forum is indeed a wonderful resource on the true nature of the wts.

    i was raised jw and left in 1976 after the end did not come in 1975 like they said it would.

    nevertheless, it was not until i came here that i was able to clearly see the wts for what it is,i.e. false prophet.

    i think many are drawn to "cults" bc of the need to feel some control in a world that seems out of control. but believing in something does not necessarily make it so.

    there is a saying, "let go and let God." some things are just not given us to know at this time.

    the thing i know for sure is that we have to love God and each other. love is the answer.

    my very best wishes to you, nowisee

  • searcher

    saywhat? . . . Thank you for having the courage to do what is right for your family and taking the step to end your study with the Witnesses. . . . I was never a JW myself, but I know many of the posters here personally, their stories etc, I also know many more through years of board interaction and reading, and I can assure you that your strength in making the decision to cut off the JW's has made many, many on here rejoice, you speak of tears in your eyes, I know that many here will have had tears of joy in THEIR eyes when they read of your decision. . . . You are a strong person doing the right thing. . . . Thank you again.

  • saywhat?

    We celebrated my youngest daughter's birthday today (7 yrs old). What a strange and yet liberating feeling. The last time we celebrated anything was when she turned three. Thank you to all the members of JWD. We're all looking forward to experiencing more strange feelings (b-days, holidays, etc.)

  • Seeker4


    Great to hear from you, and that you are doing well.

    One of the things that I always felt guilty about as a Witness, at least to a degree, was that I never really felt like I didn't belong in the world. I liked its art and music, the sciences and especially the literature. I liked being around people who talked about those things and did them.

    It's nice now to be able to do those things without anyone trying to make me feel guilty about it.


  • saywhat?

    Seeker4, the biggest change I experienced the more I studied with the JW's was that I always looked at "apostates" with suspicion. It was as though I was developing the attitude of "your gonna pay dearly for being part of the world." I also became paranoid. Hoping none of the brothers or sisters caught me accidentally doing something worldly. My kids were excited when I told them we were never going to the kingdom hall again. If only I could turn back the clock...

  • reneef

    Welcome & please stick around. Trust me, your children will rejoice and thrive when you get back to normal.

  • Es

    welcome to the board, so glad you stopped by as you might see some interesting points about the JW's.

    Im sure you have received lots of advice take it from me, I was born in the borg and stayed until I was 24, getting out even tho it lost me my family was the best thing I could have done for me and my son.

    I wish you all the best in your decision.


  • Es

    Just read your latest posts, thats awesome news, and Im so glad for you and your daughter that you got to celebrate her birthday, she would have loved that.


  • sosad

    there are many people who genuinly care about you and your family- both on this board and in you "real" life. I can only imagine the joy your spouse felt when you told her.

    birthdays with your children are incredilbe - don't worry about the ones you missed, just enjoy planning the ones yet to come! your jw contacts will really give it another shot- who knows, perhpas your stand will help them take the blinders off

    what an incredible experience that would be! imagine how many people your story will ultimately help - both in and on the fringes of the jw cult


  • TheListener

    Oh saywhat I am so happy for you.

    Somehow I missed this thread when you first started it. I apoligize and offer a hearty HELLO and welcome to the board.

    Don't worry about being in your 40s and crying. Many many of us have been there and know the pain, relief, frustration, fear and excitement you may feel all at the same time.

    I am so happy for you and your family. May you have years of peace and joy in your lives. Oh and when you do Christmas, put up an ornament dedicated to all of us who have faithful wives and/or kids who can't celebrate the holidays so openly.

    Good luck.

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