worst site for any Convention

by hillbilly 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • chappy

    Being 5 Yrs old at Yankee Stadium in the middle of summer sitting in the dirt listening to K.H. Knorr through a loadspeaker 6 feet from my head, bored to death with my mother thumping my head everytime I'd fall asleep. [>:(]


  • slipnslidemaster

    Metatron, you are dead on.

    Slipnslidemaster: "And now about the cauldron sing, Like elves and fairies in a ring, Enchanting all that you put in."

    - William Shakespeare, MacBeth

  • RN


    I attended my last DC at the Tacoma Dome, I guess in 1996. Spent 3/4 of the day there. Everything about it was so depressing. I couldn't wait to leave and you could not have PAID me to go back and spend another day.

    I'm with you. "Glad to be done with all that."


  • KSJordan

    And remember how they had those pretty flowers all around the stage and would sell the flowers and carpet after it was all over? At the conventions I went to there would almost be fights over flowers. The last convention I went to, I got so bored I left during lunch. Everyone seemed like automatons just walking around with their little brainwashed minds.

  • Alana

    Hey, I remember those places, Puff.......

    <<In the Chicago area, the outdoor assembly's were held at Hawthorne race track. I do not know how the JW's got the
    racetrack, in the middle of summer, to hold an assembly. That was really bad. The horse feces did not add to the
    experience. Expecially in July. >>

    Oh my God! Yes, I went to Assemblies there.....it was always hot AND the wooden bench seating in some areas were just KILLERS on the old back.

    <<However, worst, in the Chicago area, was an old theater on the south side of Chicago, about 7900 south. If you know
    Chicago, you know that unless you are black or a cop, firefighter, EMT, you do not go to that neighborhood. It was
    awful. Old, smelly, terrible drive. >>

    Are you referring to the old Assembly Hall???? That's where I was baptized. Fortunately, my father was in Administration at the assemblies, so we got to park in a close lot......but even that short walk was absolutely scary! One of my friends didn't listen to the instructions to stay indoors, and got mugged when he went to the corner store for gum. Oh, the memories!!

  • BoozeRunner

    VET STADIUM gets my vote!!! If theres anywhere a loyal Jdub can burn in HELL, its certainly at the VET!!

    On the other side of the coin, Nassau Coliseum in ong Island was a pretty good place to have the convention, just by virtue of being indoors and air conditioned. And just think, if you prepared well enough, the beach wasnt too far away...close enough for an evening dip as most people were leaving the beaches in the evening.


  • BoozeRunner

    Make that ^LONG ISLAND^


  • Prisca

    Any Aussies living in NSW would have fond memories of Warwick Farm racecourse. Summer assemblies (oops, sorry, conventions!) where you could burn to death in the morning (all but a few seats were in the sun) and then freeze in the afternoon (to the point of needing to wear winter coats!)

    Only the elderly and the Bethel heirarchy got to sit in the air-conditioned areas. Even if you walked through those areas you were looked at as if to say "are you approved to come in this area?"!

  • joelbear

    I agree with Francois about Atlanta Stadium. It was amazingly hot. We always had about 12 people in our group. We had umbrellas and plastic tarp for when it rained. Quite an architectural achievement and somebody always got soused in front of you or behind you when the tarp decided to dispense a bunch of trapped rain water. Incredible thunder storms in the afternoons and early evenings. I don't remember them ever cancelling a session though, maybe once.

    I had a lot of fun in Jacksonville Coliseum because it was round and you could walk forever during sessions to kill time. I attended more conventions in that building than any other single building.

    I hated conventions in high school gymnasiums which was the norm when I was a small child. Bleacher seats, ugh.

  • Yerusalyim

    Kinda sucked when the convention was held in my bath room, made bodily functions kinda difficult.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

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