Do Witness Teenagers take the Organization's Rules Seriously?

by flipper 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    I remember being one of the tight-assed teenagers who never broke a rule - out of fear. However a lot of teenagers I knew in the org. lived double lives - one behavior for home and KH and another for school and outside social life. There was plenty of sneaking out of bedroom windows, dating worldly people, drinking. Most of those folks turned out OK anyway.

  • Mincan

    I make myself barf remember how "sincere" a JW I was, although I never got baptised, only unbaptised publisher, I never did anything wrong, I never drank anything for fear I might get drunk and "Bring reproach on human-sexuality obsessed Jepervert", never considered doing drugs, I tried really hard not to swear, every time I jerked off I felt like I was killing myself and being evil. etc etc etc. So yeah I took it seriously until the day I decided to quit. There was no fade, thats the way things work in my head, like light switches.

  • Gordy

    My son and I were out for a drink a couple of months ago.

    We were sitting at the table when a girl (18-20) on the next table asked if we were JW's. She recognised us from our old congregation. We got into conversation with her. Usual thing why we left etc. She said she didn't agree with somethings. But she defend the WT when we criticised it. She asked if weren't frightened about Armageddon. We said No as we don't see it as the destruction of millions of people but of the return of Christ. Which she didn't seem to be able to grasp.

    Anyway she was with some "worldly" friends and they were going off to the nightclubs. Also lets say that the dress she had on left nothing to the imagination. I think there was more material in my handkershief. If she wore it to a meeting it would be "Can we have a word sister" from the Elders.

  • mrsjones5

    Most of the teenagers I knew didn't.

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    Some kids are asskissing types and they don't drink, or go to R-rated movies, act shocked when someone cusses, and follow every rule. Mostly they are just trying to show off and are very rare. Then you have the ones that go clubbing, get drunk and act slutty, and choose any type of entertainment that they like, but they have their Watchtower studied for Sunday and made their 70 hours, so its OK. This is probably the most common group. Then you have the kids that do all the "bad" stuff but don't have their lessons studied and don't play fake to impress the old ladies.

  • Forscher

    When I was a teenager most didn't.

    I did, but then I was a recent convert and didn't realize what the others knew, the Witness religion is all about appearance rather than substance. They knew that if they were seen doing all the right things and didn't do anything overt which would arouse suspicion nobody would care to look too closely. I am reasonably sure that just about everybody else in my age group had premarital sex, got drunk, and did all those things they weren't supposed to do. They are also the ones who are the elders of their congregations, in the case of the men, and still don't concern themselves with following the rules.


  • Wild_Thing

    JW teenagers are hypocrites in training.

  • flipper

    Hello ya'll Mr. Flipper here again. Thanks for all your responses. Confession time. Have to admit that as a teenager being raised in a strict witness household, with an elder dad, Mr. Flipper got a little wild at times with typical teenage stuff. I had this witness girlfriend and we had some rural territory which I on purpose would ask to go work with her in. But, a lot of times we ended up working each other instead of the territory, got a little side tracked. Never went all the way, just making out and other sundry stuff. At least I got to count my time! Gawd, I was bad!! Peace to you all, Mr. Flipper

  • steve2

    Getting caught is the best "remedy" for not taking rules seriously! Little wonder JW kids become expert at hiding their Watchtower "sins" - e.g., going to a worldly friend's birthday party, drinking way too much alcohol when parents are absent, buying explicit worldy magazines etc....

  • Anony-Mouse

    I'm not allowed to do any bad stuff. But that doesn't make me want to either...

    I don't wanna drink, or smoke, or have lots of sex (Just a little bit of sex is fine :P ) .

    But I don't ever study or answer. Or prepare for my talks (I can read good enough that they say "I can tell you prepared" its so lame) .

    Does that make me weird that I'm not super rebellious?

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