Has being a Witness made it hard for you to love Jesus?

by jwfacts 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • barry

    I once heard a minister talking about a backslider he visited. The girl said I love Jesus but I dont like God. Of course she was talking about the Judgemental God of the old testiment. The minister explained being trinitianian that Jesus was the visible likeness of the invisible God.

    I think this is the problem with the WT Arian beleif they dont quite know where to put Jesus we could argue all day about the trinity but things are still not quite right and Jesus doesnt fit in.

  • 5go
    I think this is the problem with the WT Arian beleif they dont quite know where to put Jesus we could argue all day about the trinity but things are still not quite right and Jesus doesnt fit in

    yep and who is the ghostly figure that is the third part of the trinty rarely does the bible mention much about him other than he get used alot.

  • NotaNess
    During my last few years as a dub, it started bothering me like I was talking about someone else, not God.

    That's correct.

  • wednesday

    I still feel confused. When I pray, I address Jehovah. I feel strange addressing Jesus. However, I have lately started addressing them both, so maybe I will get used to the way that feels. If God is listening, I doubt He cares what I call Him as long as I address Him respectfully.( I hope)

  • hilannj

    I still have so much trouble praying, after not doing it the last few years of being a jw, I don't know where to start or what to say.. Its weird b/c jws says that form prayers are bad but I always felt that their prayers were bad.. it always started with 'dear God' or even better 'Our most gracious and loving heavenly Father', and ended with 'In Jesus' name we pray'. And everything in the middle was just fluff.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Jesus/Superman/Spider-Man ... I don't love imaginary peeps. next question!

  • yaddayadda

    I always felt a bit confused and ambivalent about both Jehovah and Jesus, when I was a JW and still now. Jehovah is often an angry, vengeful God, yet at times he seems patient, generous, and willing to overlook humans stupid mistakes. Jesus is clearly portrayed as much more loving, merciful and gracious than Jehovah in the OT is, but the dichotomy has always bothered me and left me struggling to feel genuine love for Jehovah, who appears somewhat schizophrenic in scripture. Jesus at least seems much more consistent, loveable and kindly.

    But I still find it hard to have real, deep love for anyone who is so aloof and distant. What has Jesus done for anyone in the last 2,000 years? I know the JW's have answers for that about the issue of universal sovereignty, etc, but still, I find it impossible to really love such a distant figure sitting out there in some other dimension seemingly so blaze about all the terrible suffering and wickedness that has gone on the last 2,000 years. I love what I read about what Jesus purportedly did all those centuries ago, but I find it impossible to love someone purely on reputation only and mere promises for the future. Love has to be based on actions, not words and concepts. So many Christians go on about how much Jesus has helped them with this and that but has he really? But what about all the countless millions in the world who got no help from Jesus? All the extreme emotion displayed by so many contemporary Christians, who swear Jesus is a real, living, helping influence in their life - I just don't feel that at all, despite many attempts to 'get it'. It always ends up feeling like maudlin and sentimentalism.

    So I'd say my love for Jehovah and Jesus is more or less dormant, unfertilized. If and when they intervene to save the world and end wickedness I will be the first to get down on my knees, open my heart to them, and cry tears of joy. I guess I need a bit more than an ancient book to make me really 'love' someone.

  • helncon

    I never loved either of them.

    But now i have a kind of respect for what Jesus did for us but that is about it.


  • Namasti

    And exactly---what did Jesus do for us?

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