Has being a Witness made it hard for you to love Jesus?

by jwfacts 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • snowbird

    Fellow southerner said:

    I love Jesus and he is so precious to me now -- but I still pray to "Our Father"

    I love Him, too. Always have since I was little girl, but I allowed the Org to push Him aside.

    Someone started a thread asking did anyone on here ever want to go to heaven. I want to be wherever Jesus is. Simple as that.


  • misanthropic

    Let's just say before I allow myself to do anything, anything at all, I stop and ask myself WWJD?

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I always felt a deep appreciation for Jesus even as a JW . It always bothered me that the society minimized his importance in our worship. I really believed it was Jehovahs will that we look more to his son than to him , that is his will . That was one of the reason I felt confident that the JW's were wrong because of their lack of respect for Jesus and the idolizing of the society .

  • Namasti

    You--who said this-- It's worth repeating over and over.. " It has nothing to do with my true essence" I always was mute when people would bring up the subject of Jesus--"Do you accept Jesus as your Lord and savoir" You know that one--OH my God--I hated that question--Didn't know how to put it into words--why was all that so unimportant in my life. Now I know--very simple but so true--

    It has nothing to do with my true essence.

    With all that said--- I do believe that Jesus reached a very high state of divine grace--he reached the level of the Great Avatars for whom the title "Lord" is appropriate" Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, and Lord Jesus Christ. When it comes to Jehovah, I'm surprise anyone can have a warm feeling when thinking of what I remember to be a very angry, vengeful, jealous and--oh-so fussy God. But if it works for you, Great. You've already found your True God. Don't give Jesus another thought, then. I'm sure he doesn't care. "Pick a card--any card" Pick a God--any God.


  • Narkissos

    To the contrary. Coming from the WT representation of "Jehovah" I found the NT portrayal(s) of Jesus even more refreshing and liberating. I hold him to be, essentially if not uniquely, a literary character, but I owe him much nonetheless.

  • JamesThomas

    My feelings are very much those of Narkissos.

    Being raised as a JW, the most difficult part was feeling a sense of love and admiration for the Bible expression of Jehovah. This guy was way too repugnant for me to love and cherish; but I was stupid, and blamed myself.

    After the Witnesses, I came to love and appreciate Jesus as my Master. Then, a time came when there was no need for any deity or god story, as they were seen as a distant mirage compared with the immediate presence of reality.


  • eclipse

    No, I loved Jesus when I was a dub, SECRETLY.

    Jesus was more real...he came to earth, he spoke, he wept, he had feelings...he showed emotion...he got angry at the pharisees and the hypocrites...but he was tender to sinners and loved children, he had wonderful qualities that I tried to emulate....(but pitifully failed)

    Now, I have respect for the man in the scriptures, still trying to figure out if he's really god's son, (if god is real) or just a great man that walked the earth of whom wonderful stories were told about...

  • Insomniac

    Funny, I always resented Jehovah and Jesus horribly while I was a dub. I'm sure my attitude stemmed from resentment at being forced to attend meetings and absorb teachings that insulted my intelligence and needled at my self-esteem. As Jehovah and Jesus were the personifications of this idiocy, I hated them deep down inside.

    However, since I've left, I've also ceased to consider myself a Christian as well. And, once I started looking at Jesus as a prophet, philosopher, religious leader, literary figure, human being...I found I actually liked the guy. He seems to have had some really beautiful ideas, and to have been a good person. And I think it's enough to respect and admire him, without an organization telling me how I ought to feel about him.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    No, quite frankly, I never loved the Jesus Superhero. He was with DC, right?

    I was much more into the "Wonder Woman" and "Electra-Assassin" imaginary superheros.

    Shwing, Wonder Woman! Schwing, Electra! See Nathan Schwing! Schwing, schwing, schwing!

  • Honesty

    It was until He found me and I realised that He had saved me from eternal condemnation.

    The Watchtower's demon god doesn't want the JW's to love Jesus.

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