Adventures in Meditating......

by freedomloverr 56 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JamesThomas

    Popper's counsel here is among the most helpful and elegant one could hope to find.

    He is a rare gem. We are fortunate that he has joined us.


  • Missanna

    poppers, if you don't mind me asking. how did you start? what made you look into it and what did you do?

  • nvrgnbk

    Popper's counsel here is among the most helpful and elegant one could hope to find.

    He is a rare gem. We are fortunate that he has joined us.


    You aint so bad yourself j.


  • loosie
    and no longer any sense of separation from others

    That sounds awesome.

  • frankiespeakin


    Have you thru meditation gotten beyound the patriotic programming of governments?

    I'm seriouly thinking of not paying my taxes(haven't in 2 years) and telling uncle sam to go f*ck himself when he forces me to in court, saying who gave you the right? I don't recognize your authority, and the only reason you exist as an authority is because you got weapons, and use force, I'm not brainwashed into beleiveing all your bullshit any longer.

  • freedomloverr

    very nice comments Heather. thanks for all that. I'll have to check out that tape from Andrew Weil.

  • Dansk

    Hi FL:

    It was such a pleasurable feeling I can only liken the sweetness of it to a sexual pleasure.

    Erm, what method were you using. I'd REALLY like to know!!!

    Seriously, I've tried meditation for years but have yet to reach the levels of the likes of Poppers! However, last year I felt I was finally getting somewhere. I was dreadfully ill and found the meditation helped me cope - and then, just the once, I had a really fantastic experience where I didn't feel ill at all and when I came out of the meditation I carried the well-being over into the rest of the day.

    My problem at the moment is that after all the chemo I've had I can't sit down to meditate. It's as if the chemo wiped me out and it has become really, really difficult. I decided to wait awhile and then start again - but now I've had the call from the hospital to be readmitted to receive more chemo. Anyone who has had chemo will know what I'm talking about. One's mind seems to be completely wiped out and it is so difficult to concentrate on anything. I found I couldn't read a book or even the first paragraph in a newspaper. I was like a wild animal in a cage, sometimes just walking up and down with no seeming purpose. This is probably an ideal time to meditate, but, as I inferred, one becomes more restless than usual.

    I believe everyone should try meditation because even just sitting for 10 minutes quietly can cushion the angst of the day. I fully intend to get back into it.


  • poppers

    From Missanna: “poppers, if you don't mind me asking. how did you start? what made you look into it and what did you do?”

    Years ago I saw someone interviewed on Johnny Carson who was a teacher of meditation and it immediately piqued my interest. When the opportunity arose a short time later to learn how I followed through.

    Although the technique itself was good I became disenchanted with the organization that promoted it because it became clear that they were more interested in generating more and more income by subtly manipulating people into taking more and more “advanced” courses. I finally had had enough and broke away, yet I continued to meditate. Even so I wasn’t seeing the results I expected to see based on what my original teacher said should happen. I didn’t know at that time that he was misinforming people about some key concepts and that there was little chance of me, or anyone else, achieving what he said was the goal.

    What followed was years of exploring other meditation techniques because I felt deeply that there was something truly profound in its practice. Finally I came across something that cleared up many misconceptions I had that kept me in a searching mode. This was the book The Power of Now. Through that I came to realize that what was being searched for was what I am in my true essence, consciousness. I had heard this before but it didn’t register in a meaningful way. Suddenly I actually realized through direct experience that I was consciousness, and that’s when the search ended. I came “home” in a conscious way only to realize that I had never really left in the first place. I had been living in a dream created by the mind and then I “woke up”.

    From frankiespeakin: “Have you thru meditation gotten beyound the patriotic programming of governments?”

    Programming of all kinds has been seen through. It is this programming/conditioning that forms the basis of one’s personal identity, the egoic structure. The ego is a convenient way of saying “the story of me”, but this story is comprised solely of thought forms that are clung to. When this ego is actually investigated by looking for it, it won’t be found.

    We have assumed for a long time that “I” exist as a separate and distinct entity and it is rare that this assumption gets challenged by looking for it. Meditation is one way that the egoic structure can be seen to be unreal, a mental creation. There are other ways for this to be seen in a more direct way, but meditation is a sort of round-about way that can lead to this realization. There are no “right ways or wrong ways” for this to happen, only direct ways and indirect ways. I would say that most people aren’t “ripe” for a direct way, and so meditation may be more helpful, but you just never know. It can happen anytime to anyone in any possible way.

    As for telling Uncle Sam to shove it, that is also seen as part of a story that is identified with, and just more programming to get rid of. There comes a balance where what is unfolding within physical manifestation is viewed with acceptance rather than resistance. On the surface there may be stories unfolding but the silence and peace of your true nature that the stories unfold within is no longer obscured. In other words, what is “out there” is seen more like a movie that you are no longer caught up in.

  • frankiespeakin


    As for telling Uncle Sam to shove it, that is also seen as part of a story that is identified with, and just more programming to get rid of. There comes a balance where what is unfolding within physical manifestation is viewed with acceptance rather than resistance.

    I think "I" is not resisting but, asking "Who are You?" I have already been sent many letters from Uncle which I have not opened, as far as "I" sees it, Uncle has programmed us to accept, while Uncle brings us to the brink of inihilation with its weapons of mass destruction, with his greedy need for more power and materialism. In my meditatons and seeing thru the programming the human construct of "I" asks "Who Are you to force me into the mold of a tax paying unquestioning lemming to build your superior war machine?" I do not resist or accept or recognize legitimacy of this entity.

    On the surface there may be stories unfolding but the silence and peace of your true nature that the stories unfold within is no longer obscured. In other words, what is “out there” is seen more like a movie that you are no longer caught up in.

    It is all movies and stories with individual "I"s even acceptance or resistance is part of this movie, just like a patriot who loves his country and will kill for it because he feels his country is right or deserving of unquestioning loyalty of its war machine.

  • frankiespeakin

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