Would you ever......

by thepackage 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Grouper

    RollerDave said:
    Wild horses could not drag me back into bondage!
    basically what Mum said!
    The WTS was started on a lie, perpetuated by lies, everything they believe is a lie!
    The believe this, and they believe that, and think its revelation from Jehovah, but it turns out to be the result of GB political machinations, and it affects the lives of the hapless R&F.
    Going back would be like that asshole in the matrix who sold out his compatriots in the real world because he wanted to go back to living a pleasant but false dream.
    You say these people are your 'friends' but that remains to be seen.
    If you continue resisting their call to return to the matrix, and they still have anything to do with you, then you can truly know they are your friend; but since you are already catching hell for the mere act of growing a beard (horrors!) you have good reason to wonder.
    Good advice, STAY OUT!
    Roller (of the 'no thank you to vomit!' sheep class)

    Great Analogy, Great post

  • sparrow

    yes nvrgnbk - I can see it now. Convert the magazine counter to a bar. install a few 50 inch plasma and have Sunday afternoon meetings. I might even reach out for more priviledges then...

  • nvrgnbk
    Convert the magazine counter to a bar. install a few 50 inch plasma and have Sunday afternoon meetings. I might even reach out for more priviledges then...

    Ahhhhhh. Great minds think alike sparrow! Don't the counters convert easily into bars? LOL!

  • mrsjones5

    I have said this before on the board: my husband has strict instructions to commit me to a mental hospital if I ever lose my mind and decide to go back to the bOrg...I kid you not.


  • loosie

    God himself would have to come down to me personally and tell me that he wanted me to go back. He'd also have to tell me that I didn't have to listen to whatever then men said just because they are men.

    And I'd also need 3 forms of ID for him to prove that he was God.

  • misanthropic

    Definitely not.

  • wozadummy

    Well I've got a ladder ready for the great Trib so I can climb up onto the fence and watch which way to go ......

  • Illyrian

    I'll think about it when this life is over. In meantime I intend to misbehave.

  • sparrow

    And I'd also need 3 forms of ID for him to prove that he was God.

    That was funny...

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