Were your prayers ever answered while being a JW

by Grouper 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Grouper

    Lies all lies

    I am flabergasted at that conversation you had with those witness women. Just when you think you've heard it all in the witness world you hear crap like that I wish those witnesses could have an outer body experiance and see how hateful egocentrically moronic they sound

  • MeneMene

    Grouper asked "Can you elaborate on that"

    I said - No they weren't, but then I realized later "God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers."

    I just remember many years ago when that song came out it really touched me. I was a single mom with two young ones. It seemed like my prayers were not answered but it may have been that what I may have prayed for or asked for were not what was best for me. Therefore, I was better off that he did not answer those prayers. Maybe he knew a little more what I needed than I did.

  • thepackage

    I remenber one Elder used to say that the "friends" were not praying enough that's why the "end" has not come. What a bunch of crap.

  • steve2

    Part of the trap of staying in the organization is leaving things in God's hands, so in my case I knew the only way I'd get out would be to stop this turning of decisions over to others - including "God" - and start taking some personal responsibility for my life. In a way, the best answer to any prayer is no answer; that way, you're forced to take your life decisions seriously, rather than looking for nebulous signs.

  • Grouper

    Steve2 said:

    In a way, the best answer to any prayer is no answer; that way, you're forced to take your life decisions seriously, rather than looking for nebulous signs.


  • Purza

    I had a weird thing happened to me, that at the time, I thought FOR SURE it was god answering my prayers. Now I think it is just coincidence.

    I had divorced my worldly husband due to "willful non-support" (one of the few things allowed for a divorce) and was living life in JW limbo. He knew I need him to go screw someone else so I could be "free to marry" I kept praying and asking god to let him commit adultery so I could be free.

    Then an older person told me that I shouldn't be praying to god for something that it is a sin. She said "pray that when he does commit aultyer, you will find out". So that night I prayed as she instructed.

    And then the very next day I received a letter in the mail from my ex telling me I was free. Praise god -- I thought he answered my prayer. I still can't explain it, but I assume that letter would have been there whether I prayed or not.

    After that I never had another prayer answered again. I prayed and prayed for a JW husband. For 10 years I prayed. Nope, no answer. But I did finally meet another worldly man, whom I married. Maybe that was his answer.


  • mouthy

    My 2 cents.... Yes when I became a JW My hubby was a big boozer. I wouldnt say he was an alcholic ,I would say a drunk.... I prayed & prayed he would stop drinking. Well he sure did cut down a LOT!!!! I thought that was answered prayer. But I found out from him later that because I was becoming more submissive----he liked it, so didnt need to get away as much for the drinks....
    I believe God does answer prayer --- weather your in a religion or not,He reads hearts & if it is HIS will ,,, but he doesnt answer the way WE want all the time.
    This past month SO many folk have been praying about my daughter ( the biopsy) but when it came back benign- I thanked HIM>>>>>>God
    But then I have to add hundreds prayed for my Melanie to live .......& she died, All her kids had asked Jesus to be their LORD & Saviour -when she died they dont believe anymore.---So I tend to think the Devil sometimes wipes folks off. ( just my opinion folks dont pounce on me)So who knows what GOD does. I think he allows the ruler of the earth to do his dirty work at times..... It makes me feel safer to discuss my problems with the ONE I FEEL Created me... If I am wrong ?well I will most likely find out soon...
    But Mary confessed she prayed for my Sue ---------LOL......So if you need a prayer answered call Mary!!!!
    He listens to the prayer of the rightous ones.

    ) she will kill me when she read this HA! HA!.


    What do you expect you are not praying to God, your praying to a bunch of old men sitting in the WT.

  • nvrgnbk

    Dialogue from the movie The Island:

    Clone: "Who’s God?"

    Steve Buscemi: "When you close your eyes, and you wish really, really hard for something? God’s the guy who ignores you."

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    "So who knows what GOD does".

    Yes, Mouthy, who knows. That's what de Gaulle was implying when, being asked if he believed in God, answered : "we, humans, are like ants under a giant boot, but what do we know about that boot ?" that's the paradox whereby God assures us that we are precious in his eyes and yet much of what we eyewitness in this world tells that life can be very cheap (as a military de Gaulle knew something about it). If we resolve to cling to a faith, what is left with us but believing that He can answer our prayers ? personally, I experienced a couple of times that He gave me a hand when I asked Him, that is, a measure of wisdom or events which turned out for the benefit of my relationship to Him, before and after I got baptized as a JW. I'm afraid we'll have to wait for the new system before we fully understand the ins and outs of God's dealings.

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