by Mary 105 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Mary

    Do you think the scientists, doctors and pharmeceutical companies know of a cure for cancer that they're not telling us? When you consider the leaps and bounds in medical discoveries that we've made in the last 50 years, it seems incredible that they're STILL using chemotherapy and radiation as THE treatment for cancer.

    While I was one of the lucky one who has survived cancer (so far), it's always in the back of my mind that it could return. We all have friends who died before their time because of this rotten disease, yet the only progress that seems to have been made is that they can now 'detect' it earlier, which of course gives you a much greater chance of survival.

    There have been stories of people who have been cured through alternative medicine, yet no one in the medical field seems to be interested in anything other than chemo or radiation. Years ago, I read a book called Back to Eden by Jethro Klaus who treated several people with life-threatening diseases including cancer, by using alternative medicine. By the 1930s, his reputation was growing and he was asked by the powers that be what he was using. When he tried presenting it, they totally ignored it and thanked him for his time.

    More recently, a 'cheap, safe drug' called dichloroacetate, which has been used for years for rare metobolic diseases, has shown enormous potential in killing cancer cells, yet neither the pharmeceutical industry nor the Cancer Society have lifted a finger to support testing for it----Instead, it's being tested at the University of Alberta.

    So what are your thoughts? Do they know what could cure cancer and they're just not telling us? Or are they doing all they can to find a cure for it?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Unfortunately, Mary, we might never know what they know.

    But I postulate that a cure exists, perhaps several cures exist. The cancer treatment business, is a huge industry. Both for treatment of those who eventually survive the treatments, and for those who don't. Billions of dollars are at stake. A cure - especially a simple cure or vaccine would drain a thriving industry of this money.

    I do believe they will 'cure' you conventionally if they can - the longer they keep people alive, the more money they suck out of bank accounts and insurance policies. And that percentage that remain cancer free for a time, or for the rest of thier life, is a sterling advertisement that the medical practices in use are effective.

    I also believe that likely the local oncologist, lab worker trying to cure this horrific problem, do indeed believe that the cure is still future. If it has been found, it was covered up at the top, bought off by the billionaires at the pinacle of the phama industries. Not only are there billions in sales, there are billions in research grants and funding being drained from the pockets of taxpayers and philathropists all over the globe.

    All speculation of course. I am so thankful you are still with us though. Certainly even the current treatments, are far advanced from just a century ago, when no chance of fighting this illness was concievable. In that sense progress has been made. But I am dubious. I believe it likely that the 'cure' is out there, and has probably been known in some circles for a while.


  • delilah
    Do they know what could cure cancer and they're just not telling us?

    I've got to say this, Mary, first, I am so greatful that you have survived your brush with cancer.I would not know what I'd do without you sweetie, and secondly..............With all the money the cancer society has collected over the years, you cannot tell me they haven't found a cure. The pharmaeceutical companies would go out of business if people were cured. Then the government would lose billions....they're all in coo-hoots with one another, if you ask me.

    When they find a drug that looks promising, they jack the price up so high, that few can afford it.

    My co-worker and friend, has just found out her cancer has spread throughout her lymph system, and they will be putting in a butterfly, so she can receive further, more aggressive treatments. And............ for when she is hospitalized.....she will not be cured. It's devastating to say the least. She had cancer when she was 23, and had a total hysterectomy. She just had a baseball sized tumor removed from her colon, 4 months ago, and she's been taking a pill form of chemo. It's not working. I'm really angry .So is my friend......she is devastated.

  • nvrgnbk

    Excellent question Mary.

  • ex-nj-jw

    I'm not sure how I feel about this, I guess mixed feelings is the best answer.

    I think a cure is very hard to find because there are so many types of cancer and so many ways that it can attack the human body. They have found preventative measures for some types of cancer so I tend to believe that progress is being made.

    Now, for those of us who have cancer or know someone with cancer there will never be enough being done fast enough.

    Medicine have found many cures for many diseases, so I don't necessarily agree that "they are holding out".

    Mary, I'm so glad that you are with us!!!


  • Mysterious

    I have also heard of people go into spontaneous remission despite receiving no treatment so I am not sure what weight I would place on the testimonials of alternative medicine. I would think at the least the notoriety of "curing cancer" would push someone to run with this discovery if not the altruism.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Awesome question Mary. This is sure to be another thirty or so page'er.

    I don't believe a cure for cancer has been discovered at all, as yet.


  • NewTruth

    Perhaps the Royal Rife machine.. is.

    It sends frequencies thru your body.. that explode the virus, inside the cancer.

  • Terry

    Adventures with Extremists

    Them:THEM began as a book about different kinds of extremists, but after Ronson had got to know some enemies of western democracy - Islamic fundamentalists, neo-Nazis Ku Klux Klan - he found that they had one belief in common: that a tiny elite, which meets in secret, determines the course of global events.

    Ronson's quest to locate these secret rulers of the world was both hazardous and hilarious. He was chased by men in dark glasses; he was unmasked as a Jew in the middle of a Jihad training camp; he was forced to listen to David Icke expound his theory that the world is controlled by 12-foot lizards; he witnessed international CEOs and politicians participate in a bizarre pagan ritual in the forests of Northern California. He also learned some alarming things about the looking-glass world of 'them' and 'us'. Were the extremists right? Or had he become one of THEM?

    Read Jon's favourite review of the book by Brian Appleyard in the New Statesman.

    The above book will open your eyes to views by extremists.

    Conspiracy theories abound and the more absurd they are the more believable they become if one abandons common sense.

    There would have to be a vast network of sociopaths completely indifferent to the excruciating deaths of children, mothers, fathers and their own near and dear relatives to make a cancer cure conspiracy workable.

    People in medicine work to end suffering; not to prolong it for cash.

  • Terry
    Continued Myth about Cancer

    Is it true that when you have surgery and air hits the cancer cells it causes the cancer to spread rapidly through out the body?

    This is what everyone tells me and about 41 percent believe in this myth as published in Cancer Myths Abound, Survey Finds from HealthDay News, Monday - June 27.

    While cancer is less likely to be talked about today in the hushed tones of yesteryear, Americans still hold many misconceptions about the disease, a poll of U.S. adults has found.

    For example, among 957 U.S. adults polled, about 41 percent believe that surgical treatments for cancer actually spread the disease.

    Another 27 percent believe scientists have already found a cure for cancer, but that this cure is being withheld by the health care industry because it makes more money treating the illness...
    People seem to imagine that "Treating cancer with surgery can cause it to spread throughout the body" but it's false. Visit the American Cancer Society to get the true facts on cancer.

    Myths About Surgery for Cancer

    Myth: Treating cancer with surgery causes it to spread throughout the body.

    Respondents Who Agreed: 41%

    Origin: This myth may have started many years ago when most patients already had very advanced cancers by the time they sought medical care. Doctors may have operated to find the cause of a patient's illness and found an advanced cancer that could not be treated successfully. When the patient died a short time later, observers thought the surgery caused the cells to spread and killed the patient.

    Reality: Specialists in cancer surgery know how to safely take biopsy samples and to remove tumors without causing spread of the cancer. In many cases, surgery is an essential part of the cancer treatment plan.

    For a few types of cancer, surgeons take extra precautions to prevent any chance of the cancer spreading. For example, in testicular cancer the entire testicle containing the cancer is removed, so no cancer cells are dislodged. Doctors who perform surgery for cancer are specialists and are highly trained in the intricacies of cancer and anatomy.
    Another myth mentioned in the poll is that drug companies are withholding the cure for cancer because they would lose the money that they get from treating patients with today’s drugs. This conspiracy theory is also nonsense but very common. Cancer is not one disease but many and it is unlikely that any single "cure" would work for all of them.

    Over at Directory of Acoustic Neuroma Myths they have listed some of the misconceptions about cancer and surgery.

    Another myth that I heard lately was that sugar "feeds cancer".

    I made a Google on this and realised how popular this myth is.

    I know that all cells use glucose/sugar and cancer cells need a fair amount, I would expect. The body also regulates sugar levels in the blood and if you don't eat sugar or carbohydrate your cells will convert protein into sugar and from your own muscle if necessary. So anyone who tells you "sugar feeds cancer" is making the claim that if you eat less sugar, your cancer cells will "starve". The body regulates sugar levels closely, so how will that help?

    The main thing with that myth is there's no proof it is true.

    The reasons for these myths are historical; some of them used to be true but no longer is. At other times, the reason is that doctors and patients speak different languages and misunderstandings arise. In yet other cases it's just wishful thinking on the part of patients.

    Legal Myths May Prevent Comfort Measures for Dying Patients

    Myths and Half-Truths About Cancer

    Top 10 Cancer Myths Quiz

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