Apparently, I'm not just heartbroken because of my mother...

by RichieRich 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    Glad you're OK.

  • juni

    I'm happy to hear that you're all right, but also that you are getting a second opinion from a cardiac doctor.

    My daughter who is 32 is going in this Friday for a heart ultrasound and then they'll put her on the tread mill the following Friday. When she speed walks she gets a racing heart, light headedness and dizzy. Hopefully they will find no physical problems w/her heart this Friday. The tread mill is used to get her heartbeat up and hopefully bring on her symptoms. If they can't get it to flutter then she will have to wear the Holter monitor for a day or so to measure her cardiac rythmns.

    She told them though she has to listen to Fergie's music to keep up her pace. LOL If it is a heart arrythmia then she will have the extra tissue pathway in the heart ablated. End of problem.

    So it's good that you're taking the extra step for your heart care .......

    Peace, Juni

  • helncon

    RR im glad you are ok.

    Take care of yourself.


  • RichieRich
    When she speed walks she gets a racing heart, light headedness and dizzy.

    that's what's wierd... I am often in extrememly stressful situations and that has never induced this. Today wasn't full of physical exertion, it was a bit of lifting in the heat, but its nothing compared to how I feel at the gym, etc. I have no clue why it happened today, randomly in my car.

    Scared me straight though.

  • thecarpenter

    Glad you are feeling okay.

  • jgnat

    You scared me half to bits, too. Do take care. In the heat, drink more. Gatorade or spiked water (electrolytes).

  • LtCmd.Lore

    Definately glad you're okay Richie...

    And I'm trying to get a copy of the Xray too, there are some funny glowsss on there.

    That I'd like to see.

  • sammielee24

    Glad you're okay brother started having angina attacks in his 30's and he said the pain was incredible. Scared the crap out of him......sammieswife.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    Just for future reference: how do body piercings fit in with that electrical jump start gadget they hook a body piercing?

    I just took a course on how to use one: can you imagine throwing one of those pads over a nipple ring and zapping someone? What if it electricity flowed though the ring? Would it blow the nipple off or fry the damn thing? What if it were a female: would she ever lactate properly after getting jolted? What if you padded a belly ring and a nipple ring: what kind of circut is that?

    Just curious,


  • Gopher


    Glad you're doing better, and hopefully that will never happen again!

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