Apparently, I'm not just heartbroken because of my mother...

by RichieRich 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich

    From :

    Variable Angina.

    Its when the arteries in your chest randomly all squeeze up just to piss you off.

    The doctor said that this ISN'T heart disease and it wasn't caused by high cholestoral (mine is right on the money) and it shouldn't happen again- this was a fluke.

    The doctor was really kind and nice and said that with the amount of pain I felt there's no way I should have maintained consciousness, much less been able to drive 25 minutes and then go to sleep.

    Then we ended up talking about genital piercings and body modification in general (my Xray was LOL.) He was really kind and said pretty much, let's hope it never happens again.

    Oh well.

    I'm fine though. No gym time for a week ( How am I going to get pumpedddd up?) and no hard work (no worries, buddy ) for the same.

    Thank you everyone for your love and concern.

  • Warlock
    Warlock you know and so do we.

    Good boy.


  • Mysterious

    Glad you're okay Richie. And not at all surprised you were still conscious you're one tough s.o.b

  • ex-nj-jw


    I so glad you are ok, I was worried sick, I gotta stop being mommy to anyone under 25 (smile!)

    Take care of yourself


  • Hortensia

    I have something similar - my heart is fine and my arteries are clear, but my cardiac artery spasms under stress and a couple of times I have been hauled off to the hospital because of suspected heart attack. I take a nitroglycerin type of pill every day and the doctor said to "avoid stress" as if that is possible. So, just be more aware of stress, you don't really want to experience that again. I am so glad it wasn't a heart attack!

  • purplesofa

    glad you are going to be ok


  • Junction-Guy

    Im glad you're Ok, now I will have to read up on variable angina.

  • PEC


    I doctor should be paying you for the entertainment.


  • RichieRich

    I was given a perscription for nitroglycerin pills to keep with me just in case.

    Apparently, at the onset of that pain, you pop a pill and it makes your blood need less oxygen (I think...) and therefore the cramping goes away.


  • Junction-Guy

    I dont know about variable angina, but if someone who is having chest pains takes a nitro tab, then if it isnt a true heart attack they will have a headache. Did he mention that to you?

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