Very scarry encounter

by ex-nj-jw 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Hortensia

    sounds violent and out of control - you were smart to get in your car and leave - and smart to find the cop and report the problem right away. How were you supposed to know he wanted the next turn at the atm if he stays in his f***ing truck?

  • sandy

    My advice it to avoid walk-up ATMs if you can . . . I also will not use them at night. And I always circle around once before I use it. Is that being paranoid? I just always try to be aware of my surroundings at all times.

  • RollerDave

    As a trained Carry Permit holder I can tell you that you did exactly as we were trained to do.

    Get away from the situation, and make your report ASAP to the cops, sometimes the first one to make a report is believed over any subsequent versions of the events.

    If it had been me, I would have done the exact same as you except that I would have an additional option if he had physically prevented me from retreat.

    Good job.


    Excellent advice regarding calling 911 and verifying the identity of purported authorities who don't seem 'right'

    As far as trusting to an officer to protect you more than your own ability, that is a matter for each person to decide, but consider this:

    The Supreme Court of the US, in the Miller decision, decided that the police have no duty to protect any particular citizen, just society as a whole.

    The SCOTUS says defense of your person is your personal responsibility.

    Just know that this is an extremely complex issue, and that there are more than a few sides to it.

    Stay safe, stay situationally aware, and remember that your greatest defensive armament is between your ears!


  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    Glad you're ok. Since he called the cops, there is a case number. I'd highly recommend calling the bank branch manager tomorrow and arranging for a copy of the tape to be made/kept, in case he comes pressing charges or harrassing you... if the manager hears your story, s/he shouldn't mind having that copy made, both to protect you and them.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Thanks for all the suggestions.

    I will contact the bank tomorrow to obtain a copy of the tape. I didn't know an average person could obtain a copy of the bank tape.

    Thanks again


  • Mary

    The guy sounds like he's completely bonkers-----if he wanted to go next, then the moron should have been waiting in line. Stupid jerkoff. You did the right thing by reporting it to the cops. Don't pay any attention to John Doe----he admitted on another thread that he purposely says stupid things just to get a rise out of people.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Mary, this guy was bonkers and I'm not worried about JD, if I was built like him I wouldn't have been worried. That is, if that is truely him


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Hey Mary, I resemble that remark! Although, I do stand beside what I said earlier. I think we should get used to communicating with people we don't know, including getting used to complaints. Just because someone verbally gets upset with us is not a sufficient reason to raise alarm, imo. Of course, I wasn't there.

    William F. Buckley wrote an interesting essay called "Why don't we complain?" I recommend that if you're looking for something interesting to read.

  • Hermano

    Do you think he knows you are an ex-Witness? What about Jehovah's name?

  • ex-nj-jw

    Not a chance!

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