Very scarry encounter

by ex-nj-jw 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ex-nj-jw

    I just had an encounter with a man at the bank and I'm still shaking:

    I pull up to the bank to use the atm ( ATM in small lobby), I park next to a large truck and next to the truck was another car. There was 1 man using the atm, and no one in line or outside. I put my car in park and got out, I wait just outside the lobby door. The man using the atm finishes his transaction and comes out as I enter.

    I start my transaction and notice the guy in the truck next to me, he gets out opens the door and starts screaming and cursing me saying "did you think I was waiting for my health"? I looked at him and said "I don't know what you were waiting for but you weren't in line". I guess I'm supposed to be a mind reader.

    So we pass a couple more words, I finish my transaction and start to walk out, instead of him going in he turns my direction. In my haste to get into my car, I scratched his truck on the passenger side with a buckle on the sleeve of my jacket.

    He gets on the phone, I pull off and look for the nearest police officer, which I found not too far away, (they are so predictable). As I was talking to the officer the call came in describing me and my car (not suprized).

    I hope I did the right thing by stopping the officer and telling him what happend. I truely got shaken up because there have been so many robberies and abductions lately (not just in my area, but everywhere), and I though "he's mighty bold", busting up in the bank approaching someone he didn't know from Adam, who knew what he was capable of?

    The officer told me that he'd explain to the guy that if he wanted to press charges for vandelism that he could wait for the bank to open and see the video of him approaching me. I am willing to get his car fixed it was not intentional in any way.

    Just venting....


  • snarf

    You are right...there are so many acts of violence anymore, you just never know what will happen. I think you did the right thing in leaving, then finding the officer. I wouldn't pay for crap on his vehicle, afterall if he hadn't been acting like a madman you certianly wouldn't have scratched his truck trying to get away from him. Man I hate people like him, they think the world revolves around them and everyone should read their mind.....a$$hole!!!

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    If he presses charges, I would see what you could do about his verbal abuse, and coming at you. You feared for your life!!

  • ninja

    snarfy!!!!..are you off your meds!!!

  • ex-nj-jw

    I wish I had some meds!! Guess I'll have to settle for a glass of wine

    It didn't shake me up until after I saw him turn toward my direction, then the bells went off saying "this might not be a good situation", get in the car.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    It's a sad thing when someone gets scared over a misunderstanding about who was next in line. People need to stop being so paranoid.

  • sandy

    I'm sorry this happened to you and I'm glad you're okay. I would let it be . . . If he tries to press charges I'd pay for the damage and be done with him. But he'll probably let it go. I hope for your sake.

    One time I was driving home from work in rush hour traffic (still a fairly new driver) and I bumped this lady in front of me at a red light.

    OMG! The lady got out of her car and started screaming at me at the top of her lungs. I was a little scared . . . But I'm sure I'd have been more scared if it was a man acting this way. She wrote down m license plate number and yelled at me some more telling me if I don't pull over at some gas station nearby she call the police and report me.

    We got back in our cars and I pulled over at the gas station but she never stopped. I worried for a few days but never heard anything from her again. There was no damage to either car as I remember.

    So I hope this guy was all talk . . .

  • ex-nj-jw

    John Doe,

    I'm far from paronoid! It was the ranting that came from him and then his attempt to follow me to my car that disturbed me.

    And yes, everyone should be careful, not paronoid. There are lots of disturbed and deranged people out there just looking for the next person to victimize. Remember the 18 year old girl that was abducted in broad daylight from a Target store parking lot. She was found later dead. He returned to pick up his truck from the very same parking lot.


  • JWdaughter

    You were really smart to contact a police officer immediately. Security experts suggest that if you are being pulled over or followed by a police officer or vehicle that makes you uncomfortable that you should pull into a police station or make contact with legit authority. Sometimes there are imposters. So if a person scares you-no matter what they think they have on you, contacting the police is the best physical and legal protection for you. (Some here will call me naive about the goodness of police officers, but my personal experience is that they have protected me and mine, and if I sense danger, I will trust an officer of the law before I will my own ability to defend myself from a potential bad guy.)

    I am sorry you had such a scary experience. I hate using ATMS sometimes.


  • Finally-Free

    A minor accidental scratch from a metal part on your clothing and the guy's calling the cops??? Cars get minor damages in parking lots, whether from clothing, other cars, falling objects, or dogs pissing on the tires. It's part of owning a vehicle.

    Unless he has evidence of criminal intent, he should be calling his insurance company, not the police. Don't pay the moron a cent. Don't even communicate with him.


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