JW Fired for Refusing to Sing Happy Birthday

by Kenneson 127 Replies latest jw friends

  • crazyblondeb

    I didn't go thru all the posts, sorry if this has been mentioned. I found a website a while back with alot of lawsuits. Ones like this one was on it. Lady Lee put it under the "links" page. \


  • purplesofa

    It seems to me the more rights that are fought for the more we are losing.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    purple, what rights have we lost?

  • purplesofa

    I don't know all the circumstances of how this woman won $38,000 for losing a job for not singing Happy Birthday. She was a waitress. At best, she probably got 2 years salary.

    No witness wants to pay the pricetag for their beliefs. INSTEAD, they want to holler persucution. What if that resturaunt sang Hokey Pokey to all its customers and someone says, I can't sing that because of my religious belief. What religions are you going to recognize? ALL religions or just the top 10?

    So, someone fights and screams and hollers cuz they feel their rights have been infringed upon. Sounds like a huge setup for more lawsuits. Have you ever noticed how offended everyone gets these days. How people believe that they are right. Justice will prevail? Our tolerance to accept other people is increasingly deminishing in our society. Our ability to have control and say so over our own space is being challenged over and over because of other peoples rights.

    She has the right to not sing Happy Birthday, NO ONE is forcing her to sing and the employer should have the right to dismiss her for not singing.

    I would hardly think $38,000 compensation is pursucution. Sounds like she made out like a bandit.

    So what problem does this really settle. Not that she has the right to not sing Happy Birthday. The problem now becomes in the hiring process.

    Are we able to ask a person if there religious beliefs keep them from singing Happy Birthday??? Do we have that right?

    Is that another question we cannot ask, like, Are you pregnant? How old are you? How many kids do you have? and the series of other questions you cannot ask when hiring someone.

    So, I don't understand anymore, what in the hell are we fighting for?

    When do we take responsibility for our decisions we make in life.

    When will we accept our own accountabilty for our own decisions? and quit trying to cram it down everyones throat.

    There are plenty of jobs that do not require one to sing Happy Birthday. She could have collected unemployment while searching for that other job.

    He has the right to not keep her and she has the right to find a place that is suitable to her religious beliefs.


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    first off i'm not here to make friends when i post it;s about the wt. i come here to learn the lastest facts about the tower. and read dozens of hate stories posted here every day on how the wts/jws hurts xjws and current jw's. many here ask for help with jw's when the crap hits the fan. been there did that got the T shirt . now my style is different that most here, i take no SH!t from jw's . I blew out every elder in my county. and i'm dam proud if it. call me a wild crazy /foaming at the mouth apostate. but jw's are scared of me and my knowledge. i'm sure i educate more jw's on the lies of the wt in one week than 99% of the posters here have ever done. does that bring fruit? in most cases i will never know, as i talk to so many jw's. i bring up that waitress going to North Korea for a reason. if she's so strong preaching her hate, let her go N .korea and preach over there where the need is great. the point is her faith in jehovah is not so great to TRUELY BE PURSECUTED. and she's crying about Happy Birthday. she's a hypocrite like most jw's. i post here to help show current /xjw how to stand up to these wt dopes. call it hate or what ever you want. You will never see me posting about how some jw got over and railroaded me. i make the jw's go back to their hall crying daily that some apostate make them look like spritual drunks at some bus stop. in fact i'm so good , i should give a one month course to any xjw that needs help dealing with thier jw friends and family. of course i'll do it for free. john

  • Junction-Guy

    I honestly believe that given the above case, that employers should be allowed to ask prospective employees if they have any religious beliefs that would affect their job duties. If employers arent allowed to ask these questions then people like this JW woman shouldnt have the right to sue.

    Hey, my baptist beliefs would preclude me from serving alcohol in any restaurant. Should I go down to a local restaurant, get hired as a server and then cry foul when they fire me for not serving beer?

  • purplesofa
    this is a chat I had with another poster just a few mins ago.


    this has me really bugged, check out this chat

    x says:

    we are losing respect for laws and common sense

    y says:

    the law is losing touch with common sense

    x says:

    we do not understand principle anymore

    y says:

    we understand lawyers

    we understand big payouts

    and that's it

    x says:

    its crazy

    x says:

    i would be ashamed to tell anyone i got $38,000 for that

    y says:

    so what would you do for $38000?

    x says:

    work for 2 years?

    y says:

    i dont understand the question

    x says:

    I meant - where do you draw the line?

    y says:

    one person would kill for that money, whereas another wouldn't sing happy birthday

    y says:

    thats why we have individual court systems, i would not give her a dime

    x says:

    Something else I would like to add.........

    This woman got $38,000 for a right to her religious beliefs.

    Wonder how much she donated to the religion she so dearly protected.

    y says:

    maybe she should sue her religion for not letting her join in?

    x says:


    y says:

    well, why not? some would say the religion is responsible

    x says:


    x says:

    can i post this conversation?

    y says:

    it's a valid argument

    y says:

    if you like! lol

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I honestly believe that given the above case, that employers should be allowed to ask prospective employees if they have any religious beliefs that would affect their job duties.

    I disagree. What they should be allowed (or required) to do is have a detailed list of what the job duties will entail, and then ask if there is any reason the prospective employee could not perform those duties.

  • Junction-Guy

    Now that sounds reasonable John Doe, the problem is they always slip in things that arent in the job description. Ever heard the old joke "that's not in my job description"?

  • purplesofa
    What they should be allowed (or required) to do is have a detailed list of what the job duties will entail, and then ask if there is any reason the prospective employee could not perform those duties.


    I agree, your gonna make a good lawyer someday!


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