This site is BAD for me!!!

by Metamorphosis 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Metamorphosis
    You sound like one of those new really zealous J-dubs who want to go out and convert the world !! Except, in reverse.

    I was laughing when i wrote the original post because i was thinking the exact same thing... i know i have to be cautious, but oh, is it so hard. don't worry, i've got the will and the patience. Ya'll just keep me in line when i start to step over it!!!

    Morph 'keeping his lips sealed for now'

  • neverendingjourney
    before starting on this site i was just trying to get by myself w/ my decision - see what you've done!!!! now i'm convinced

    That's why the crack down so hard on "apostates." They know there are gaping holes in their theology that can easily be exposed. When I was a dub, I thought that an apostate was the lowest creature on the planet, lower than a murderer or a pedophile. At least those guys could repent and come back to "Jehovah's organization." But an apostate, those guys hardly ever make it back...

  • NotaNess

    Separate, and she'll start wanting to listen to you.

    Sounds pretty straight forward and blunt, but I think this is what it will take. She can't be with anyone else, she'll have her mate gone, she'll cry to her "sisters", and she'll be compelled to listen, just to get you back home.

    Will stink to have to go through it, but in the end, the prize will be worth it.

    Make sure she knows from your heart that you will not be unfaithful in anyway...this is very key. And, be careful how you word your comments/notification of separation, so the elders don't give her "scriptural" reasons other than adultry, to divorce you. I believe they can't though, only for separation, true, but you never know with these flip floppers.

    Just another angle to look at.

  • nvrgnbk

    Hey bro! Take it from me, ignorance is bliss.

    I spend as little time as possible here.

    Just forget everything you've learned here, no matter how logical.

    Just get back to the meetings with your dear wife.

    Enjoy the intense happiness of the Witness life.

    Stay occupied in theocratic activities, and Armageddon will be here before you know it.

  • Metamorphosis

    Hey bro! Take it from me, ignorance is bliss.

    I spend as little time as possible here.

    Just forget everything you've learned here, no matter how logical.

    Just get back to the meetings with your dear wife.

    Enjoy the intense happiness of the Witness life.

    Stay occupied in theocratic activities, and Armageddon will be here before you know it.

    LOL - wow - i almost thought you were serious until i read one of your topics you posted:

    Due To Our Former JW Life, Are Some Ex-JWs Forever Humor-Impaired

    Do we sometimes suffer from literal-mindedness? Is there a cure?

    LOL -

  • juni

    That is so cute/funny Morph......

    Remember when we learned the "truth" how we could not keep our mouths shut? Well perhaps some of us here didn't feel this way, but.... now it's hard to keep us "shut up" about the truth about the "truth". LOL

    Take it slow guy. A friend once said to me (and it is so true!) you'll catch more bees w/honey than with (?) I don't remember the rest....LOL Oh man...... but you know what I mean.

    I wish you peace and patience.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    LOL @ Nvr!! I thought you were becoming "bad assocation" there for a minute.

    Hey there Metamorphosis,

    I started a thread a little while ago called, "How Important to a Marriage or LTR Is Having a Shared Spiritual Outlook?". Here's the link:

    I received some good insights from fellow JWDers.

    I see you're a newbie so you might want to take a look at the Posting History of these JWD members:



    These are just a couple that immediately spring to mind. Find them in the Members Directory and then click on Topic History. (Pardon me if I'm talking down to you computer-wise, but it took me a while to figure out some of the quirks of this site.)

    They both have detailed accounts of how they worked on their families. So do many others here on JWD. Taking it slow at first is VERY good advice. You can always rip off the Band-Aid later if you want, but you can't "unrip" it.

    Open Mind
    (of the, daily tempted to "let 'er rip", class)

  • nvrgnbk

    LOL - wow - i almost thought you were serious until i read one of your topics you posted:

    Due To Our Former JW Life, Are Some Ex-JWs Forever Humor-Impaired

    Do we sometimes suffer from literal-mindedness? Is there a cure?

    LOL -

    Keep fightin' the fight bro!

    Here's a little bit from a Flaming Lips song(The Gash) I like that I've posted a couple of times:

    Will the fight for sanity be the fight of our lives?
    Now that we've lost all the reasons that we thought that we had.

    Hang in there Metamorphosis!

  • Metamorphosis

    Thanks OpenMind - i've read most of ithinkisee's stuff as that was one of the first recommendation's after my initial coming out post... you are correct - some great ideas/notes/thoughts on how to go about this!

  • Poztate
    However, no matter how much I would love that, I can live with her not changing her mind as long as she accepts me. So best possible scenerio - she realizes the falsehoods within the org and we support each other in the exit, next best she doesn't agree but lets me do my thing without emotional repurcussions and constant guilt trips. I don't want to think about the other choices right now. That's the sad thing - I'm willing to accept her for whoever she wants to be, but don't know if she can return the favor

    Good luck to you.I hope things work out for the best...POZ..

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