Study ended because he asked too many embarrassing questions.

by bronzefist 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • bronzefist

    I like the quote also steve2 it fits like a glove in this situation.

  • Mary
    In the end his SC was told by the PO to end the study because, “It’s your job to teach him the correct things to believe…NOT to listen to what HE believes.”

    Yep, I was told the same thing years ago after coming away from the door with an elder when the person at home (extremely intelligent and knew the bible) starting asking very embarassing questions that the elder had no answer for. When I said "why did you want to leave so abruptly?" he basically said the same thing as quoted above: We're there to preach to THEM-----not to have them preach to us."

    Translation: Two of my brain cells started to work and it freaked me out!

  • garybuss

    Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned.

    Paul Blizard once said: "The trouble with a religion which has all the answers, is you are not allowed to ask any questions."

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    This just shows how judgemental and self-righteous they are. They have already separated him as a "goat". He's lucky that he has seen their true colors before he gets any more committed.

  • neverendingjourney
    They have already separated him as a "goat".

    The new buzzword is goat-like. That's more in line with the new light Jehovah's people have so generously been provided.

  • Carmel

    I know of a religion that welcomes questions so much it even titles one of the months of the year "Questions"! carmel

  • WTWizard

    I suppose this means you can get destroyed just for having questions that the hounders cannot answer without embarrassing the whole organization. People are supposed to ask questions about the organization--that's the only way they can find out what they are supposed to believe in. And then when they have trouble with an issue, they get cut off.

    That's not the way the real truth works. A person can believe that the Trinity is wrong (which the Tower teaches), they can believe against Hellfire, they can believe that the Bible is correct (which I personally find fault with, but leave it open for anyone to believe as they choose). All this is what the Tower claims to believe. And yet, when there is an embarrassment about the origin, development, or the running of the organization or some stupid counsel or rule that is not found in the Bible, they will cut the student off from life. I hope this attitude prevents them from ever celebrating their crossing 7 million active publishers!

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    He escaped with his life still intact. Now he is free to look elsewhere for people who truly care about truth.

    I would say he's one of the lucky ones.

  • steve2
    I would say he's one of the lucky ones.

    What an absolutely positive way to view the outcome - I hadn't thought of that! I pity the poor souls who attempt to ask questions, get the cold JW shoulder and then, in order to get back into the JWs good books, suppress their questions for the sake of peace. Still, I'd hope that after a while their brain cells would create so much discomfort, they'd have to investigate the questions the JWs cannot answer!

  • Junction-Guy

    Is his mom baptized? so was he raised around the JW's and then decided to check it out?

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