
by Xena 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    I hope it all goes smoothly for you.

    BTW, are ya gonna let Ross keep wearing that skirt?

  • jaguarbass

    Your moving from amerika to Scotland? I didnt know people did that.

    Are we going down the drain?

  • bernadette

    Hi Xena, welcome to Europe. Hope the move goes smoothly. If you need help just give us a call and we'll be right over for some scottish brew and to help you of course


  • LittleToe

    One month to go!!!

  • ninja

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic ROSS's REAL PERSONA.......he's waitiiiiing Xeny Beany!!!!!!....muhaha....sore headed hungover ninja

  • Crumpet

    Xena and LT that's great news!!

    Xena will see you on the 18th around Embankment for dinner. Can't wait to see you!

    7 boxes - whew thats surely in addition to regular luggage right? What I brought with me to Texas for one weekend could have filled 3 boxes I'm sure! LOL!

    I love moving house - by the time I was 18 I had moved 14 times, thanks to parents ever on the compulsion to move where the need for crumps was greater. Simplify is the only course of action. If you havent used something for a year you don't need it. You can start by chucking out all your summer clothes as you wont be needing them again where you are going...hehe just kidding. Anything that isnt of special significance sell it on ebay and make yourself a little pile of spending money and you can have fun replacing it all at treble the cost over here.

    I kind of wish we could have just swapped lives - it would have made things so much easier for me - I could become Xena and you become Crumpet!. I'm currently simplifying myself in preparation for being able to move over there although its going to take me a few years unless I get lucky one way or another or they bring in rights of gay marriage so I can take up on the offers of two or three ladies here on the board that have been kind eough to propose. Its a good way of saving money though as no point accumulating more clothes and shoes and books and games if I can't take them with me!

    I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible. So excited for the three of you. x

  • free2think

    Good Luck with the move Xena and welcome to Europe.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Congrats to all of you

    I always found the boxes from the wine stores were great especially if they have the inserts in them. I have moved glasswear half way across the country and back without breaking anything.

    I also used towels and linens to wrap other valuables in. Even clothes can be used. It also helps to cut down on the expence of all that extra paper used to wrap things with.

    Decision -making tool I used were:

    • If I hadn't used it in a reasonable time (three months or a year depending on what it is) then it stays behind
    • Can it be easily replaced? If YES then it stays behind
    • Sentimental value? I'm sitting here with many things I should have left behind.
    • Will it cost more to replace or ship it?
  • Clam

    Xena welcome to the British Isles! Centre of the Universe.

    What a difference: Scotland and Texas. Hope you get used to the climate change and end up loving the place!

    All the best to you and LT,


  • Blueblades

    Zena, do you have "Got Junk" the people who come and cart away whatever you consider to be junk. Look them up in the yellow pages, I think they may do it for free or a small price. It will save you a lot of time and energy concerning things you want to throw out. All the best to you and LT!


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