What didn't you do because you were a JW that you now regret?

by jwfacts 46 Replies latest jw experiences

  • monophonic

    it depends what you do with your regrets, but come on, tell me you'd have some damn better memories if you banged those sweet hotties from high school instead of having them see you at their door on saturday morning with a bible and watchtower.

    tits and ass or 'have you ever wondered why god permits wickedness?'

    i'd like some better memories.

  • sbnightrider


  • nvrgnbk

    The past is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that is why we call it the present.

    No point in poisoning my present. If you can go back and apologize and make amends without hurting the person further, do so.


    You said it all Blondie! It takes time to get to this place. But it's the healthiest place to be.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    I regret that my grandparents never received a birthday or Christmas card from me. I did write them letters and when they died we found they still had the little cards I made for them when I was little.

    I think it is only since I had my son that I have realised how left out they must have felt on Mother's Day and Father's Day and other family occasions. They are all dead now.

  • WTWizard

    (1) Not getting a computer that goes online sooner. Had I gone online, I would have had a better chance of seeing the scam earlier.

    (2) Spreading that garbage to everyone in my territory. Every person that ultimately joined the Tower because of my preaching, whether or not they were interested at that time, is one wasted life that I have to take responsibility for.

    (3) All the things I threw away for the Tower that were still in good condition. That includes numerous record albums (a few of which are irreplaceable), Christmas decorations including a tree, a college yearbook, and anything that is even remotely connected to spiritism.

    All in all, I regret more the things I did do solely for the Tower. And the worst was the people I had a share in scamming by going out in the field misery.

  • B_Deserter

    I could have had sex by now instead of looking at my 25th birthday a virgin. Not a terribly big deal to me, but I still have to avoid that type of conversation at work.

    All the alienation in public school I could have missed out on if I only celebrated birthdays/holidays and was able to associate with more than the two other witnesses that hated me in my school.

    A better relationship with my grandmother before she died

  • BluesBrother

    "Regrets ? I've had a few, but then again too few to mention" (Who said that? ...ole Blue Eyes)

    In truth there are too many regrets but as Blondie and others say, its no good looking back - except to warn the others. There is a new generation of young dubs who are not taught the truthful past of the Borg. So lets see..

    I regret not realising a couple of fundamental truths . 1) That life is short and you have to plan to get something out of it in 70 years or so. When you believe that life will be eternal and you live for the future, you shelve the present problems and put up with it, just leave everything to Jehovah, and He will look after you in the long term. So you go on fro day to day , on the treadmill of Meetings/Service/Meetings and the life decisions that should have been taken are just ignored. Until one day you wake up and realize that the threescore years and ten are well along and you're in a groove that is by now a deep trench ..2) That Nothing in Life is likely to change unless YOU change it....

    And BTW I regret once, many years ago,not gong to an Ike & Tina Turner concert because I had "feelings" for Tina and I thought it was untheocratic !

  • brinjen

    Yep the whole alienation thing at school (might have actually had some friends), not having a social life in my teens.

    Not attending university (didn't finish high school either but fixed it as soon as I left)

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Influencing my father to become a witness and raising my daughter as a witness. My daughter recently influenced my father to cut me out of his will because I'm not going to meetings. She's getting his entire estate.

    Sometimes I think I regret not faking it a little more. Actually I did fake it for awhile but couldn't keep it up. In the long run I may be better off--I think I would have gone entirely nuts trying to keep up the facade.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Bonnie Clyde, sorry to hear about your father and daughter. Try not too feel to bad about the inheritence, though. No amount of money is worth the brainwashing you would have to endure. I would gladly have paid that much to be free and never have to be hounded by the elders or my family when I stopped attending meetings.

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