What didn't you do because you were a JW that you now regret?

by jwfacts 46 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jwfacts

    I just bought a bottle of wine for an exJW's 30th that I am about to run off to. On it there was a great quote by Mark Twain:

    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do... Explore. Dream. Discover"

    What didn't you do as a JW that now disappoints you?

  • blondie

    The past is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that is why we call it the present.

    No point in poisoning my present. If you can go back and apologize and make amends without hurting the person further, do so.


  • R.F.

    I'm very young but I regret not finishing college.

    I'm not the jealous type, but when I see ones that I graduated high school with that have now graduated college it makes me think more about myself. I haven't been very active with the org long but those are lost years to a lie.

    Anyhow, i'm just glad I hopefully still have many years ahead of me.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    No point in poisoning my present

    excellent excellent comment as always! as for me.... NO REGRETS since I am moving forward and OUT!...this takes time...but forward...

    Before my fade (even while serving as an elder), I went to a 2-yr college and just graduated with a career associates (not using it for now, but I DID IT)...something never encouraged while a super-dub. I probably will continue a couple classes a semester to get a regular transfer associates and then finish a bachelors degree at a 4 yr school..slowly...got student loan to pay off...so this will take time....

    maybe take more classes doing what I am interested in... html/web design maybe (tip of the hat to Wanderer on that)...possibly digital photog classes....

    Reading more non Borg literature...not dwelling on the past but never forgetting, so as not to slip backwards in my fade out..

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "Getting a REAL Education" Sheep Class)

  • snowbird

    My oldest daughter had her heart set on becoming a cheerleader or a flag girl. I wouldn't even consider it. I deeply, deeply regret that. She got married at an early age, separated, drifted in and out of relationships; just now at age 33 seems to be settling down. I have asked her forgiveness which she freely gave.


  • lonelysheep

    Nothing. Things I didn't do, I do now or have done: I'm back in college and determined to finish, I've thought about what marriage actually means, I think, & I now have a realistic outlook on life.

  • Missanna

    I've very young but the only regret i have is caring so much what people thought of me. I pioneered and lost a year of my life because of trying to be someone i'm not. i also regret judging people back then. No one has that right. i'm grateful to get out now and live my life the way i want and not care what someone thinks of me. it's a great feeling.

  • nowisee

    blondie, that sounds downright newage. i used to sell a book in my new age bookstore called, "the precious present." (yet true)

    to answer the question, i would not have married my ex-husband. i would not have listened to all of the stuff telling me that as a female i was subservient, had to be obedient, and was not as good as nor equal to my male counterparts.

  • Purza

    Having a college degree would be very beneficial to me now. I have some units, but it is really hard to find the time to even do online classes these days. That being said, I am planning on enrolling in the fall semester at the local junior college.

    I wish my parents would have allowed me to continue my education and be a good JW at the same time. Oh well, can't change the past. Sigh.


  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Didn't much enjoy a childhood. Oh well, off to a Fantasy Convention, end of this summer. No more regrets or "iwishes":


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