What are you eating right now?

by Crumpet 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet
    I was becomming incredibly tempted until the evil laughter at the end then I reread and the "nurse you to bits and pieces" and I became a little weary ;)

    Ah honey - I'll be gentle honestly!


    Crumpet..Good morning from the Great White North!..It`s early here..I`m having a cup of green tea..Then..I`m going to juice some fresh fruit..A nice way to start the day...OUTLAW

  • misanthropic
    Ah honey - I'll be gentle honestly!

    Just as long as your not too gentle ;-p
    Clicky Clicky ;)

  • liquidsky

    Trader Joes Peach Yogurt and Green Tea. mmmmm!

  • ninja

    guinness and jello.....a few slices on brown bread.......slurp..........burp

  • Carmel

    Strawberry and rhubarb sause with cool whip and walnuts on top! desert will be next..... carmel

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Every morning, my husband brings me a maple covered (iced) cinnamon bun, from the donut shop. He puts it on the windshield of my car. Someday, some cat is going to grab it, before I do.

    During school months, he then takes daughter to a local resturant, that is as big as a train caboose, it holds10 people, sitting at the counter, and watch them cook, and they have eggs, bacon and toast. Child thinks she has to have a full breakfast, as she has eaten this with her father every day, during the school year, for 6 years.

    Right now, beef jerky. I have eaten it for 3 days, and my jaws hurt, I have eaten so much.

  • greendawn

    Cheese sandwich with tomatoes and onions and yogurt with apricot mix with jam that is homemade, prepared using 2.5 Kg apricots and 1 Kg sugar, nothing else.

  • Tigerman

    I'm immensly enjoying a 'bearded clam' . My dining partner seems to be in some sort of culinary ecstasy as well . . .I believe we ordered the Chefs' Special. I highly recommend it !

  • GentlyFeral

    I've had lots of wonderful food today.

    An egg with a little sausage/onion/broccoli chopped up in it & then steamed; a slice of toast; mango and Greek yoghurt
    A little red snapper with lots-o-garlic; couscous onigiri; mushrooms stroganoff; sliced bell peppers with mirin and miso; cauliflower and green beans
    A big old bag of homestyle French fries at Big Mouth Burger
    My husband's carrot-&chicken-stew luuuv

    Then I nibbled on a few odds and ends and finished with a dab of Greek yoghurt with sweetener and a splash of Kahlua flavoring.

    gently feral

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