June 12th is tomorrow, are you ready for armageddon?

by dawg 195 Replies latest jw friends

  • eclipse
    You wont learn in high school what Ive learned in reading the bible

    That's true. Usually incest, rape, body mutillation, women slavery, women having to marry their rapist, pillaging, plundering, and dashing of babies against rocks is reserved for rated R movies.

  • Kudra

    I think I'm only hearing 3 pistons firing...

  • ariana

    For myself I have not yet shown a am worthy enough to be one of the ones who get saved because there are things I have to give up in order for me to be completly faihtful. But if I was I am now living so slowly jehovah would restore my body as if i were bran new, in the bible it says you will look better than you did in youth.Here in a paradise earth

  • Kudra

    oh, eclipse, you forgot infanticide...

    Who was it that said nits grow up to be lice...? well, whoever it was got it from a Hebrew war-god...

  • MidwichCuckoo
    ariana -What I've learned has been from the bible

    With all due respect ariana, that is simply an untruth. Do you mean that one day you picked up a Bible and understood it? OR did you need a book printing business to tell you what it all means....and then you blindly believed them?

  • brinjen

    ariana, the bottom line is, you are not devoting your life to jehovah, you are devoting your life to a bunch of men in NY. Again, do your own research, not theirs. Find out for yourself. Cults also don't like their followers to be educated, they tell them what they learn from them is far more important than what they learn at school or uni. Dosen't make it right though.

    They have been wrong so many times (as already noted by several others). Do you honestly believe they are teaching you about a god of love? Do you honestly believe a god of love would destroy babies, children and others that did not have the opportunity to 'learn' about him? Do you honestly believe a god of love would allow sex abuse victims to be accused of provoking their attacks? Do you realise the 'two witness' rule has landed the watchtower society in a lot of hot water recently? Do they disclose any of that information to you?

  • ariana

    So what is your believe? what is your plan to save yourself?

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    Ariana...it is obvious you are not, nor ever were a witness.although it is fun watching you piss everyone off.

  • Kudra

    What do you have to give up Ariana?

  • ariana

    Yes I know but who is to say this will not happen. Where is your faith? You do not know what will happen tomorrow. Simply

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