June 12th is tomorrow, are you ready for armageddon?

by dawg 195 Replies latest jw friends

  • brinjen

    Knew there was a good reason why I wasn't going to work today...

    I'll make sure when the birds start pecking me I'll not only taste bad, but they'll get intoxicated as well! (he he, jokes, jokes they're just jokes)

  • juni
    juni... it's not for me... it's for hubby

    Happy b/day to Mr. Scully!

  • heathen

    Wow and they haven't even completed the , "follow the christ" circuit. I think there are still things that need to happen first such as the complete destruction of babylon the great with merchants bewailing and all , the destruction of the nation of Israel, and the declaration of "peace and security" which will be when they feel they have beaten the terrorists into submission .IMO

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    I forgot about the "Peace and Security" thing. I guess they read that scripture wrong. Also, aren't all the Witnesses supposed to be persecuted and tortured like never before and then Armegeddon will come? Maybe they read that scripture wrong too. Oh and don't forget the good news is supposed to be preached to every single person on earth so they can make their choice? I guess they'd better hurry up with those invitations to the District Conventions. I know my mom is doing her part!

  • Kudra

    Please- how in the world did that rumor get started??

    What significance does June 12 have, fer cryin out loud??


  • done4good

    This is fantastic news! I was worried about having to get up at 3:30AM to make it into NYC for work tommorow.


  • bigdreaux

    ya know what i wonder? i think the armageddon date was jokingly set from someone on this board, right? well, if it does come, is that person a prophit? and are we their minions? lol


    Not really..I have to do laundry..Vaccuum..Take the dog to get groomed.....I`ll try to get to the next Armageddon..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • ariana

    No one knows on which day jehovah is coming In the bible it says to keep awake because you do not know on which day your lord is coming nor the angels, nor the son knows, only the farther knows.He would come in like a thief in the night unexpected.In revelation there are still some things to happen before Armageddon. So we know this much its near but everything that has been wriiten some has not happen yet so there still is some time but we dont know how much time.But have no dought in your minds this day will certainly come for jehovah himself has said he will keep his word like he says and no one will be able to stop him. The governments will try to escape into the mountains but jehovahs power is endless he created us not we created him.

  • ariana

    yes the governments will say finally peace and security and then the end will come so we know that has'nt happen yet so there will be some things that are yet to happen before armageddon.

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