Success with the Holocaust Museum!

by rebel8 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyHaszard
  • SixofNine

    Well done!

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    At risk of being lynched for asking this, but didn't the 1974 yearbook discuss this issue and provide evidence that a certain "Brother" Balzereit was the source of all this pro nazi pandering? It was said that he altered the crap Rutherford put out attacking the Nazis as God's enemies (including the German WT and Resolutions) and he is the one who added the statements bending the facts to say that the 1918 imprisonment was because of a pro-german stance by Rutherford and his cronies? Maybe you can direct me to the statements coming from Ol' Rutherford and headquarters at the time that were pro-Nazi? Did I miss them? Balzereit was booted, eventually, for these very activities as I recall. All this is in the yb74 p. 148 Germany (Part Two) A TRIAL OF ANOTHER SORT


    "Many in attendance were disappointed in the "declaration," since in many points it failed to be as strong as the brothers had hoped. Brother Mütze from Dresden, who had worked closely with Brother Balzereit up until that time, accused him later of having weakened the original text. It was not the first time that Brother Balzereit had watered down the clear and unmistakable language of the Society’s publications so as to avoid difficulties with governmental agencies."

    Ok, just asking.


    EDIT: Ok, looked at previous thread with link to paper on resolution being the same in U.S. as Germany... Got it. Go back and check it out! Question answered. These guys have been engaging in cover up for years, sheesh.
  • TheListener

    This is just fantastic news. The Holocaust museum is a real feather in the WTS cap. Individual witnesses are always mentioning how "featured" the dubs are in the holocaust museum.


    I always thought the WTS was so honest by printing what they did in the Yearbook. Until I actually looked at the backup. I simply couldn't believe they would do something so blatant. Good catch on your post.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    My hat is off to you.

    Clearly someone fianlly read the real truth and is willing to tell both sides of the story. Then at least people can do their own searches and find the real truth.

    Who knows, maybe a JW will read and begin to do some real study

  • rebel8

    “If you were here, I would buy you a drink. Hell, I would buy you a bottle!! “
    Well where are you? A visit might be arranged—I prefer champagne-LOL

    Wow—what an honor! Is there a knighting ceremony or something? Can I put it on my resume?
    Orbiting in space though, I don't have enough guts for that. If you're going to send me on a vacation, I would prefer a Mediterranean beach cabana with a masseuse. The European members can visit my cabana to pay me homage and fan me with palm leaves. Crumpet can come only if she has not grown into the Witch of Endor yet, because that would just be scary.

    Yes but how many current jws or interested people would ever read the ’74 Yearbook? Plus it glossed over the truth. Now whomever looks up jws in the museum’s archives will be able to see the publications at the time Hitler was in power!

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    Great news! What's UADNA?

  • Jim_TX

    Excellent work Rebel8!!!!!

    "The museum says the wt documents are one of their "most consulted resources"."

    What I would like to know is... WHO are the ones consulting these documents? WTBTS perhaps? If so... then be prepared for them to disappear from active viewing areas.


    Jim TX

  • flipper

    Well done, rebel8 - that's awesome. congradulations! flipper

  • fugue

    Bumping a 4-year-old thread....

    Can someone point me to a more complete discussion of this? The link in the OP is broken. What documents were added and/or removed? I'm really curious.

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