Paris Hilton out of jail

by poppers 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I expect that she will violate the terms of this "incarceration," and that by this time next year she will have either killed some innocent party or herself.

  • Highlander
    either killed some innocent party or herself.

    Hopefully herself. That reminds me, I'll put her in my 'deadpool' next year, along with Lindsey and Britney.

  • lola28

    In the state of CA driving on a suspended DL will land you in jail, she was on probation for her DUI and was driving with a suspended DL, had it been anyone else the police would have impounded her car right away and she would have been arrested.

    That reminds me, I'll put her in my 'deadpool' next year, along with Lindsey and Britney.

    You have a "deadpool" too?!!


  • Descender

    I have an ex-wife that was much like Paris. When we seperated, she went kind of crazy. She looked somewhat like Nicole Richie and she hung around another girl that really tried to look like Paris. People would call them Paris and Nicole. She would stay out all night partying, every night. She'd do drugs, all of them, all the time. She'd strip in dance clubs, she'd pass out in strip clubs, she'd go to parties that would turn into drug induced orgies, she'd end up in people's beds where she wouldn't remember how she got there or who they were. She was also an alcoholic.

    And from what I saw of her, you can definitely be sick in jail if you are an addict. She got caught smoking crack cocaine in the parking lot of a club and was thrown in jail for a few days before bail money was posted. She went through some major withdrawls while she was sitting in jail. She spent most of the 4 days she was there sweating, shaking, pale, throwing up almost all the food that she was given. So if Paris is an addict or an alcoholic, which is very possible, she could actually be sick. Of course, going back home would allow her to get her fix.

    As for my ex-wife, other than the initial jail time that she spent after getting caught with crack-cocaine, she wasn't sentenced to anymore time in jail and she was a normal non-celebrity human.

  • jgnat
    And from what I saw of her, you can definitely be sick in jail if you are an addict.

    But if you stay in long enough, it can be a fairly effective detox. My son was MUCH healthier coming out of a two month jail term. I had this confirmed by a couple of jailhouse veterans when I visited my son. They even confided that it was more effective than the detox programs, that tend to be too short.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Here's a music video about her situation, kinda fun.


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