Does God REALLY exist? (An Attempt at an Online Bible Study)

by theMartian 121 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • theMartian

    Needproof-" I can see no way how he could exist. Too much hate and injustice in the world. If he does exist, I wouldn't serve him anyhow. For years people have prayed for his help, yet the world continues to live in pain and suffering."

    MFM- You realise, of course, that, based on your words, you make your call based on what Mandkind does, assuming there is no reason why a God would let this go on for so long... This isn't anything - my UnHumble Opinion- that I feel could really be "proof' that there is no God- do you, or is it something that just makes you DOUBT?


    [email protected]


  • theMartian

    Perfect Illustration, Alpha! Scientists call it "the Big Bang!"

    Agape, MFM


  • timetochange

    I have a question: Where did matter come from?

  • frankiespeakin


    Can anyone prove He does not exist? No.

    And we can use that arguement for the pink unicorn too. We can't prove he does not exist, but what are the chances he does exist? Why then don't we apply that same type of reasoning with every god that was ever worshipped, does that then give us a reason to think that maybe they all exist since we can't prove they don't.

  • theMartian

    Timetochange:"I have a question: Where did matter come from? "

    MFM: Does it MATTER? (Ouch!) It sure does, and it isn't explained by a Blind Accident (Evolution)


  • frankiespeakin

    Timetochange:"I have a question: Where did matter come from? "

    MFM: Does it MATTER? (Ouch!) It sure does, and it isn't explained by a Blind Accident (Evolution)

    And neither does the bible give a good answer to that question. Unless you consider "Poof, God just snaped his finger and blam! matter came into being."

  • BFD


    I hear exactly what you are saying and I do tend to believe that there is no god. But who/what do I thank for the many wonderful and glorious things I have in this life I have been given? Life is a gift. Who do I thank?


  • AlanF

    Since this topic is about the God of the Bible, what convinces me that he doesn't exist is, as Richard Dawkins said, that he must be the most unpleasant character in all fiction.

    In addition, the only positive evidence for his existence seems to be anecdotal stories from people who claim to have interacted with him. A person who today claims to have such experiences is invariably viewed as a lunatic.


  • theMartian

    True- but then, would you really EXPECT it to explain about atomic & sub-atomic particles, energy and ecosystems to an ancient people that would not be able to understand such things?



  • timetochange

    And neither does the bible give a good answer to that question. Unless you consider "Poof, God just snaped his finger and blam! matter came into being."

    At least the Bible gives a First Cause, a religiously plausible answer. I'd really like to hear what evolutionists believe with regard to the origins of matter. Where do you believe matter came from?

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