When do you think JWs will reach the 7,000,000 mark?

by R.F. 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • brinjen


    So many emotions....how to express them...

    I wonder how many of that 7 million are inactive? What would be the percentage?

  • Flowerpetal

    brinjen, EXCELLENT!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    As long as I'm not one of them, I don't really care.

    I suppose it depends on whether or not kids od jws keep giving in to the blackmail they are subjected to from about 8 or 9 years of age to get baptised, or if their tract campaigns can get inactive ones out for an hour a month.

  • jeeprube

    I don't know but that would be the one thing that made me DA.

  • TheOldHippie

    Brinjen, 0 % of those are inactive, because in order to be counted, you've got to be active. The 7,000,000 are the active JWs reporting - around 20 % of them are not baptized, but then you would have to add a considerable percentage to find the inactive JWs.

  • WTWizard

    Here is what is counted toward that 7 million: Any authorized publisher who puts in at least one hour of service during that month, real or bogus, and then reports it on time. Unbaptized publishers count. However, if you do not turn in a report on time that month, you will not be counted toward that number. (You will, however, be counted for the next month if you are late in turning in a report.

    In short, if you do not want to be counted toward their reaching 7 million, you must not turn in a report or have anyone turn in one in your behalf for that month. It is not necessary to disassociate unless they start turning in reports on your behalf without your permission to inflate the numbers.

  • WTWizard

    Additionally, I think they will play the short-term card to the limit. By pushing people to start going out in the misery before they are ready and by getting as many irregulars and soft inactives out and reporting on time as possible, perhaps with death threats at Armageddon, they will squeeze out that last publisher hour. And that way they might have already broken the 7 million mark in April with the tract work. The months of October, November, March, April, and May (and now June and July in some territories) have tracts to place and thus might be the months that they make the move.

    This is reminiscent of play of the video game Scramble that was hot in 1981. Usually when you complete the first level, you have around 25,000 points. I saw a guy get around 37,000 without completing the first level. However, once I saw the secret, I saw the same effect that the Watchtower is using. He deliberately crashed each time at the end of the first sector so he could repeat it, until on his last ship. This inflated his score, but sharply lowered his potential to clear the level and get better at the game. (I was getting about 20,000 at the time). This is cheating since it slows your learning progress yet inflates your score, and I think the Craptower Society is using similar detrimental tactics to inflate their membership and show a membership of more than 7 million.

    To compare, I ultimately got better at Scramble by working on the sectors I had trouble with instead of repeating the point-rich sectors. While this person failed to clear 40,000 I ended up getting six figure scores on the game and clearing levels like clockwork. Hopefully, the Watchtower runs into similar trouble. I hope they already maxed out--they seem to have already crashed enough of their "ships". And if they start crashing another by recapturing inactives and pushing small children to become unbaptized publishers, they are really going to find the game ending.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Depends how fast they can breed them

  • OnTheWayOut

    2006 Service Year's PEAK PUBLISHERS number was 6,741,444. With 6,286,618 Bible Studies reported, they
    are bound to have some growth for the next few years.

    With 2% growth, they will reach over 7 million PEAK PUBLISHERS in two years.
    With 1.5% growth, it won't be until the third year that they reach 7 million.

    There is a slowing of growth. Old rank-and-file dying off, with young ones not getting
    baptized. The growth from the field is almost entirely in developing nations. That's
    still a huge number of people.

    I am hoping for scandals to reach the worldwide efforts. I am hoping that 7 million is
    their LAST peak. It can happen.

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