by juni 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    What a nice story about the robin baby froggy! And your carnations were beautiful!

    Hugs, Juni

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    Hi Juni, How did you all post the pictures? I took quite a few photos of flowers from my garden this afternoon and a few turned out rather nice. Thought I'd post them but only know how by using attach files.

    Also, does anyone remember one person who posted beautiful photos a while back? I think he was either from England or Scotland.

  • bikerchic

    I'll share! Flowers from my garden last year:

  • nvrgnbk

    Also, does anyone remember one person who posted beautiful photos a while back? I think he was either from England or Scotland.

    Tim Hooper of England. Great guy and gifted photographer.

    That's the link for the thread you are looking for Guest with Questions.

  • lonelysheep

    Ritchie, that makes me want to have another child! So precious!

    Who wants to be a daddy?!


  • Twitch


    Me during an "episode" after visiting the Vienna Institute of Genetic Engineering. What started as a routine removal of a superfluous nipple became rather complicated with the mixup of papers upon admittance. I figured something was amiss when I saw the "doctor" whom I likened to Doc Brown from "Back to the Future" but maybe I was hasty in my "you seen one mad scientist, you've seen 'em all" attitude. Boy, was I wrong. The experiment went horribly wrong though I'm glad to say nobody was hurt in the ensuing rampage. The owner of this particular cottage was not at home however that Schnauzer will never be the same, poor little guy. Anyways, the "real" doctors were able to restore me to my normal size, albeit with some after effects that may include but not be limited to, dizzy spells often accompanying the sight of sauerkraut, recurring rentals of Godzilla movies and agitation resulting in road rage upon being passed by a BMW. They assure me such things won't last long,.....

  • RubaDub

    Just no naughty pictures though

    Oh well ....just when I thought this was moving to the adult area and our differences could be exposed ....

    Rub a Dub

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    So many beautiful pics! Thank you everyone.

    I took a trip around Lake Vyrnwy (pronounced Vern-ee) in Wales last week. The weather was dull and the light was pretty flat, but here's a few of the pics anyway................




  • RichieRich

    To everyone who has commented on the beauty of my godson... Thank you.

    He's surely a little thing, and hopefully, he'll turn out to be as charismatic as his parents, and his favorite Uncle Richie.

    Ritchie, that makes me want to have another child! So precious!

    Who wants to be a daddy?!

    I'm not really in the market for having my own kids... but I'm always game for a practice round...

  • juni

    Hey Richie! Nothing wrong w/enjoying others' can go home and get a good night's sleep too. That's one advantage of being a grandparent - for most grandparents. You have all the fun w/o having to "parent". I applaud those grandparents who are now raising their childrens' kids. That is HARD work as you get older.

    Beautiful pictures as always Tim! Thanks.....

    Gorgeous flowers bikerchic! You did a nice job arranging them too.

    And Twitch - I enjoyed your post. I DID say "anything"! LOL Thanks for the humor!

    RubaDub, hi!

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