How did bible story pictures affect you?

by unique1 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Scully

    It just occurred to me how the WTS gave repeated warnings ad nauseum regarding watching violence and sexual images on TV or in the movies, or even in reading material, and yet, here, in this children's book are all these images and stories depicting violent behaviour between people and sexual content (I'm thinking of the picture of the girls swimming with the angels looking on and getting naughty thoughts).

    Why would the WTS give warnings on the one hand about how violence and sexuality on TV, movies and literature and how it desensitizes people to violence and sexuality, and on the other hand show violent images and images intended to convey sexual content in their own literature?

    Then I thought about unique1's experience:

    I am deathly, I MEAN DEATHLY afraid of snakes. Most people don't understand or grasp the exent I am afraid of them until they see the ultimate reaction. My husband witnessed the worst one since we have been together the other week. He and others often ask Why are you so scared of the non poisonous ones? I don't know. Never have. Mom said they showed me one in the garden when I was 2 and said it was a good snake but that I shouldn't touch it. She said I seemed fine.

    The earliest point of fear I can remeber is the picture in the MBoBS (I suddenly realize that is MY Book of BS. Funny) where there is a Snake on a pole and all the people are lying on the ground with tons of little snakes around them biting them and they were told to look at the snake on the pole if they wanted to live. I remember this picture more vividly than any of the other pictures. Mom said after she read that one I looked at her at all of 3 years old and said "Mommy, I don't ever want to read that story again." Apparently I won the arguement over the obedience lesson I was learning and I never read it again. Yet I can still remember the photo.

    In looking up this picture I ran across the blog of a person that was afraid of dogs because of the picture of Jezabel being thrown out a window to the waiting dogs below. The dogs that were waiting just to tear her flesh apart.

    I wonder if the WTS's warnings against viewing violence in other media formats sets up a situation whereby JW children become hypersensitive to these images, as if they are intended to elicit fear and panic reactions to the point of what appears to be a phobia. I also wonder if this was done purposefully - since one of the ways cults retain control over people is through fear.

    When working with people who have phobias, one of the ways to help them overcome their irrational fear is to "desensitize" them to the object that causes the irrational fear and panic reaction. I imagine the opposite would be true as well - to shelter someone from other sources of experience and only present certain experiences in a terrifying, fear inducing manner would increase the likelihood of the person never learning to relate that experience to anything other than fear or panic.

    I can't even begin to convey how creepy this concept is to me, how sinister, to knowingly do this sort of thing to innocent children. There's no doubt in my mind that this is INTENTIONAL on the part of the WTS.

  • B_Deserter

    I thought the pictures were pretty cool actually. Maybe it's a male, middle-America, Hunting culture thing. Since I work in a slaughterhouse now, I could say that the Bible Story Book helped train me for my career!

  • free2think

    Welcome to the board B_deserter, and I just knew someone was gonna say that.

  • Hortensia

    I thought the pictures were lame and very 1930ish - much later I realized how violent the whole thing is. Violent pictures, violent god, violent bible.

  • loosie

    I forget which book it's in. But it was a picture of demons roasting people on a pitchfork, it was a picture of Hell.

    If jw don't believe in Hell why are there pics in the book of it.

  • PopeOfEruke

    My friend has a young daughter about 8 undergoing treatment for panic attacks and anxiety.

    I say caused by the Bible Story book and all the other bull$hit rammed down her throat by her parents and the WT Bull$hit and Tarts Society.


  • Scully


    They haven't been printing the Bible Stories book for a few years now. It's been replaced by a soft cover book (of the same size and calibre, released in 2003) called Learn from the Great Teacher. One of the more disturbing "stories" is chapter 10.


    Do you remember why one of God’s angels became Satan the Devil? … It was his selfish desire to be worshiped that caused him to turn against God. Did other angels become followers of Satan? … Yes, they did. The Bible calls them ‘Satan’s angels,’ or demons. – Revelation 12:9.

    Do these bad angels, or demons, believe in God? … ‘The demons believe God exists,’ the Bible says. (James 2:19) But now they are afraid. This is because they know that God will punish them for the bad things they have done. What have they done wrong? …

    The Bible says that those angels left their own proper home in heaven and came to earth to live as men. They did this because they wanted to have sex relations with the pretty women on earth. (Genesis 6:1, 2; Jude 6) What do you know about sex relations? …

    Sex relations are when a man and a woman become close in a very special way. Afterward, a baby can grow inside the mother. But for angels to have sex relations is wrong. God wants only a man and a woman who are married to each other to have sex relations. That way if a baby is born, the husband and wife can take care of it.

    When angels took on human bodies and had sex with women on earth, their babies grew up to become giants. They were very mean, and they would hurt people. So God brought a great flood to destroy the giants and all the bad people. But he had Noah build an ark, or big boat, to save the few people who did what was right. The Great Teacher said that what happened at the Flood is important to remember. – Genesis 6:3,4, 13, 14; Luke 17:26, 27.

    When the Flood came, do you know what happened to the bad angels? … They stopped using the human bodies they had made, and they went back to heaven. But they could no longer be God’s angels, so they became angels of Satan, or demons. And what happened to their children, the giants? … They died in the Flood. And so did all the other people who did not obey God.

    Since the time of the Flood, God has not let the demons become like humans anymore. But even though we cannot see them, the demons still try to get people to do very bad things. They are causing more trouble than ever before. This is because they have been thrown out of heaven down to the earth.

    Do you know why we cannot see the demons? … It is because they are invisible. But we can be sure that they are alive. The Bible says that Satan is ‘misleading people in all the world,’ and his demons are helping him.

    – Revelation 12:9, 12.

    Can the Devil and his demons mislead, or fool, us too? … Yes, they can if we are not careful. But we do not need to be afraid. The Great Teacher said: ‘The Devil has no hold on me.’ If we keep close to God, he will protect us from the Devil and his demons.

    – John 14:30.

    It is important that we know what bad things the demons will try to get us to do.

    So think about it. What bad things did the demons do when they came to earth? … Before the Flood, they had sex relations with women, something that was not right for angels to do. Today the demons like it when people do not obey God’s law about sex relations. Let me ask you, Who only should have sex relations? … You are right, only married people.

    Today some young boys and girls have sex relations, but this is wrong for them. The Bible talks about the male "genital organ," or penis. (Leviticus 15:1-3) The female genital parts are called the vulva. Jehovah created these parts of the body for a special purpose that should be enjoyed only by married people.

    It makes the demons happy when people do things that are forbidden by Jehovah. For example, the demons like it when a boy and a girl play with each other’s penis or vulva. We don’t want to make the demons happy, do we?

    There is something else that the demons like but Jehovah hates. Do you know what it is? … Violence. (Psalm 11:5) Violence is when people are mean and hurt others. Remember, that is what the giants, the sons of the demons, did.

    The demons also like to scare people. Sometimes they pretend to be people who have died. They may even imitate voices of those who have died. In this way the demons fool many into believing that dead people are alive and can talk with the living. Yes, the demons cause many people to believe in ghosts.


    we must be on guard that Satan and his demons do not fool us. The Bible warns: ‘Satan tries to make himself look like a good angel, and his servants do the same.’ (2 Corinthians 11:14, 15) But, really, the demons are bad. Let’s see how they try to get us to be like them.

    Where do people learn a lot about violence and improper sex and spirits and ghosts? … Isn’t it from watching certain television shows and movies, playing computer and video games, going on the Internet, and reading comic books? Does doing these things bring us closer to God or to the Devil and his demons? What do you think?

    Who do you think wants us to listen to and watch bad things? … Yes, Satan and his demons do.

    So, what do you and I need to do? … We need to read, listen to, and watch things that are good for us and that will help us to serve Jehovah. Can you think of some of these good things that we can do? …

    If we do what is good, there is no reason to be afraid of the demons. Jesus is stronger than they are, and they are afraid of him. One day the demons cried out to Jesus: "Did you come to destroy us?" (Mark 1:24) Won’t we be happy when the time comes for Jesus to destroy Satan his demons? … In the meantime, we can be sure that Jesus will protect us from the demons if we keep close to him and his heavenly Father.

    Let’s read about what we need to do, at 1 Peter 5:8, 9 and James 4: 7, 8.

  • MeneMene

    The Paradise Book was the one I remember. For as long as I can remember I have been terrified of maggots.

    I don't remember if there was a picture or just a description in that book or in the Bible of how the maggots and worms would eat the dead bodies. It was definitely something in my childhood from the WTBTS that terrified me.

    I was also terrified of demons and could never sleep without a night light on.

  • TheCoolerKing

    That book scared the hell out of me as a kid!!!

    I would have to say that the picture of Job, sitting there with those awful, oozing sores all over his body was tops on my list. Also the one with those mean giants beating on normal sized people and stealing their food. And I have to agree too that the one of Abel lying on the ground with blood flowing from his head, after Cain wacked him, is on my list too.

    What a nice book to give to your children, huh???


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I used to have to read my younger brother and sister those stories! I'm sorry guys, I really am.


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