What does the term "borg" mean?

by mtsgrad 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • LtCmd.Lore
    "Borg? Sounds Swedish."

    50 points if you can figure out that quote.

    "... Definately not Swedish" Star Trek: First Contact. Said by Lily. Zefram Cochrane's assistant. In the year 2060-ish Lore

  • onlycurious

    As a non-dub, I thought it meant "boring organization". :o)

  • drew sagan
  • slimboyfat

    Interestingly ex-Mormons use the similar expression Morg to refer to the church. Apparently it also has its derivation via Star Trek and is applied to what they now view as a mind controlling cult. Well I thought it was interesting anyway.

    The ex-Witness language that has grown up on the Net and on this forum in particular is verying interesting. I wish someone would compile a lexicon with derivations and useage. Here is an excerpt from the ex-Mormon equivalent:

    Jesus Jammies - garments
    Kolob - sun nearest to where God lives, according to Mormon scripture
    Lurker - Someone who frequents reading the board but rarely if ever posts
    Mainstreaming - the Mormon Church's changing it's own doctrine, practices and image to look more Christian
    Mishies - Missionaries
    McTemple - a Mormon Mini-Temple
    Mormon Corridor - Arizona, Utah, Idaho high-density mormon states
    Mormon Salute - gesture made by Mormons constantly pulling their underwear out of their butts
    Morg - the Church acting like a Star Trek Borg Collective, "Mormon Borg"
    Morgbot - a Mormon who demonstrates lack of independant thought, "Mormon Borg Robot"

    Moron - a Mormon who demonstrates lack of independant thought
    Nevermo - someone who has never been a member of the Church



  • AlanF

    In the mid-1990s when Star Trek was still a craze, the Borg were stereotypical arch-villains. For the reasons stated above, some online poster combined Borg with Organization and got Borganization. This quickly was shortened to Borg.


  • Gopher

    For those who haven't seen this classic post, here is Farkel's dub glossary. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/6021/1.ashx

    Among other things, it explains why dubs are more afraid of apostates than they are of Satan.

  • RubaDub

    The Borg are a fictional race of cyborgs in the Star Trek universe, first introduced in the Star Trek: The Next Generation TV series.

  • RubaDub

    The Borg are a fictional race of cyborgs in the Star Trek universe, first introduced in the Star Trek: The Next Generation TV Series

    Now that I think about it, one of our elders does have rather pointy ears.

    Rub a Dub

  • Warlock

    It's just "grob" spelled backwards. That's all there is to it.


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