Would you EVENTUALLY be happy in a JW dominated new system?

by JH 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    Money talks, bullshxt walks. People say all kinds of thngs on a discussion board. If there was an evil God and he blackmailed people that you had to follow the dubs rules to live probably everyone one would comply at least initially. When paradise got boring, as it originally did, people will rebel and the cycle starts all over. Its the only game in town. Spirits materialize in the physical realm and live a life here on the pleasure planet.

  • slimboyfat

    No eventually about it.


  • theinfamousone

    i think it would make no difference what religion, group, cult or whatever you are part of... if everyone in it shares one mind, you would have to be happy... i mean no conflict... who wouldn't love that! we all have no right to think for ourselves, and wouldnt know the difference...

    the problem is, right now, i think i would be miserable... but thats because i like to think

    the infamous one

  • eclipse


    According to JW dogma and Paradise theories, we get 1000 years to get perfect, right? during this time, we will still make mistakes or will we be less apt to make them....

    What if we want to do something that is wrong? what if we do it? does god strike us down dead? or is that only after the 1000 years have past, and satan is let loose to tempt us again, (and then he gets destroyed), and we all attain perfection then....so if we sin, then we get struck dead the second we do something sinful, correct?

    hmmmm..to answer honestly, I would say, yes I rather live in a ''paradise'' than be dead... but I would keep a supply of sleeping pills and alcohol handy, just incase ;-)

  • Odrade

    IF JW paradise was exactly like the JWs say it's going to be, I suppose I would be happy because I'd get the mother of all brainwashes first. I ran across a great quote in a novel about a deity:

    "Human beings do not like being pushed about by Gods. They may seem to, on the surface, but somewhere on the inside, underneath it all, they sense it and resent it. They know."

  • erandir

    In the "new system" there wouldn't be any door-to-door preaching work. Maybe meetings to attend. There is supposed to be an education system for resurrected ones who don't know "the truth." But...NO DOOR-TO-DOOR work...so...

    maybe i would be happy

  • twinflame2

    I checked out of the org mentally, when my oldest kids stopped going to meetings. I knew I didn't want to live forever without them, even in paradise. When they all stopped, I finally left and afterwards learned about the lies and could justify leaving.

    If they were there in a paradise, I'd want to be with them. That would have probably kept me enduring before.

  • Sasha

    I will be Happy with whatever the true God choses.....Think we will find out what tht forbidden fruit was?

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    I do believe in an eternal life and hope and believe that in spite of my failures I will blissfully live eternally but to be honest, if the JW Org proved to be right, I truly doubt that I would choose that route. The Org doesn’t believe that the soul continues to exist after death so I would just be oblitirated, to be no more. Apart from my parents, no one in my family or my friends, neighbours, would be in the new system because they don't believe in the Org. I think it’s where all your loved ones are that determines what you would choose. Thankfully the Org isn't the truth.

  • Atpeaceatlast

    Many years ago, when I made the decision not be baptized and they told me that I was condemned and I would die for sure, right then and there I made it my goal to pursue my own paradise and my own form of eternal life by living a good and honest life, have a family, have a wonderful marriage, create my art and embrace new and exciting adventures, and love and forgive freely.

    This question is one I gave a lot of thought over the years, and I would say with absolute conviction that I would rather die than subjugate myself to the JWs. As a woman, the stifling male-dominated paradise they would create would make me a fugitive of their laws as I would never abide by them. And, let's not forget no free expression, no free thought, no creativity, no honest debating on any issue. In essence, the Dark Ages for all eternity. No, I would rather be dead. Once I am dead, I won't know anything. I'll be non-existent. I have no fear in that, but if I lived in that world, I would always be running and always being in fear.

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