Not been here for a while

by fullofdoubtnow 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • megsmomma

    Hi Linda....good to see you here! It really isn't fair to have to deal with your back while fighting cancer! There should be a rule about that! I am glad your back is feeling a bit better, and I hope the doc's help you get rid of the rest of the cancer. Love you! Lyndi

  • fifi40

    Dear is shite sometimes isnt it.......................Hang in there girl

    Should we start calling you Britney now.............

    Take care and if you get real bored and fed up and fancy some company let me know, I could always find a spare couple of hours, but I do understand if your not up to meeting strange people at the mo (strange........urm that'll be me.........but I meant it as strangers)




    (((Linda)))..Hey girl!..Nice to have you on the board!..Your a little tuffie thats for sure.You`ll get through this..So Trev likes the sexy bald look eh?..Told You SO!!..LOL!!..Post when you can,you know we love to hear from you!...OUTLAW

  • AlmostAtheist

    Good to hear from you Linda. Positive thoughts to you and Trev!


  • Warlock

    Happy to see you!

    Keep fighting!


  • Blueblades

    LindaGood to hear that the cancer is shrinking. I know it's hard to do, try and keep positive, others have had remissions, keep doing what your doing, cancer is not always final. Although I lost my Mom and Sister Lynn to it. I know of others who are cancer survivors. You will be a survivor. Thanks for your update. All the best to you and yours.

    Blueblades and Family

  • ex-nj-jw


    It's so good to hear from you!!!! Sorry that now you also have to deal with a back problem!!!! Do you know if you will need further chemo??

    Please keep in touch when you feel up to it!!! We'll keep checking on you through Trev!!!

    Don't worry about party, just get better. Maybe one day in the future you guys can have a getaway to the States!!!


  • misanthropic

    ((((((Linda))))) Glad to hear from you, was wondering how you were doing. Stick in there, your hair will grow back. Stay strong and keep fighting, I'm sorry to hear all of this is happening.

  • carla

    Let us know what the doc's say next visit. You and Trev are in my thoughts.

  • GoingGoingGone

    So good to hear from you Linda! You and Trev have been in my thoughts often.

    Please let us know what the doctor says June 7th, in the meantime enjoy your break from chemo!

    (((((((((Linda and Trev)))))))))))


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