Throwing Good Music Away

by choosing life 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I still have records that I bought when I was a seventeen year old....and I have a turntable to play them on.

    I have been replacing them with CDs when I can, but some of them are very rare are only available on vinyl.

    One day I will treat myself with a system that can rip my rare vinyls to my jukebox. My jukebox is a computer that is reserved for music and is hooked into an amp that can blow my socks off should I feel the need.

    I do know a converted brother that burned a large portion of his LP collection. When he rattled off the names I was devastated. He said that if he had known I liked them (I'm a non-baptised "Born In") that he would have given them to me rather than burn them. ???????????? Poor confused bar steward.

    When he finally realises that he joined a cult he is really going to beat himself up over that stupidity. I strongly suspect that his wife now knows the the truth about 'The Truth' and has only re-instated herself to get access to her grandchildren.



  • MsMcDucket

    I need to get some kind of converter too! I, also, should start looking around at garage sales and second hand stores for the music that I threw or gave away. Thanks for the info Black Sheep; I'm going to look into that converter thingy!

  • WTWizard

    I remember when my Suffer ForeverBible study conductor wanted me to throw away all my records. He claimed that there was something wrong with all pop music--evidently, he got something of a look at some of the titles I had on hand. He suggested taping a few of the "best" (=cleanest) songs and getting rid of the records. And one "bad" song would spoil the whole discography of that artists, meaning that nearly everything was "objectionable".

    I didn't throw away all my records. I did lose about a third of them, many with songs I liked since they came out. They wanted the song We Are the World purged totally, along with songs like Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting. OK, so that latter song is about drunken brawls. But, I listened to it a lot when it came out in 1973, and it was heavily played during my college years in the early 1980s when alcohol was readily available. It didn't get me into drunken brawls then. So, why the &$%# would they think it's about to get me into one now?

    Needless to say, the CD stores made out like a bandit on that issue. Since 1998, I have been gaining them back. And that includes songs that I didn't get the first time--I never liked rap and heavy metal before the Tower, and now I purposely developed a liking to these types of music just to slap the Tower in the face. I no longer get headaches when they play that heavy metal, and I find that I actually enjoy them acting like they are high on weed and coke (at that, without having to ruin my own brain and liver on weed and/or coke). I have a hard time finding any songs that I am still missing that I had then--and I have written records of what was on my tapes (they never succeeded in destroying those).

  • tijkmo

    i love counting fave is this desert life cd.

    i saw them a few years ago when i was at my lowest and was really looking forward to wallowing in a night of melancholy music.

    but blow me if adam hadn't had an upturn in his life so he sang all his happy songs

  • Nosferatu
    One day I will treat myself with a system that can rip my rare vinyls to my jukebox.

    Ever think of sending them to me to convert for you? I specialize in stuff like that. Did some LP to CD conversions for a guy recently (who is a big audiophile), and he was extremely happy with the results.

    Here's another happy customer:

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Is there really a way to convert old records to CDs at home? I would love to be able to do that. I still have about two thirds of my records, but no way to play them. CDs would be much more mobile too.

    What is involved?

  • choosing life
    choosing life


    I love Geddy Lee's voice. It is far from irritating to me.

  • TheCoolerKing
    Around 1980, my dub hubby and I bought the brand new Queen album. It was "another one bites the dust" with a silver cover. Shortly after we heard it had backmasking on it, so we decided we must destroy it.

    LOL And I thought that I was the only one who smashed up my Queen album!

    I also tried playing it backwards too. Didn't sound like, "I love to smoke marijuana ," to me!!!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I was never 'into' the hard-core stuff that was condemned. I have come to enjoy a far broader spectrum of music since leaving the bOrg, that much is for sure. I listen to whatever I like now - but I still don't like a lot of it. Old time rock-and-roll for me.


  • done4good

    Back in the '80s, (newly baptised in cult), I got rid of all my Led Zep, Black Sabbath, ELO, and bunch of other so-called "Satanic" stuff. I have replaced all of it, (mostly) by now, even on vinyl.

    I do quite a bit of analog to digital conversion with a Yamaha HDD/CD recorder. 200GB of linear digital recording, (non-compressed, about 400 albums worth), on the hard drive. Makes extremely good copies of LPs, (and I'm a BIG analog fan, btw). I use a Technics 1200 with modified tonearm and A/T cart, as the source, (for any audio nuts out there).


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