How the Religious View Homosexuality

by serotonin_wraith 93 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • serotonin_wraith


    I applaud your skill at witty sarcasm. If you put the same amount of energy for your sarcasm skills into researching the topic at hand, you would go far. However, to save you time, I have done the research for you.

    Click here to see many more examples-

    Homosexuality has been documented in almost 500 species of animals, signaling that sexual preference is predetermined. Considered the closest living relative to humans, bonobos are not shy about seeking sexual pleasure. Nearly all of these peace-loving apes are bisexual and often resolve conflict by the "make love, not war" principle. They copulate frequently, scream out in delight while doing so, and often engage in homosexual activities. About two thirds of the homosexual activities are amongst females.
    Guianan-Cock-of-the-Rock- Males of this stunning perching bird delight in homosexuality. Almost 40 percent of the male population engages in a form of homosexual activity and a small percentage don't ever copulate with females.
    Japanese macaques- Female macaques form intense bonds with each other and are serially monogamous, meaning they only have one sexual partner at a time. However, they have several of these relationships during each breeding season. Female macaques engage in sexual activities such as genital stimulation and vocalize their delight in forms of cackling sounds. Males also take to homosexual play but tend to leave their partner soon after, making it what we call in the human world a one night stand.
    American Bison- Homosexual mounting between males tends to be more common than heterosexual female-male copulation among American bison, especially because females only mate with the bulls about once a year. During mating season, males engage in same-sex activities several times a day. More than 55 percent of mounting in young males is with the same gender.
    Bottlenose Dolphins- Homosexual activity occurs with about the same frequency as heterosexual play amongst these marine mammals. Male bottlenose dolphins are generally bisexual, but they go through periods of being exclusively homosexual. The homosexual activities of these mammals include oral sex during which time one dolphin stimulates the other with its snout. Males also rub their erect penises against the body of their partner.

    I'm somewhat perplexed. This doesn't seem to be a FEW confused animals. I have only two options now. Accept that all the scientific research on the subject is false, or that your Bible based principles leave you (an otherwise intelligent person) ignorant of the facts at hand.

  • onlycurious

    Perhaps it's wise to compare apples with apples. I don't believe I'm an animal nor do I believe we came from animals. In my estimation, you're comparing apples with oranges.

    If you read any of my writings in the beginning, you would see that while I disagree with the act of homosexuality in and of itself, I certainly don't go out of my way to picket, protest or get in anyone's face about the issue either. Others on this site are free to express their opinions, convictions, beliefs....etc.

    I believe your original question was to inquire as to what the 'religious view' is of homosexuality.

    I've stated my point and while much of what is being stated on this board may be interesting on both sides, I don't know that any of us are going to have a miraculous change of mind from reading these posts.

  • serotonin_wraith

    I understand you think humans and animals are different. The point is, you have to believe God made gay animals, and didn't have a problem with it. But for some strange reason, he decided for humans it was disgusting.

    I'm glad you don't picket, protest etc. However, you do support a system that is against homosexuals.

    I doubt any of us will have a change of mind from a few posts, but at least you learnt something new today about the number of gay animals in the world.

  • Abaddon

    Will gay dolphins burn in hell?

    Do bad associations pevert bison?

    Once again religious people of a certain type obsessing about sex and missing the love. Once again the fervert literalism of those who worship a book, even when it's perfectly obvious any god worthy of worship wouldn't condemn homosexuality like the Bible says god does. Once again the blinkered attitudes of those who cannot imagine that 'God' means anything other than the Bibe god, as all the others are made up.


    The JW's are utterly dependent on the bible to impose bondage.

    Now I can impose bondage without any help from the Bible...

  • jgnat
    144001: Many Christians would label those who deviate from that which is written in the bible to be non-christians.

    I wouldn't say many. Most Christians are satisifed with the orthodox defiinition, the Nicene Creed. That is a broad statement of principles. Those who believe it are "Christian", those who don't, aren't. Those who treat the bible is divine is a small subset of fundamentalists.

    It makes me wonder how someone can accept there are mistakes in the Bible, but still believe in Jesus or in heaven.

    I can live with ambiguity and uncertainty. Note also that I said I believe the bible is generally right in broad strokes. For instance, I believe there was a a historical Jesus and there was a flood. There's enough supplementary stories of a flood from neighbouring tribes. But the whole earth? Naaah. The whole earth as the writer knew it, probably a disk as "far as the eye could see"? Sure.

    How do they know those parts were not mistakes too?

    It's repetition and continuity in the bible for things like Jesus and Heaven. There's also the literal heavens. I can look in to the night sky and look forever and ever. It speaks to me of eternity, of something bigger than myself. It resonates with my soul.

    But how many hand-cutting verses are there? Are there counter-scriptures? How does it line up with the overriding principles? They don't? Then ditch it.

  • LanDi

    Well, the religiously unenlightened amongst us will spout them all as devils and disgusting freaks and prejudice and all that - it is now finally considered a hate crime.

    Well, the religious. God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. But there is, without getting politically correct - more to it than that.

    We now like in an age of Science and we know what caused homosexuality, it is different for each Gender. Particularly in men, homosexuality is caused and contributed to by an excess of female hormone in the brain( both genders fluctuate with both) but sometimes in forming in the womb or through emotional trauma later in life - the balance is thrown off. Relgious prejudice of ' You chose to be wicked' is offensive, because many 'Gays' swear they were born that way, and some boys exhibited female behaviour very early on and throughout life, despite having 'normal ' upbringing and 'normal' siblings. This is proof that homosexuality exists on a chemical level. We as men were all conceived female !

    If I, although being a religious person am against homosexuality, then that is for me because the people who are 'gay' may not believe what I believe. A relative of mine abused two lesbians round the shop recently - " Thats not in the Bible" he said ! That's disgraceful - they might not even believe the Bible! If the bible condemns homosexuality, that means I as a follower of that belief system - cannot be gay.

    If someone else chooses to be then that is their wish - same as what convinces me to believe in what I believe wouldn't convince others. I firmly believe that one can be a ' Christian ' and not hate Gays, yet fit that in without twisting scripture - it is wrong in Gods eyes but there are extra reasons beyond what you read. You can't be gay and a christian but then - if you are Gay deep down - can you keep lying to yourself?


    Reading this thread it occurs to me that there are debates as to whether the bible actually condemns homosexuality.

    For those who are saying that the practice of homosexuality is a sin, could you explain which bible passages say that homosexuality is wrong? I would personally exclude the old testament because we all know that the old law was replaced by Jesus. So what new testament passages condemn homosexuality?

    This link is VERY interesting:

    There is no passage in the Christian Scriptures that condemns same-sex committed relationships or same-sex marriage.

    Romans 1 condemns Christian apostates who apparently had a heterosexual orientation and who engaged in what was for them unnatural sex: engaging in sex with members of the same sex.

    1 Corinthians 6 and 1 Timothy 1 are ambiguous. They might possibly relate to homosexual behavior; but they might well refer to men who sexually abuse boys, or to male gigolos, or to male temple prostitutes. We just don't know. If these passages actually referred to persons with a homosexual orientation, they probably would not refer to loving, consensual same-sex behavior in a committed relationship.

    Paul was writing before the existence of a homosexual orientation was known. The only forms of homosexual behavior of which he was probably aware would have been males sexually abusing boys, and men engaging in of same-sex orgies during Pagan worship.

    Jude 1:7 appears to refers to the desire by the men of Sodom to engage in bestiality with another species -- angels. There is none of this going on in by either homosexuals or heterosexuals today.

    After doing some rather lengthy research this is what I have come up with. I do not expect this to change most minds, and I fully expect the complete rejection of this view, but that's OK.

    First, in regards to Jude 1:7, I agree that the Greek in this passage is ambiguous, and therefore not a verse I would use to support a ban on homosexuality within the body of believers. Pail is not merely looking at Greco-Roman culture and condemning the localized issues of pedophilia or temple prostitution.

    There is no passage in the Christian Scriptures that condemns same-sex committed relationships or same-sex marriage.
    Romans 1 condemns Christian apostates who apparently had a heterosexual orientation and who engaged in what was for them unnatural sex: engaging in sex with members of the same sex.

    Whoever wrote this obviously has no understanding of the argument Paul has making. I will quote the section of Scripture in question:

    18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

    21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

    24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

    26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

    28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

    First, nowhere in this passage are "apostate Christians" in view. This passage is directly leveled at the unbelieving Gentile (from Paul's view) world. This segment of Scripture is the greatest exposition on general revelation ever penned. It shows that all unbelieving humanity is without excuse for not believing in God simply on account of the natural revelation about God.

    Secondly, this passage is about God's wrath, and the specific progression of His wrath. The progression is as follows: suppression of truth (v. 18), God given them over to impure hearts (v. 24), exchanging the truth for a lie & worshipping idols (v. 25), exchanging natural function for unnatural (v. 26), lastly, encouraging others to do the same (v. 32). Because of this progression God's wrath falls upon them rightly (v. 18), they are deserving of death (v. 32), and they are without excuse (v. 20).

    Paul, not only condemns homosexuality in this segment of Scripture, but a number of other sins as well. However since we are addressing homosexuality specifically, it behooves us to look at the terminology used to describe this behavior. First, it is impure & dishonoring to the body (v. 24), it is a degrading passion that is unnatural (v. 29), it is an indecent act & an error (v. 27), and lastly, it is not proper & is a result of a depraved mind (v. 28). Paul goes on to state that homosexuality (and the other sins) is evidence of active & persistent rebellion against God. This rebellion, according to v. 32, is rooted in direct, willful & aggressive rebellion again God (this would also be true of any "Christian" defending his homosexuality.

    So now the big question must be asked, and that is, "Does this passage apply to all homosexuals?" What if one's "natural" desire is towards the same sex ("constitution homosexuals")? First, the scientific evidence is still in debate. Secondly, this "genetic" argument is actually a non-argument since it commits the naturalistic fallacy, i.e. you cannot get a moral "ought" from a natural "is." For example, humanity has a natural need to eliminate waste from their bodies; however it is against the law to so in public view. However, Paul is not addressing this as a physiological issue, but as a moral issue. So again, this argument does not follow. Third, this interpretation brings a totally foreign concept to this text. If Paul did not understand genuine homosexuality, how could he have possibly exempted constitutional homosexuals when he wrote that they "exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural"? This is a suicidal argument. Fourth, if any who desire for the same sex are only doing what comes to them "naturally", then who does this verse apply to? As I have pointed out earlier, it cannot be apostate Christians, since they are not in view in this segment of Scripture.

    Paul is crystal clear about what he meant by "natural." Function in the Greek is kreesis. This word is only used twice in the New Testament, but is used numerous times in other literature of the time. The definitive Greek language reference work, A Greek/English Lexicon of New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature by Bauer, Arndt & Gingrich define kreesis as "use, relations, function, especially of sexual intercourse." Since the way a word was/is used defines its meaning it is clear that Paul was addressing natural functions, not natural desires. The body was designed to function in a specific sexual way. Men were not designed to function sexually with other men. If passion exchanges the natural function of sex for an unnatural function, then it as a Paul describes, a degrading passion.

    Lastly, we must look at what Jesus’ view of a natural & moral relationship. According to Matthew 19:4 & 5:

    4 And He answered and said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE , 5 and said, ‘F OR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE , AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH ’?

    Desire becomes unnatural when it abandons or exploits natural function. Extramarital heterosexuality is morally wrong because it exploits the natural function in am immoral manner. Homosexuality is viewed as wrong because it is an immoral act based on a perversion of a natural function.

  • hambeak

    I have enjoyed reading these posts and I like Little rock guys comment.

    For my 2 cents people are too preoccupied with who is sleeping with whom and of what gender. As long as both are consenting adults and are not cheating on their significant other WHO THE HELL CARES? except bigots and religious fanatics.

  • Highlander
    For my 2 cents people are too preoccupied with who is sleeping with whom and of what gender. As long as both are consenting adults and are not cheating on their significant other WHO THE HELL CARES? except bigots and religious fanatics.

    But there sure are a lot of them!

  • outoftheorg?

    I was born in to a jw family and was taught to view homosexuality as one of the greatest sins on this earth. One deserving Gods wrath and deserving of death.

    I finally got free of the jw's and learned to think for myself. I think that procreation is necessary for survival of the species. Be it human or birds or bugs.

    If anything prohibits this it is an abnormality. There are many abnormalities, some people can not speak, called dumb, or some are deaf and dumb. Some of us are born with one leg shorter than the other. Some of us can not reproduce due to abnormalities in our testicles etc. Some are unable to recognize faces.

    I can't see how anyone would choose to be gay and face all the hate and shit thrown at them.

    Homosexuality is just another abnormality. Like all the rest of us, some are kind and caring hard working and honest people and there are a few, just like the rest of humanity, are real ass holes.

    Due to the world they face many are a bit "too in your face," when they speak. Just like the other groups of humans who feel looked down on .

    No I am not homosexual.

    But I learned to understand at least partly, anyway to not mistreat them as I was brought up to do as a member of a jw family.

    I no longer use teachings from two or three thousand years ago, put together by tribal warriors to determine how I will view and or treat people.



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