How the Religious View Homosexuality

by serotonin_wraith 93 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    The one thing nobody can successfully argue about God is that He has anything to do with Justice.

    God is arbitrary, capricious, whimsical and ad hoc in his activities with the power to enforce those spontaneous and combustive traits.

    The guilty party deserves the punishment. That is Justice.

    Yet, God's masterplan for human salvation punishes the Innocent (Jesus) instead.

    Human justice is about getting what you deserve (good or bad) according to what you've done (or failed to do.)

    God's "Justice" is improvisational.

  • BFD
    xjw4evr- What two people do in private is really none of my concern, nor is it any of my business.

    Probably would have been wise to leave it at that. But, I guess you felt compelled to answer the question honestly. I tend to overlook the close minded opinions people aquire from reading an old book. Zip Lip

    The question answers itself....Religion/, what did you and roses?

    Infamous, down boy! Don't let it rattle you so. You are not going to change the closed minded opinion of someone whose head is buried in an old book but I like your spirit!



    im not worked up over what it says, my dear friend, i am worked up over what people who read it believe and even act upon... i have witnessed gay bashing because someone thought being gay is immoral!!! i have witnessed one of my closest friends beaten close to death, alongside myself because he was gay and i didnt care... thats why i get so worked up over it... because some idiots, and i am not calling you one, but some idiots take the words written down many many years ago, by MEN, to be law and then decide to enforce it themselves... thats why

    the infamous one

    I understand your compassion, I too had a gay friend beaten, and I stood by him when he testified against them in court. My heart hurt for him when he had to face these goons again. To this day he thanks me, since I was the only Christian he knew that supported him. And in all that time I never attempted to proselytize him. He just needed someone to stand beside him. However, I do not understand something, and perhaps you can clarify this:

    i have witnessed one of my closest friends beaten close to death, alongside myself because he was gay and i didnt care...

    Are you angry with Christians because of your inaction? I am not sure what you mean here.

    In the Bible study that I facilitate, I work with men who have just exited prison, or gang life. Most are Hispanic, and have a very low view of gays to begin with. My teaching to them has been to respect all people as first and foremost, creations of God. That based on this principle, we as Christians do not go beating people down just because. This is not acceptable in Christian thought. I also explain to them that the sin of homosexuality is no greater than lusting in your heart. I also explain to them that wishing harm on any sinner is the equal to murder, as per Jesus words in Matt. 5:21 & 22.

    So again, to me there is no difference in types of sin, they all separate people from a Holy God.

    Now, if you think I am a horrible & intolerant monster for thinking that homosexuality is a sin, then so be it. I think it is somewhat hypocritical to think the same type of thoughts of me simply for holding a differeing view. In this country, or at least it used to be this way, that thoughts are not punishable. But hey, if people want to punish me for thinking for myself then so be it. Isn't this what Orwell called "thought crime"? And doesn't it make people that think as you have written above "thought police"?

  • Sirona

    Are there no Christians on this board who will answer my question regarding the biblical basis for their condemnation of homosexuality?


    XJW4EVR : Sinners are all equal to me.

    So, if all sinners are equal than you yourself must be no better than a pedophile.


    Yes, you are correct. In the eyes of God I am no better than that. Because ALL sin to God is equal.

    This is the problem with too many Evan-jelly-fish Christians. They do not view their sin as something that is equally abhorant to God.

  • brinjen
    i know of many homosexuals who live much cleaner lives than their heterosexual counterparts

    Excellent point. I can think of many homosexuals I know that make far better christians than the ones who claim they are sinners in the eyes of God. They treat people better, are honest and decent hard working people. I believe sexuality is genetically encoded in us, you're born the way you are pure and simple. I also believe that God loves us and accepts us the way we are.



    I just saw that, and I will do some research later today or this evening.

  • theinfamousone

    no im not mad at them because i was inactive, i was angry at them because of their close mindedness..... i had my ass kicked that time, not for being gay, but because a mod of something like 12 men decided that i was fraternizing with a gay, which is a sin as bad as killing or being a pedophile... thats why im mad.. not at your religious beliefs, but the inability of the church to tell its members that revenge is gods... why tell them something is evil and then let them go... if they are going to believe everything they are told, they better also be told not to attack!

    the infamous one


    no im not mad at them because i was inactive, i was angry at them because of their close mindedness..... i had my ass kicked that time, not for being gay, but because a mod of something like 12 men decided that i was fraternizing with a gay, which is a sin as bad as killing or being a pedophile... thats why im mad.. not at your religious beliefs, but the inability of the church to tell its members that revenge is gods... why tell them something is evil and then let them go... if they are going to believe everything they are told, they better also be told not to attack!

    the infamous one

    I understand. If these people professed Christianity, then they were wrong, and should be punished by the church through excommunication, assaulting another person is a direct violation of God's law. Unfortunately, most churches do not practice church disipline any more. And they should have been prosecuted (and hopefully were) under the civil law.

  • jgnat

    Sirona, had mentioned something of the same on my first post on this thread.

    I also did some reading on Roman culture, and it seems that all Roman men could indulge in sex with anyone subsurvient to him, male or female. For the Roman man, sex was more a tool for dominance, rather than an expression of preference. In that context, dominant sex with a subservient, unwilling partner is wrong.

    If this is so, banning homosexuality was more about not allowing the abuse of the vulnerable. If this is so, prohibition of homosexuality (the orientation) would have as much relevance today as head-covering for women.

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