How the Religious View Homosexuality

by serotonin_wraith 93 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • greendawn

    I can understand that some people most likely due to genetic reasons can only relate sexually with their own sex, I don't believe this is a correct lifestyle but I wouldn't criticise them either because pretty much they have no choice over their sexual orientation.


    Perhaps, jgnat, but I chose those sins for a reason, and that reason has been evidenced by the hysterical and irrational responses. The point of this thread was not to discuss the issue, but rather to be roast for "bigot" Christians, and their "P.O.S. god."

  • theinfamousone
    Since you can't respond to the argument, but instead attack me, then there is nothing more to be said to you.

    i hope you are kidding, ill tell you why... you did not make any arguments... you said i view gays as sinners and they are just as bad as pedophiles, etc...

    where is the argument, no it was a statement of your beliefs and i told you mine,... bigotry, and that is what you are emphasizing, is despicable to me.... why should i not tell you that i think your words disgust me? now if you had some real evidence as to why these men are sinners, well then that would be different... but ill tell yo uone thing, your book that was written so soooo long ago, does not count to me...

    the infamous one

  • jgnat

    Well, then, I agree with the other posters. If you put homosexuality on the same plane as pedophelia, you are trying to elicit a damning attack. And you would deserve it, too.

    Pedophiles and rapists prey on the vulnerable and the innocent. Gays do not.


    Well, again if the book does not mean anything to you, then why get worked up about what it says? It is not rational.

  • 144001

    I view what gays do as sin. Simple as that. I also view cohabitating unmarried heterosexuals as sinning the same as I would view a thief, a rapist, pedophile, or any other. Homosexuality does not have a high ranking on the sin-o-meter than other sins. They are all equal. -- XJW4EVR

    As you view homosexuals to be doing things comparable to rapists, pedophiles and thieves, do you feel it is the duty of the government to punish them for this, in the same way they punish people who do these other things? -- serotonin_wraith
    That is such a silly question that I literally spit out the water I was drinking. I guess I would also advocate the punishing of cohabitating men and women? Oh puh-lease! -- XJW4EVR

    Then, in response to an angry post elicited by XJW4EVR's characterization of homosexuality as "sin," XJW4EVR said:

    Since you can't respond to the argument, but instead attack me, then there is nothing more to be said to you.

    XJW4EVR's response to serotonin wraith's very valid question was to simply characterize it as "silly," a response that communicated nothing other than obvious disrespect. Like the JWs who condemn others for their "worldly" ways, notwithstanding their lack of higher moral ground, XJW4EVR's comments here are really nothing more than the pot calling the kettle black.

    I find it very ironic indeed that XJW4EVR uses the slang word "puh-lease"; a slang word I've only heard spoken by females and homosexual men.

  • theinfamousone

    im not worked up over what it says, my dear friend, i am worked up over what people who read it believe and even act upon... i have witnessed gay bashing because someone thought being gay is immoral!!! i have witnessed one of my closest friends beaten close to death, alongside myself because he was gay and i didnt care... thats why i get so worked up over it... because some idiots, and i am not calling you one, but some idiots take the words written down many many years ago, by MEN, to be law and then decide to enforce it themselves... thats why

    the infamous one

  • lola28
    They are all equal.


  • ApostasyDuJour

    Isn't it ironic that the ones who cry the loudest about homosexuals being promiscuous perverts are the very same ones who would deny them the stability of marriage?

  • serotonin_wraith

    All sins are equal according to the Bible.

    James 2:10
    10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.

    XJW4EVR, how can you say punishing unmarried couples living together is silly? By your reasoning, it is on a par with homosexuality, stealing, raping, beastiality and so forth. Are you suggesting some sins are not as bad as others?
    Also, I find it interesting to note you believe the purpose of my decision to create this thread was so that you could be 'roast'. Are you able to explain this extraordinary leap of logic?

    jgnat, you make a good case for showing love to gays on a human level, but is it your belief that God is going to punish them for their behaviour?
    You say a simple prayer of dedication will absolve them in God's eyes, but I always thought it had to be a prayer of repentance. Does a thief get a free pass if he dedicates his life to God, yet continues to steal? Does a pedophile have God's blessing if he does much to spread God's word, but at the same time continues to abuse children? I would be hesitant to think so.
    You seem to have wished examples such as lying or gossiping could have been used. Is this because you see them as lesser sins? On what basis do you decide what makes something more or less displeasing to God?

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