Ups (finishing grad school) and downs (doc visits) ...I'm scared... :(

by asleif_dufansdottir 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    Last week I finished up grad school (Master's degree). I'm currently gainfully unemployed and my student health insurance runs out the first of August.

    I've been to the doc so many times the last couple of weeks (sigh). The first batch was relatively minor...I had a big splinter in my hand that the docs didn't find right away...3 visits, 2 courses of antibiotics and 2 in-office minor surgeries later, they *finally* got it out.

    Then I had my yearly 'well woman' exam, at which the doc decided I needed to see a colorectal surgeon for my hemorrhoids (yippee). I wasn't too worried because they haven't been bothering me much. Then the surgeon found a lump in addition to the hemorrhoids, and his reaction freaked me out...he practically ran out of the room to have his staff schedule surgery at his first available opening (Wed the 30th). Then he did one of those doctor-patient chats where he tells you it might be nothing but could be cancer (while watching your face intently for signs you're freaking out). He said, "It doesn't look like anal cancer, but then anal cancer doesn't look like anal cancer...until it does" (what the *hell* does that mean?? I'm going to have a colonoscopy as well as the surgery.

    Then Saturday I got a letter from the mammogram shows some "findings" which require follow-up imaging. The one I had a year and a half ago was fine.

    Between the butt lump and the boob lump I'm really trying not to freak out. I told my folks (who live 1500 miles away) about the surgery but not the problem with the mammogram.

    I used to work in the office of a med school, and I just keep thinking about all the teaching cases we saw where cancer had spread to several places.

    I don't really have anyone else to talk to about this. I'm trying not to freak out the husband...

  • ex-nj-jw


    I know this is easier said than done - but, try not to panic until they have a definate diagnosis. The lumps may be benign or fatty tumors, but there is no way to know until a biopsy has been done.

    So, take slow deep breaths, try to be positive until you know for sure.

    Sending hugs and positive vibes your way!!!!


    Congrats on your masters!!!

  • Sunspot

    Oh Sweetie---I guess it's my turn to offer the hugs of reassurance of those impending medical tests!!! I admire your tenacity in obtaining a Master's degree past the usual college age....and know that you are going to get more than ample chance to "use" the knowledge you have gone so far to have obtained!

    You are going to be just fine and will come through whatever it is.....and do that just fine too!



  • free2think


    Firstly Congratulations on your Masters.

    I'm so sorry you are having all these health problems and worries. I'm thinking of you.


  • J-ex-W

    ((((((((((( asleif ))))))))))

  • jaguarbass

    Aslief, I wish the best for you.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    Clouds and sunshine.

    I pray you see more of the sunshine than the clouds

  • free2think


  • purplesofa

    congrats on finishing school

    Will be thinking of you and let us know how all your test results turn out


  • restrangled

    OK A.D....

    You have been efficiently horrified by your Drs. Talking you into a procedure you really are not having a problem with (hemorrhoids) which most of the population has by age 50. Low and behold they find something else for you to worry about. (Top to Bottom) puns intended.

    Please keep in mind that DR's these days request tests to protect their own hind ends from lawsuits.

    I will not go into the unending frustration, and unnecessary tests for my mom at $2000.00 each. I will not go into the fight with doctors over the info on the INTERNET which they finally had to agree with.

    She wound up having a lumpectomy despite the "experts" opinion of full mastectomy with radiation and Chemo.

    Guess what??!!! We were right, she only needed the minor surgery, no chemo and no radiation.

    Protect yourself. Research, and do you really need .. Why subject yourself ?

    This is a common problem and if you are not bothered at age 44 , ......don't do it.

    Just my opinion.


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