Days that Go From Bad to Downright Embarassing

by Crumpet 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet
    dread to think what might have happened to a 'bad employee'. This one had an absolutely spottless record till last week - followed by a full week of bullshit intended to make me feel inadequate and guilty. Mission accomplished I suppose. I am in fear every time I hook up to a trailer now - fear that I will have a repeat that will this time cost me my job.

    Yep - a bad day indeed.


    Jeff that is really horrible! I hate the way they bullied you and tried to intimidate you and all to what end? BAD EMOPLOYERS and I would gvie them a piece of my mind and a bit of human resoirces training if I could!

  • Pubsinger

    Yes but I've seen your chin.

    Seriously Nina we all have them (bad days!)

    Did you try Tij's suggestion re hard drive?


  • ButtLight

    Oh my little crumpet, I have had many days like that! Or days where just about everyone gets on your nerves? Those are fun too!

    The amount of bras this happens to. I'm ashamed to admit, I usually stitch the wire back in

    LOL, I play the turtle bobbing game with mine, it pops out, i shove it back in....till I get so tired of it, then I just pull it out and throw it away. Then I walk around looking lobsided!

  • delilah

    Hi Crumpet.....I believe it's called, " Murphy's Law"....where anything that CAN go wrong, WILL go wrong.

    Chin up, ( no pun intended here) it does get better. I think we all have days like this, in order to keep us humble.

    I hope you are able to recover all your info on your PC.....that really sucks!! Tomorrow will be a better day love. Meantime, have a drink.....relax....and fuh-get-about-it.


    ps......every underwire bra I have ever bought, ALWAYS does this to me....and it's usually in public, the wire starts to sneak out, and there's no place to yank the damn thing out without being watched....and it pokes into your "sidewall", and hurts like hell....stupid things.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    BAD EMOPLOYERS and I would gvie them a piece of my mind and a bit of human resoirces training if I could!

    The employer is Wal-Mart. I work in a highly paid job for them, but they did not get where they are by caring about the employees I will attest to that. It is even worse for those that work in the stores [I am in a distribution center]. I have actually seen them fire an employee once for breaking a jug of orange juice and not reporting it in a timely manner. And this was a star order filler for them.

    Honestly I don't know how they keep people at all. I have seen probably 100 top notch employees get fired over the piddliest shit you can imagine.


  • tijkmo
    Thanks Tij - I will have a look and see if I can find that file

    there won't be a file of that name yet.

    you will have to run a recovery and everything that is recovered will be called that cos from now on you will have a new disk structure - with new my documents my music my pictures my videos etc etc...and in the old disk structure will be your previous my documents my music etc etc etc... you can then bring things from the old to the new if you want or you can just access them from the old.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Oh Crumpet!

    I've had those days where you just wish you'd stayed in bed!!

    Computer problems are the worst!! It seems like your whole life goes on these things and when it's gone - man what an awful feeling in the pit of your stomach!

    And underwire bras!! If they just put a wee bit of extra material there on the ends - those pesky wires would stay where they are supposed to!!

    Take a deep breath, and just take the rest of the day bit by bit, and celebrate small miracles when nothing goes wrong!


  • ex-nj-jw


    I hope your day gets better. I know all about the bra thing, happend to me on Friday, I was out with my hubby and the damn thing kept poking me, so reached in pulled it out right there at the bar... The hubby thought it was funniest thing ever!!!!

    Have a better day!!!


  • Crumpet

    All I can say is it has cheered me up no end to hear your similar tales of underwire bra induced wo - had I known what a topic of conversation it would turn out to be then I would have given it a thread of its own - clearly it needs several threads if it is to stay in.

    LOL at Buttlight:

    LOL, I play the turtle bobbing game with mine, it pops out, i shove it back in....till I get so tired of it, then I just pull it out and throw it away. Then I walk around looking lobsided!

    This is the same damned bra and wire that nearly broke my washing machine too. Its a bad luck bra clearly and when I get home I am going to tear it into tiny pieces for messing up my day. See its trying to escape its fate again - back up to garotting position!

    Actually a guy at work just lent me the new Linkin Park album to listen to and I am already feeling better. Awesome sound! This line I particularly like from the aptly named "Given Up":


  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    These days that we all get have a habit of getting better i've found. As for under wire bra problems, I can still hear a wire in my washing machine from a few years ago, so far its not damaged anything....and no its wasnt one of mine!

    CS 101

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