The Psychedelic Mind

by GetBusyLiving 186 Replies latest members adult

  • Abaddon


    Having had a brother who was a heroin addict, I can understand how your personal experiences effect you.

    But would you react like this in a thread about alcohol? In absolute terms, alcohol users are just as likely to become abusers as the users of most recreational drugs, and alcohol abusers are disproportionately likely to cause harm to others when compared with most recreational drug users.

    Mankind has enthusiastically investigated the pharmaceutical properties of local vegetation since the dawn of time. That is 'normal'. Most people who harp on about drugs take drugs, accept they are socially sanctioned ones. Seems 'normality' is in the eye of the intolerant...

    Those who go on about the risks of drugs are normally silent about the risks of certain sports - not necessarily extreme sports but common activities with distinct risk, like horse riding or American Football. I think if someone is entitled to risk life and limb in a sport, which one does for enjoyment, then any suggestion they are not entitled to risk life or limb in recreational drug use for enjoyment is simply not well thought out.

    I think opposition to recreational drugs use is only logical if it is consistent; none of this sanctioning alcohol whilst damning cannabis. Yes, both drugs have abusers, but the alcohol abuser is far more damaging to those around him. Yes, I have seen the damage drugs (LSD and pot) can do. But I also see the damage alcohol and tobacco can do.

    I think comprehensive drug education is essential to reduce risk; stopping people taking drugs is impossible, you can only make sure they take drugs as safely as possible if they do take them.

    I have taken caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, LSD, amphetamine sulphate, Ecstasy, GBH... errrrr... mushrooms.

    The first four are daily activities, more-or-less. Not taken anything else for ages. "Despite this" I am a Manager and my last pay rise was 15%.

    The Cassandric portrayals of users of drugs like E and pot actually do more harm than good; most young people realise only maybe 5% of pot users are the stereotypical stoner, and that most are (otherwise) law-abiding tax payers with lives. Once a young person feels they have been lied to bout drugs by educators, they are less likely to believe the far likelier portrayal of heroin or crack users.

  • Robdar

    Psychedelics can be fun. They can also be very dangerous. I've known people who did fine and others who never recovered or, while looking to become shaman, became schizophrenic instead.

    My advice is to not do psychedelics alone until you know how they are going to affect you. It is better to trip with a "travel agent" who will calm you down and talk you through a bad trip. And bad trips DO happen, even to the most experienced tripper.

    See you on cloud nine.


  • tetrapod.sapien

    john dope,

    Tetra, when I first joined here, you had some posts that were insightful, logical, and showed an intellect that many would envy.

    hmmm... funny, i see it the other way around.

    Sadly, I can't see one thing in your last post that is not complete and utter bullshit.

    like, uh... because you didn't get it, or because each sentence wasn't accompanied by a lawyer sanctioned, government stamped, socially approved, peer reviewed source note? BWA HA HA HA! - oh, john, don't you see: calling it BS doesn't make it BS.

    I hope your life changes to a more positive direction.

    ya, right. i can go back to panic attacks, cutting myself with knives, alchoholism, clinical depression .......... unconsciousness. RIGHTIO!! i'll just disregard all the healing i have accomplished with the aid of psychedelic drugs, and get psychologically constipated again. i'll let the pharms rape my mind into submission, so that i can flatline emotionally for the rest of my 'positively directed' life.

    wooHOOO! john, do you have a dotted line for me to sign on somewhere? tetra
  • nvrgnbk
    john dope

    tell him tetra!

  • bikerchic

    Oh well.....I did my fair share of experimenting with drugs in the 60's and fortunately lived to tell about it.

    Now days I am just high on life and don't need any help getting there which is fine for me and whatever works for you all is also okay.

    MsMcD said:

    Drinking too much cough syrup with guaifenesin in it will make you hallucinate! One of my twins is sensitive to this medication. I didn't know it, at the time, but she would always have hallucinations when she got a cold or the flu. Then I learned about the stupid medicine! No wonder she was hallucinating! *duh*

    I had the flu really bad a couple of years ago and used cough syrup with guaifenesin and really tripped on it! It was all we had in the house at the time and hubby went and got something else which worked fine without the "tripping" part, LOL. After we looked at the ingredients and figured it was the guaifenesin that was causing the problem for me. I just thought I was a freak didn't know other people had this problem with it too. LOL

    I'm a freak!

  • frankiespeakin


    By your trip discription, I would guess you experienced a mild form of ego death. sounds like it was pretty enlightening.

    I've been doing Ayahuascas trying to do them weekly but lack the stomach for it. twice a month seems to be the most I can bare at the moment. The insights have been rewarding, and health benifits good I always notice healing of wounds and other ailment speed up quite a bit after a night of ayahuasca.

    One thing that has been happening durring my trips on wuascas is that I'm made very aware of the need to be kinder and more understanding of peoples feelings, my GF always encourages me to do them more regularly because she finds me more lovable, generous, thoughtful etc...

    I guess I have a lot of repressed emotions and when I do wuascas, I usually speak in tongues, sometime the tears flow, and I have deep groaning sighs that knock all the air right out of me, the release of these deeply supressed feelings along with vivid visions of the past often bring renewed strenght and seem to be getting me out of a stagnant rut. Usually the next morning I feel almost a good as when I was young child.

    There are times when the colors and visions make it seem as if my head is going to explode with information overload, durring those times I just let it happen, knowing that to fight it will just make me more uncomfortable, and cause anxiety. Haven't met any of my spirit animals like I did on earlier trips, or any other entities, but get lots of visions and insights on things in my life that need attention.

    Don't forget to take it slow the next day after tripping and to take time to think about your insights so as to integrate them.

  • frankiespeakin


    Cough syrups containing DMX(dextromethorphan) are the ones that make you trip if you take enough, it is even more powerful than LSD if you take enough and will cause out of the body experiences.

  • gumby

    I've never did a drug that made me see something that wasn't really there, so no hallucinagetics.

    I've done weed, some snort, pills.

    Right now I'm currently on Methadone.....80 millagrams per day for my back pain. It's more effective than opiates....such as vicodin/Norco's. No highs to speak of, only a sleepyness that gets old. I was just prescribed Provigil to make me alert and not fall asleep (such as when I read). That's now the only drug(s) I do. I've smoked truckload of weed in my time and always enjoyed that.


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    like, uh... because you didn't get it, or because each sentence wasn't accompanied by a lawyer sanctioned, government stamped, socially approved, peer reviewed source note? BWA HA

    Tell me this tetra. For what reasons are certain actions "socially approved?" Is being "socially approved" a bad thing? Do you feel better by calling me a dope, why or why not?

  • Twitch

    I like this guy. Reminds me of Stretch Armstrong. He was fun too.

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