Do you get "tired" of "Apostates/ex-jws" bashing the WT to you?

by booker-t 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • John Doe
    John Doe


  • Junction-Guy

    No, but I did get tired of all of the Christendom bashing when I was a JW.

    I like Tyrones response about taking breaks. Whenever I had the money I would take vacations (road trips) and this was my way of taking a break. Now that Im strapped for cash I no longer have that "release", so my mind has focused 24/7/365 on them.

  • dedpoet

    I do my share of watchtower bashing myself, but I do talk about other
    things. It sounds like your friend is more than a little obsessed with the
    evil org.

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    I think it's part of the healing process - you need to get the anger out there and dealt with. You have obviously moved on from that stage but your friend has not, give them your support but explain to them that they need to give it a bit of a rest some times.

  • PrimateDave

    I don't have any ex-jw friend to talk to in person, so I don't have a problem there.

    I can pick what I want to read and/or respond to on this message board, so I don't have a problem here.

    My dear sweet mother always has something Witnessy to say in our phone conversations, so I do get tired of that.

    When I talk about the Witnesses to non-Witnesses I try to keep it short and to-the-point so that they don't get tired of me.

    I think some non-Witnesses think I am making things up.

    My boss thought it was the weirdest thing that they don't even celebrate Mother's Day. But, I didn't go on and on about it.


  • WTWizard

    No, I don't get tired of the bashing of the Watchtower Society. True, some go to extremes and use force, threat of force, or fraud to get people out. That is wrong, and usually backfires as the person thinks it's Satan persecuting and they will try even harder to serve Jehovah.

    However, if someone is exposing the Watchtower, I do not get tired of it. In fact, there are two issues involved with the Watchtower: cost and benefit. Most focus on the cost: raise the cost, and people will stop following. The Watchtower fights back by providing higher illusory benefits. It's worth all endeavor to live forever. No matter how high they raise the cost, the benefit appears greater. Those who expose the smoke and mirrors and that the benefits are fake are doing better: once the illusory benefits disappear, the cost is irrelevant. It's worth zero, and you have to do something, so you stop. That's what will bring the Watchtower Society to justice.

  • ozziepost


    Do you get "tired" of people?

    ...but do you ever get tired of some "Apostates or ex-jws" constantly bashing the WT? ........But my friend just talks about the JW's non-stop 24/7. When he calls I tell him I am on the other line just so I don't have to hear it........ Do you get sick of WT bashing from you ex-jws friends and family?
    One reason I like him so much is because he lives the role of a christian and not just "announce" every 5 minutes that he is born-again like alot of christians I know. Well the other day he made a comment that just threw me for a loop. Just wondering.

  • blondie

    The WTS apostate bashing bothers me more.

    *** w06 1/15 p. 23 par. 12 Do Not Allow Place for the Devil ***Of course, it is much better to cling firmly to the truth and not be ensnared by apostate views in the first place.

    *** w06 1/15 p. 23 par. 13 Do Not Allow Place for the Devil ***Because of listening to the Devil and not rejecting his lies, the first human pair apostatized. So, then, should we listen to apostates, read their literature, or examine their Web sites on the Internet? If we love God and the truth, we will not do so. We should not allow apostates into our homes or even greet them, for such actions would make us ‘sharers in their wicked works.’ (2 John 9-11) May we never succumb to the Devil’s wiles by abandoning the Christian "path of truth" to follow false teachers who seek to "introduce ruinous ideologies" and try to ‘exploit us with well-turned phrases.’—2 Peter 2:1-3, Byington.

    *** w06 1/15 Do Not Allow Place for the Devil ***

    12, 13. How should we treat apostates?

    *** w06 5/15 p. 20 Highlights From Book One of Psalms ***

    26:4. We are wise to avoid association with those who hide their identity in Internet chat rooms, those at school or at our place of work who pretend to be our friends for devious reasons, apostates who put on a mask of sincerity, and those who live a double life.

    *** w06 11/1 p. 26 par. 16 Do You Share Jehovah’s View of Sacred Things? ***The expression "poisonous root" refers to those few in the Christian congregation who may find fault with the way things are done. For instance, they might disagree with Jehovah’s views on the sacredness of marriage or the need for moral cleanness. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-7; Hebrews 13:4) Or they might share in apostate talk, "empty speeches that violate what is holy," proffered by those who "have deviated from the truth."—2 Timothy 2:16-18.

    *** w06 11/15 pp. 23-24 par. 15 Keep Yourself in God’s Love! ***A conscience marked "as with a branding iron" is like seared flesh covered with scar tissue and devoid of feeling. Such a conscience would no longer warn us to stay away from apostates and from situations that could cause us to fall away from the faith.

    *** w06 11/15 p. 25 par. 22 Keep Yourself in God’s Love! ***Even a slight toleration of apostate thinking might start one down the road to full-fledged apostasy.—Proverbs 11:9; Revelation 21:8.

    *** w04 2/15 pp. 16-17 Guard Against Deception ***

    Guard Against Deception by Apostates


    Satan has long used apostates in his efforts to seduce God’s servants. (Matthew 13:36-39) Apostates may claim to worship Jehovah and to believe the Bible, but they reject the visible part of his organization. Some even return to the God-dishonoring doctrines of "Babylon the Great," the world empire of false religion. (Revelation 17:5; 2 Peter 2:19-22) Under divine inspiration, the Bible writers used strong words to expose the motives and the methods of apostates.


    What is it that apostates want? Most are not content to leave the faith that they once perhaps viewed as true. Often, they want to take others with them. Rather than going out and making their own disciples, many apostates seek to "draw away the disciples [that is, Christ’s disciples] after themselves." (Acts 20:29, 30) Regarding false teachers, the apostle Paul sounded this urgent warning: "Look out: perhaps there may be someone who will carry you off as his prey." (Colossians 2:8) Does that not describe what many apostates try to do? Like a kidnapper who carries an unsuspecting victim away from his family, apostates prey upon trusting members of the congregation, seeking to carry them away from the flock.


    What methods do apostates use to achieve their aim? They often resort to distortions, half-truths, and outright falsehoods. Jesus knew that his followers would be victimized by those who would "tell all kinds of evil lies against" them. (Matthew 5:11, Today’sEnglishVersion) Such malicious opposers would tell what is not true with the intent to deceive others. The apostle Peter warned about apostates who would use "counterfeit words," spread "deceptive teachings," and ‘twist the Scriptures’ to their own ends. (2 Peter 2:3, 13; 3:16) Sadly, apostates succeed in "subverting the faith of some."—2 Timothy 2:18.


    How can we guard against being deceived by apostates? By heeding the advice from God’s Word, which says: "Keep your eye on those who cause divisions and occasions for stumbling contrary to the teaching that you have learned, and avoid them." (Romans 16:17) We "avoid them" by steering clear of their reasonings—whether in person, in printed form, or on the Internet. Why do we take such a stand? First, because God’s Word directs us to do so, and we trust that Jehovah always has our best interests at heart.—Isaiah 48:17, 18.

    *** w04 2/15 p. 20 par. 22 Guard Against Deception ***Let us, then, keep on guard against the reasonings of apostates. May we be determined to avoid the subtle snare of self-deception. And let us recognize and reject all of Satan’s lies. By doing so, we will safeguard our relationship with "the God of truth," who detests deception.—Psalm 31:5; Proverbs 3:32.

    *** w04 2/15 Guard Against Deception ***

    How can we guard against being deceived by apostates?

    *** w04 2/15 Guard Against Deception ***

    6, 7. (a) What claim may apostates make? (b) How do the Scriptures clearly show what apostates want?

    8. What methods do apostates use to achieve their aim?

    9, 10. (a) How can we guard against being deceived by apostates? (b) Why are we not disturbed if our understanding of God’s purpose needs to undergo adjustments?

    *** w04 2/15 p. 28 "Fight the Fine Fight of the Faith" ***It would be a mistake to think that you need to listen to apostates or to read their writings to refute their arguments. Their twisted, poisonous reasoning can cause spiritual harm and can contaminate your faith like rapidly spreading gangrene. (2 Timothy 2:16, 17) Rather, imitate God’s response to apostates. Job said of Jehovah: "Before him no apostate will come in."—Job 13:16.

    *** w04 7/15 p. 11 par. 6 Do You Find Delight in "the Law of Jehovah"? ***To please Jehovah, we surely ‘must not sit in the seat of ridiculers.’ Some ridicule godliness itself, but in these "last days," former Christians who have become apostates often prove to be especially scornful in their ridicule

    *** w04 7/15 p. 11 par. 7 Do You Find Delight in "the Law of Jehovah"? ***Our downward spiral might begin if we follow the counsel of the wicked. Then we might associate with them regularly. In time, we might even become faithless apostate ridiculers. Obviously, friendship with wicked ones can foster an ungodly spirit within us and can destroy our relationship with Jehovah God. (1 Corinthians 15:33; James 4:4) May we never allow that to happen to us!

    *** w04 9/1 p. 15 par. 11 Beware of "the Voice of Strangers" ***


    Peter further exposes the methods of apostates by stating that they "will quietly bring in destructive sects." (2 Peter 2:1, 3) Just as the thief in Jesus’ illustration of the sheepfold does not enter "through the door but climbs up some other place," so apostates approach us in stealthy ways. (Galatians 2:4; Jude 4) What is their aim? Peter adds: "They will exploit you." Indeed, no matter what apostates may say to the contrary, the real aim of intruders is "to steal and slay and destroy." (John 10:10) Beware of such strangers!

    *** w04 9/1 p. 18 pars. 19-20 Beware of "the Voice of Strangers" ***How, then, should we react to the voice of strangers? In the way sheep do. Jesus says: "A stranger they will by no means follow but will flee from him." (John 10:5) Our reaction is twofold. First, we "will by no means follow" a stranger. Yes, we resolutely reject a stranger. In fact, in Biblical Greek, the words "by no means" translate the strongest way to express rejection in that language. (Matthew 24:35; Hebrews 13:5) Second, we "will flee from him," or turn away from him. That is the only right way to react to those whose teachings are out of harmony with the voice of the Fine Shepherd.


    Therefore, when confronted with those who voice apostate ideas, we want to do what God’s Word states: "Keep your eye on those who cause divisions and occasions for stumbling contrary to the teaching that you have learned, and avoidthem." (Romans 16:17; Titus 3:10) Likewise, Christian youths facing the dangers of harmful associates want to apply Paul’s counsel given to young Timothy: "Flee from the desires incidental to youth." And when confronted with false accusations in the media, we will remember Paul’s further advice to Timothy: "They [those who listen to the voice of strangers] will be turned aside to false stories. You, though, keepyoursenses in all things." (2 Timothy 2:22; 4:3-5) No matter how smooth the voice of strangers may seem, we flee from all that would subvert our faith.—Psalm 26:5; Proverbs 7:5, 21; Revelation 18:2, 4.

    *** w04 9/1 Beware of "the Voice of Strangers" ***20. How will we react when we are confronted with (a) deceitful apostates, (b) harmful associates, (c) biased media reports?

  • Insomniac

    Once in a while, I will indulge in a round of BOrg-bashing, usually in response to some encounter I had with a witness during the day. I honestly don't get the need, however, to continuously drag up muck from 10, 20, 30 years ago. While it's easier to live in the past, it's a hell of a lot healthier (and more fun) to live in the now, and look to the future.

  • mouthy

    I spend my life talking about JWs...No I dont bash them. I tell all that listen how I love them....
    But I want to end my" last days" telling ALL who will listen that To follow men!!!! is bondage!!
    I have a lovely woman (41yrs old) from England right now staying with me. Her Mother is JW -she was raised with a lot of the teaching ,Mother is Father isnt-they were seperated I must be driving her nuts!! I am wearing my( EXJW t-shirt, University 1914) I have made a gift of "Crises Of Conscience "
    I am trying to show her "Witnesses Of Jehovah" Video...(when we have time)
    I used to baby sit her when I was a JW. when she was 3 yrs old.... I pray by the time she leaves the Gough house -she will know 2 things for sure.
    One is > There is a loving Creator
    Two > the WT teaches good morals > but you must slave for a few old men that live in a Watchtower in Brooklyn.
    So to answer your Question .If you get tired of those who point out the "wrongs" in the WT
    Pray for them-because many of them have lost their family to a False Prophet....

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