What "Christian Rock" would you recommend?

by AlmostAtheist 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carmel



    I would recommend the group ApologetiX. They take various popular rock sounds and give them a Biblical twist. They are not simply sappy Jesus love songs, but actually tell various bible stories. For instance, Samson in Enter Samson, Eutychus in Listening After Midnight, King David in Crazy Little King God Loved.

    Here is a link to their site, http://www.apologetix.com/

  • jaguarbass

    If you listen to Christian rock you are choosing to brainwash your self to the message of the bible. It's like jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. You are a slave who escaped the plantation. Why do you want another evil corrupt master?

  • bebu
    I really like Lamb of God. It's very inspirational.

    Are you referring to Agnus Dei? That is an excellent song. bebu

  • RichieRich
  • bebu

    LOL, I should have googled that first.


  • wednesday

    I so agree with pink floyd. lol

  • heathen

    I really don't mind some of it myself . I think CREED was a christian band and totally rocked , but some of the softer music is pretty good . There's nothing wrong with singing about peace and love , IMO


    The former lead singer of Creed (I forget his name) is the son of a Pentecostal (AoG) preacher. The music of Creed is not necessarily Christian, but is more positive than some of the stuff that is masquerading as music these days.

  • GentlyFeral

    "Worship" songs, outside of church, tend to creep me out. Getting ecstatic about how God is your girlfriend is really too personal to sing about in public.

    Nevertheless, I discovered by accident that Jonny Lang's latest album, Turnaround, is Jesus music. He forsakes his previous dabbling in bland pop to return to the down-n-dirty urban blues that made him famous (some of it verges on soul, too). Good solid music, church lyrics aside. And even the "Jesus is my girlfriend" tone is less offensive than I have heard elsewhere. A few of the songs ("Bump In the Road," "One Person at a Time," "Don't Stop for Anything") are not only about what Jesus has done for him, but what he has done with that.

    Mind you, I'm still ambivalent about what Jesus has done to Jonny Lang :)

    gently feral

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