Fun Video of xJW partaking at Memorial

by Namasti 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    it was a practical joke Im sure,
    What about the kids sitting in the Hall -who believe Jehovah is watching this very solom occasion.
    Believing it is the LORDS table/
    Practical jokes are to make their viewers laugh I bet no one laughed in that K H

  • Junction-Guy

    Im sure some of the kids would have laughed, even if secretly. Their whole "Memorial" is a mockery towards Christ, and a blaspheme to me, so I dont let a practical joke like this bother me in the least. I myself wouldn't have done it, for scriptural reasons involving the communion.

  • Tuesday

    I dunno, it doesn't strike me as a practical joke. A practical joke would be putting a fake eye in the wine glass as it passes you, or getting a fake hand to pop out of the bread, or like setting up a booming tenor voice to come over the P.A. saying "All Partake for you are my Annointed". This is more like Tom Green style of joking, except without all the inherent humor that is found in Tom Green.

  • Junction-Guy

    I know that if I wasnt a Christian, then I might be tempted to do something like this myself. Perhaps Brenda isnt a Christian, she may not even believe in Jesus.

  • Tuesday
    I know that if I wasnt a Christian, then I might be tempted to do something like this myself. Perhaps Brenda isnt a Christian, she may not even believe in Jesus.

    I'm not Christian and I don't believe in Jesus, I wouldn't do this. It is disrespectful, but more than that it's not funny. If you're going to do something to get a laugh, then do something actually funny. There's alot funnier stuff you can do to get a laugh than to go and disrupt a ceremony, the only ceremony JW's have. You could tape a Judicial Meeting where you proclaim to be the reincarnated Charles T. Russell, you could put fake dog poop around the bubbler, you could change the scripture above the platform to be Luke 21:8, you could replace the congregation bibles with Crisis of Conscience, you could switch the Kingdom Melody CD in the hall to the collected works of Marilyn Manson, you could set up a fake crime scene complete with people pretending to be police at the kingdom hall complete with chalk outline on the stage, you could get a blood transfusion in the middle of the hall, you could dress up as a very old witness and answer all the WT questions for the Sunday study with doctrine from before 1914....

    All of these I came up with in 2 minutes tops. There's alot more creative things you can do, that will get a better reaction, that will be WAY funnier. I did think it was a bit disrespectful, it absolutely REAKS of a publicity stunt from someone who I think is the queen of publicity stunts in the ex-JW world, and the worst thing of all... it wasn't funny at all.

  • Junction-Guy

    Disrespectful to who?

    Being raised in the JW org was disrespectful to me.

    Right now Im definitely in the mood where I dont think anything could bother me that is being said or done about the JW's Im going through a very emotional time right now, and if it werent for being a Christian, then who knows what I might be tempted to do myself.

    so for this I cant really fault her. It may be considered disrespectful by some, but everyone deals with this religion in their own way. I remember when I held my picketing on the Memorial night, I got a few Boo's here, did it change my opinion? Not in the least, I still feel I did a community service exposing them.

  • Tuesday

    Well I guess the best example would be this...

    Imagine I went to one of your testimonies and started heckling you. I don't believe in Jesus and I'm not Christian, would you view that as disrespectful? If I went to Sunday Mass at a Catholic church drunk, belching constantly. Or if I went to a baptist convention rolling on E, that way I held everyone extra close during any hugs involved. I could mockingly give the sinner's prayer dedicating myself to Jesus, then just start laughing uncontrollably at the end of it. I could show up to a Pentacostal revival with one of those one piece pajamas with the feet on them, but the flap in the back keeps falling down exposing my butt to everyone. I could come in wearing the Darwin Fish on my T-Shirt.

    To me it's the same thing, I wouldn't do any of that because I have enough respect for your religion. It annoys me to no end that people are trying to sneak creationism into school curriculem with Intelligent design, or school prayer, or the various groups trying to ban gay marriage, I could picket that all day long but there's a big difference between doing that and going into their church to disrupt their meetings.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    So out of interest Junction-guy, direct question to you as a Christian, if a non-Christian walked into the church where you worship and behaved exactly like that at your communion service, what would you and the rest of the congregation think and feel?

    And what happened to 'do to others as you would have them do to you'

    'Love your enemies, bless those who persecute you'

    '"Revenge is mine" says the LORD, "I will repay"'


  • Junction-Guy

    I kinda see your point,

    The thing is, if you came to my testimony and heckled or whatever, I wouldnt shun you, in fact I would want to talk with you and find out your perspective, and what had driven you to the point of taking those actions.

  • Junction-Guy

    To answer your question Sad Emo, the only people who would do that in my church would be unsaved people, therefore I wouldnt take it personal, I would just pray for them, and maybe have a polite conversation with them afterwards and find out what their motive was.

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