The Scientific Reasonableness Of Noah's Ark Demonstrated

by FireNBandits 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • FireNBandits

    Finally, someone in Holland (where floods weigh heavily on the collective subconscious) has built a 1/5 scale model of Noah's Ark. This proves that Noah built the original Ark. If Noah hadn't built the original Ark, how could someone build a 1/5 scale model of it? Not possible. I continually try to point this out to atheists too. The very fact that God is invisible proves He exists. If God does not exist, how can He be invisible?

    Anyway, to stay on topic, at last there is finally tangible proof that the "story" of Noah and the Worldwide Flood is not simply a legend, or even an historical event that grew bigger with each retelling. What we have here is rock-solid Divine Truth in Holland. As every day goes by more and more of the Bible is proven to be true. Most geologists now recognize that "dinosaur bones" are simply oddly shaped rocks. If they were actual bones they would contain DNA but they don't! They're just weird rocks. Who made them? Satan the Deceiver of course. Who else would be so masterfully brilliant in his deceptions?

    I recall being told that around 99% of all species that ever existed are extinct, that this is proven by the fact that fossilized species outnumber living species by about 99 to 1. How could that be when God's Word tells us that Noah took seven of each clean "kind" into the Ark and two of each unclean "kind"? The simple fact is that these so-called "extinct species" are just strange shapes inside of rocks and that's why they have no DNA.

    Now back to the Ark. I recall "scientific" discussions of the inside dimensions of the three tiered Box of Noah ("Ark" just means box and I know that you know that, and I know you know that I know you know that), and that it's thousands of times too tiny to hold even one specimen of all living land species, let alone the "dinosaurs" and the mythical gigantic extinct species of mammals nearly as big as dinosaurs. This is ridiculous arguing. We don't know what the Bible means by "kind." It probably doesn't mean species. Perhaps it means genus, or family, or order. Perhaps it means class, phylum, or kingdom. Who knows? For all we know it means phylum, and if so there was still almost enough room in the Box for the animals and their food and water. If there wasn't enough room, so what? We're talking about a God with whom the only impossibility is to lie! Have you ever watched Dr. Who? His time machine looks small on the outside but is massive on the inside! I have seen in my own lifetime that so many things that were once considered "science fiction" have come to pass. So too will this. We will discover how to warp space so that the inside of something is millions of times bigger than the outside. This is what God did with the Box! Now, some unbelieving ones will ask, "If God was going to do that, why didn't he just have Noah build a regular sized box but make the inside supernaturally bigger than the outside?" This is how the natural mind works in it's attempt to second-guess God. His ways are not our ways. He remains inscrutable. For His own reasons he gave the dimensions of the Box to Noah exactly as he did. Perhaps it was a test of Noah's fortitude and dedication to build something so big. I mean, why would an Omnipotent God need Noah to build an Ark at all?


    Yet He did so for a reason or reasons and I am sure one of them was for Noah to learn faith, obedience, and perseverance. To suffer shame for Jehovah God in the eyes of the worldly ones of his day. Jehovah God COULD have simply blinked his eyes and transported all the animals He needed safely through space-time bypassing the need for a Box entirely. Yet that is not what He chose to do. He chose Noah and told him to build the biggest Box the world had ever seen. A floating box with far greater space on the inside than the outside, bursting with every kind of animal and sufficient food and water!

    Anyway, that's God's Answer to the doubters who use "science falsely so-called" as well as twisted mathematics to "demonstrate" that Noah’s Box was just too small to hold all the animals and their food and water. WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!
    So, just BELIEVE. TRUST. OBEY. Move in lockstep as brothers and sisters, as faithful ones of Jehovah God and enter the Ark of Safety. Do not trust in science or logic or reason, or even in evidence. God is a God of miracles all around you! He created the entire UNIVERSE in six days! (You doubters with your “day-age” theory are actually scoffers and unbelievers. The Bible clearly demarcates each day with "an evening and a morning." If God had meant an Age he would have used the Hebrew word for Age: Olam.) The universe is only a few thousand years old, and we can demonstrate this using Bible Chronology, and we all know that Bible Chronology is completely accurate and trustworthy, based as it is on the Word of God. Unbelieving ones say to me: "If the universe is only a few thousand years old, how come light from BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of light-years away exists? Light only travels at 186,000 miles per second! It took BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of years for that light to reach the Earth!

    Again you expose yourself as un unbelieving one. Jehovah God simply sped the light up until it reached the Earth, then slowed it back down to 186,000 miles per second. The speed of light is STILL slowing down due to ENTROPY and you can find that on the NET just as I did using Google. Light moves much slower now than it used to! One day light will grind to a HALT and then shall the Prophecy of Jesus Christ be fulfilled: “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: for the night cometh, when no man can work.!” John 9:4

    “Work while it is DAY for the NIGHT COMETH WHEN NO MAN CAN WORK!” It doesn’t get much plainer than that! LIGHT WILL ONE DAY CEASE MOVING AND WE WON’T BE ABLE TO SEE IT!

    Jehovah God formed the Universe FULLY MATURE. Therefore it HAS THE APPEARANCE OF GREAT AGE! As Josh McDowell (I’m paraphrasing from memory) has so succinctly put it, “If you were suddenly plunked down in the middle of a universe that was only five minutes old, but had been created fully mature as our universe is, you would ask, ‘Wow! How old IS this universe?’ and if someone answered ‘It’s only five minutes old’ then you’d be flustered with their irrationality and say ‘That’s stupid! This universe is obviously millions or billions of years old!’ But you would be WRONG!”

    See how simple real science is? All of life is a TEST if you're going to believe God or Satan. Satan is the chief Questioner and Doubter, the one who encourages mankind to EXPERIMENT (as he did in the Garden by encouraging Adam and Eve to DOUBT the words of Jehovah and to trust their own EMPIRICAL EXPERIENCE by performing their own SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENT instead!) It is SATAN that champions "science" and "reason" over and above Godly FAITH in God's Word!

    As for me and my household, we will serve Jehovah, not science or logic or reason or empiricism or “experiments” or “evidence!” Especially not math! I HATE MATH! I’ll bet ALL OF YOU HATE MATH TOO! Numbers..who needs ‘em? The only Numbers I need is the Book of Numbers.

  • PrimateDave

    LOL! You convinced me! God is simply unbelievable, isn't he!


  • misguided

    Ahhh...ehhh...what are you trying to say???

    ...I've been to Drummheller, Alberta, and after being cannont deny that these are really dinosaur bones. They're not just malformed rocks. You're blind if you think they are. I've seen it with my own eyes. Therefore everything you've just said in your post has become null and void to me. The invisible ark has nothing to do with the vistible bones I HAVE SEEN!

  • FireNBandits

    AMEN primate Dave! God is GOOD! N stuff!

  • Arthur

    The trouble with insisting that the Flood of Noah was a true historical event; is that it robs it of it's value as a cultural literary work that was intended to teach a moral lesson.

    The subject of the Flood of Noah was something that bothered me deeply for many years as a JW. It troubled me that I could be accused have having a "lack of faith" or a "hard heart" if I did not believe in an account that was so fantastical and absolutely reeked of mythology and legend. I could go on and on ad infinitum on the scientific problems of the story.

    I see no reason why Bible believers cannot accept this story as allegorical and intended as a moral lesson. When accepted for what it really is; one can still appreciate the various symbolic elements and semi-hidden meanings in certain aspects of the tale.

    But, if it was just mythology; why did Jesus make reference to it? First of all, people are assuming that Jesus actually did. It's quite possible that Gosple writers felt that making reference to this tale (of which the Jews were quite familiar with) would fit in well with Jesus' prophetic statements. Even if Jesus did acutally make reference to it; he could have quite possibly been refering to it in the way that he used parables to teach moral lessons. Being that the Jews were quite familiar with this literature, Jesus could have made reference to it to accentuate his teachings about staying spiritually alert among a wicked generation; and to keep on the watch for his return.

  • FireNBandits

    Howdy misguided! How do you KNOW for CERTAIN that those DECEIVERS IN ALBERTA didn't just chisel those "fossils" into some rocks? Phineas T. Barnum hoodwinked the world with the Cardiff Giant which he had paid somebody to carve from rock! Remember the PIltdown Man? it was a HOAX! So are your "fossils" in Alberta! You can't trust a Canuck anyway. ANYONE who plays hockey is GODLESSS! GODLESS I tell you!

  • FireNBandits

    Yes, Arthur. But first, how about just having a good laugh? I see the Bible as entirely mythological, yet it's the mythos of my culture and I therefore value it. I do not, however, value or respect literalism. Have a great Lord's Day.

  • proplog2

    NO-thing is IMPOSSIBLE

  • nvrgnbk
    This proves that Noah built the original Ark. If Noah hadn't built the original Ark, how could someone build a 1/5 scale model of it? Not possible.

    Now that you put it like that FNB, utilizing such devastating logic, I am going to reevaluate my entire system of belief.


  • Narkissos


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