How Much Influence Did The Watchtower Have In Destroying Your Faith In God?

by The wanderer 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    How Much Influence Did The Watchtower Have In Destroying Your Faith In God?

    Personally, I do not believe that a corrupt organization should destroy the belief
    or concept of a Designer, God or Creator. In addition, because an organization
    such as the Watchtower has a crooked agenda this should not discredit the belief
    in God or the possibility that God exists.

    What About Your Perspective On The Matter?

    Theoretically, if you were never introduced to the Watchtower propaganda machine
    could you allow yourself to believe in a Universal Creator or the possibility that one

    How much damage did the Watchtower do to you about your belief in God
    or the possibility that God exists?

    Is it safe to say 50%, 75%, 100%?


    The Wanderer

  • Arthur
    How much damage did the Watchtower do to you about your belief in God
    or the possibility that God exists?

    None. The only thing that the Watchtower organization destroyed was the possibility that they would get anymore of my money.

  • jaguarbass

    What has destroyed my former belief in God is the information age. It's hard to have the wool pulled over your eyes with the internet unless you want to be in denial. Ever since I was young I prayed lord please show me the truth. I ended up seeing so much truth that the Lord was no longer in it.

    The witnesses didnt kill my faith in God. They are just a magazine publishing company. I read the bible 5 times cover to cover, 3 differnet translations, none of them the NWT, and I made notes. That was the eye opener. It just wasnt right. The God in the old testement is not a God of love, hes not a God of peace. And the Watertower had nothing to do with that.

    I'm sorry we didnt all get to live together in paradise at least the Watertower gave those who wanted out an out by giving a false date 1975. Thank you. Although, I dont think they did that out of the goodness of their heart. It's just if you pay attention when someones running their pie whole you can tell if their bullshxting you. And the society was.

    I dont want to come off as an atheist. I am an agnostic. To me that means I am telling you, I dont know. And at this point I would be very leary of any one who told me they did know who couldnt walk on water or fly. I've been out of the Watchtower since 83 I have spent over 20 years looking under stones for the truth ie creation vs evolution, God or no God. I have some hopeful thoughts which I have posted from time to time but nothing that I can bottle and sell. So when it comes to God and evolution I am like everybody else. I dont know. I'm just one of the ones that know, I really dont know.

  • nvrgnbk
    Ever since I was young I prayed lord please show me the truth. I ended up seeing so much truth that the Lord was no longer in it.

    My sentiments exactly, jaguarbass. Having said that, my experience with Jehovah's Witnesses has further complicated matters to a point where I simply have no faith left at all.

    Sincerely, I don't miss my faith.

    My only concern is that I do not wish to unwittingly offend or disrespect God if he really does exist. I am a very appreciative person by nature, so I note and delight in the "good" in life. But there are simply too many unanswered, and maybe unanswerable, questions that remain, too much confusion in this world, for me to believe.

    I humbly pray the following: Forgive me God for my lack of faith. But if you are real and all-knowing, You surely understand why I feel the way I do. Please help me if You wish to. If You don't, I'll understand.


  • yaddayadda

    None. Learning the truth about the Watchtower only destroyed my belief that there is 'one true religion' on earth today.

  • jaguarbass

    I humbly pray the following: Forgive me God for my lack of faith. But if you are real and all-knowing, You surely understand why I feel the way I do. Please help me if You wish to. If You don't, I'll understand.


    Nevergoingback thats what your name stands for right? If you dont have faith. And you dont have faith in the God of the bible. The bible says faith comes from God. So if you dont have faith, God didnt give you any or he didnt give you enough and you ran out. But it looks like the balls in Gods court to me. But, I guess thats what your prayer is saying.

  • nvrgnbk
    But, I guess thats what your prayer is saying.

    We understand one another oh so well bro!

  • ninja

    I pray that nvr gets some sleep......isnt it early morning where you are mate..????'s 7.55 here and I'm off to work again......grrrrrrr

  • GetBusyLiving

    No influence whatsoever. My brain is fully responsible.


  • IsaacJS2

    Sorry Wanderer, but I'm afraid I can't support your belief about JWD atheists either. The WTS did not destroy my faith in God, though it seems like that's the first conclusion many people jump to when they hear my story. There are more than 1500 denominations of Christianity in the U.S. alone, not to mention other religions. I could have converted to any one that I wanted. Like someone else said, my brain bears the responsibility for my atheism. I don't mean that I'm smarter than anyone else, only that I thought about it and atheism remains my ultimate conclusion.

    Everything I know says that the only sort of God that makes much sense (to me at least) is a deistic, "hands off" kind of God. I have no reason to believe in such a being, but it seems to be the least inconsistent with the evidence as I understand it. The Christian God, along with all the others I've heard of, doesn't jive with the evidence from my point of view. I'm not even talking about scientific evidence yet. When I heap that on top of my philosophical/observational doubts, there's just no contest. For me, secularism wins.

    Note that I'm just explaining the gist of views here. I don't mean to pick on those who do believe.

    I honestly have no idea how the Society could destroy someone's faith in the manner you describe. As you said, they are hardly the best of examples, nor are they the only example. All ex-Witnesses should be aware of these points, so letting the Society destroy their faith doesn't make a lot of sense. I can see how someone might feel that they've had their fill of religion immediately after they've left the Society, but that's not atheism. I can even see how they'd blame God if they chose to hold him accountable for their mistreatments. But blaming God isn't the same as doubting his existence. It's quite the opposite in fact. I can't lay blame on something I don't believe exists in the first place.

    If you wish to understand more about our real reasons, you might want to do some research. There's plenty of stuff available online. I like Austin Cline's site at as it seems to be the most thorough. His articles can get very in-depth, though. You may not feel like spending that much time on it. But checking out something like that could dispell any myths you might have about atheists or atheism. Most people seem to get it wrong and leap to all the wrong conclusions without trying to find out more, or they try and then don't believe what we tell them any way.

    Oh well. What ya gonna do?

    Best wishes,


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