What kind of soaps do you like?

by averyniceguy 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    Literally laughing out loud at Pioneer Spit and Finally-Free!

  • SirNose586

    General Hospital is a reliable story....but All My Children is just getting too predictable nowadays....

  • averyniceguy

    Sirnose, we are not talking about TV!

  • jaguarbass

    I like Irish spring. Also Ivory although I havent seen an Ivory bar in years.

  • Finally-Free
    General Hospital is a reliable story....but All My Children is just getting too predictable nowadays....

    I'm not familiar with those brands. I can't imagine that "General Hospital" would have a nice fragrence. I don't like anything too strong, but a nice mild scent makes me feel so sexy.


  • SirNose586
    Sirnose, we are not talking about TV!

    Uh oh. Yeah...let's just pretend I didn't say what I just said in that last post.

  • nvrgnbk
    I like Irish spring.

    Me too jaguarbass! Do you know they just came out with a line of Irish Spring body washes?

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    I use Rancid Polecat. It keeps my skin nice and scaly.

  • Hortensia

    It just occurred to me that the JWs who survive Armageddon will need to know a few things, like how to make soap, if all the factories and workers in the world are destroyed. Here's how: you save all the ashes from your hardwood fires (hmmmmm, not much in the way of trees around here). You put them in a barrel until the barrel is full. (hmmmmm, I see another hitch, unless they save some containers they find while cleaning up the earth.) Also, you save all the animal fat from the sacrifices (come on now, if Jehovah is going to kill off 99.9% of humans, surely the remaining JWs can kill a few animals in gratitude.) Then when you are ready, and you have a lot of animal fat, hardwood ashes, rainwater, and a big container or two, you can make soap. On the first day, boil the animal fat in lots of water until it is all rendered. Allow to cool. Next day, take the clean fat off the top and put into a big pot over the fire to melt. Meanwhile, fill the ash barrel with rainwater. let it sit overnight, then carefully (this is LYE now) drain it into another container. Test the strength with a chicken egg - if it floats showing an area the size of a quarter above the liquid, it is strong enough to make soap (and burn your skin off and blind you if you are not careful.) Pour the lye into the melted fat in about an equal amount. Stir for a few hours over the fire until it saponifies, quickly pour into molds. Allow to cure for three to six weeks, and cut into bars. There! Doesn't that sound easy? Any old armageddon survivor ought to be able to pull that off.
    Can you tell I'm bored?

  • hubert
    Also, you save all the animal fat from the sacrifices (come on now, if Jehovah is going to kill off 99.9% of humans, surely the remaining JWs can kill a few animals in gratitude.

    If they work fast, they can boil up a couple million worldly humans before our flesh rots. This way, they will get some use out of us, before we become bird fodder.


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