Fe2O3Girl's Race For Life run

by Scully 27 Replies latest social physical

  • Scully

    You're doing great, Fe2O3Girl!! Keep up the good work!

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    How's the training going Rachel?

    I'm doing mine tomorrow afternoon in Huddersfield. It's likely to be an absolute quagmire for us because it's in a park and there are three other races before ours - 2 today and 1 tomorrow morning (all four are full too YAY!), and we've had 3 days of virtually non-stop rain. I envision doing my race/walk in full hiking gear!!

    Anyone from here coming along to support - I should be identifiable by what is written on my 'back plate'!!

    Hope the weather is better for your race on the 1st. Keep up the training

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Hi Emo! How did your Race for Life go?

    My event is on Sunday. My training hasn't gone very well in the last couple of weeks as I have not been able to get to the gym more than once a week due to other commitments, and there has been so much rain here I haven't been able to get out over the fields either. Anyway, I ran/walked two miles at the gym last night in 27 minutes.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Hi Rachel

    2 miles in 27mins is good enough - better than I can do! Don't flog yourself to do the race in certain times, just enjoy yourself - everyone gets the same medal and goody bag at the end anyway, everyone's a winner

    Mine was great fun - it's well worth going for the pre-race fun and warm-ups too! I didn't get a time, my friend started the stopwatch on her mobile phone but then we decided we wanted to listen to music on the way round!! The weather was spot on - dry, and not too hot or cold, and the course was mostly around the tarmac paths in the park so it wasn't muddy.

    On one of the races on the Saturday, the last lady home was in wheelchair - and hooked up to her chemo treatment, as soon as she'd finished she went straight back into hospital. What can you say? What an outstanding, courageous soul, a true winner

  • Fe2O3Girl
    On one of the races on the Saturday, the last lady home was in wheelchair - and hooked up to her chemo treatment, as soon as she'd finished she went straight back into hospital. What can you say? What an outstanding, courageous soul, a true winner

    Wow. A true winner indeed.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    I ran/walked 5K this evening in about 45 minutes. I am really pleased that I have finally done the full distance - roll on Sunday!


  • Dansk


    Here's to you

    I had no idea you were doing this event and wish you all the very best. Obviously, it's a subject I know something about! What you're doing is wonderful!!


  • free2think

    All the best Fe203Girl. Will be thinking of you on sunday, i have a few dub friends who are also doing the race for life run too, i hope it goes well and the weather's good.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Woohoo Rachel - I know you can do it quicker than me!!

    The weather forecast for Sunday is not good - severe weather warning for all England and Wales - but here's hoping for a dry spell at least for you to race in.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Good luck for tomorrow Rachel!!

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