Met/spoken to two former Jw's I knew this week

by cyberdyne systems 101 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    What a strange week, first someone who posts here turns out to be someone I knew from many years ago, and we end up speaking on the phone to catch up and share our experiences, and then last night i'm in the supermarket when someone says hello to me and when I turn to look its another person who used to attend my old congregation. His reason's for not going was the lack of love shown to him and the fact that questions he was asking were going unanswered - sound familier? Wonder who i'll see next!

    CS 101

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    It's been great to catch up CS101 - it makes it a little easier to cope with all the frustration and hurt when you're deciding to leave to be able to talk about your real feelings/experiences and know you're not going to be judged or condemned forever more as an 'apostate'! I haven't grown horns or turned into an alcoholic/immoral/dishonest person overnight after all! I'm looking forward to seeing you again in the flesh soon. I do feel that we are on the verge of a 'tipping point' and that many more of us are going to be there for each other as the organisation falls apart.... If only more of us would be up front and make that move to leave according to an "informed decision" then maybe people would start asking "what's going on?" - it needs to be strong ones in the congregation though, those that we all look up to, not people like us who others point to and say "oh well, I'm not surprised, they're weak, on the edge, worldy, materialistic, etc, etc...". Anybody prepared to rise to this challenge?

  • sass_my_frass

    What a top week!

    Hmmm, don't hold your breath sweet pea. I think they've got a lot money behind them and where that fails them, lethargy will fill the gap.

  • Crumpet
    His reason's for not going was the lack of love shown to him and the fact that questions he was asking were going unanswered - sound familier? Wonder who i'll see next

    Did you tell him about our site and to come here?!

  • Crumpet
    His reason's for not going was the lack of love shown to him and the fact that questions he was asking were going unanswered - sound familier? Wonder who i'll see next

    Did you tell him about our site and to come here?!

  • jgnat

    Very neat!

    If only more of us would be up front and make that move to leave according to an "informed decision" then maybe people would start asking "what's going on?" - it needs to be strong ones in the congregation though, those that we all look up to, not people like us who others point to and say "oh well, I'm not surprised, they're weak, on the edge, worldy, materialistic, etc, etc...".

    Can't help you out here. My husband is marked as "bad association" and I'm his "worldly" wife.

  • Honesty
    If only more of us would be up front and make that move to leave according to an "informed decision" then maybe people would start asking "what's going on?" - it needs to be strong ones in the congregation though, those that we all look up to, not people like us who others point to and say "oh well, I'm not surprised, they're weak, on the edge, worldy, materialistic, etc, etc...".

    I was marked as weak after I stopped attending meetings so can't help you there.

    Besides, I'm known as a chief apostate by the JW's in this area.

    I should start charging by the carload when they bring a new publisher by to see where I live.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I chatted on msn yesterday with someone that I knew as a JW that has left as well. It's sometimes amazing how people come back into your life after so many years!


  • lesterd

    "TRUE BROTHERS" that were made as JWs have the love, and when the smarts come along and they remove themselves, the love is still there, and greater friendships, understandings and spirit grow past the cramped, conditional, confinning borg. My best freinds are XJWs.

  • Lunamoth
    the fact that questions he was asking were going unanswered
    If only more of us would be up front and make that move to leave according to an "informed decision" then maybe people would start asking "what's going on?" - it needs to be strong ones in the congregation though, those that we all look up to,

    I know of one elder that did try it this way, it didn't really impact the congo the way he expected. Because he and his wife ( both in their 60s had been in borg almost all their lives ) had been extremely faithful, she did not leave the borg, so when he left all her bestest best friends of many many years accused her of every kind of horrible ( even x rated ) behaviour imaginable, saying that it must be all her fault and that she must have pushed him away. Please note that this was done at a DC, several would approach her as a group at different times and with different people, I was sitting directly in front of her, they totally ignored me, I felt like a National Geographic of a piranha attack was unfolding before my eyes.

    This fantasy gossip about her completely overshadowed anything he said about why he left.

    Never underestimate the power of the gossip engine when any of the "strong ones" leave. Ya know " Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."

    Love and Laughter,


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