Met/spoken to two former Jw's I knew this week

by cyberdyne systems 101 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    I think its relevant to consider a couple of things here: 1 - think of the power of a community - not much by themselves but unstoppable together, even or perhaps especially when only loosely linked by a common goal - think about MySpace, YouTube, Linux and definitely Al-Quaida. 2 - The Tipping Point - a book by Malcolm Gladwell describing massive and sudden change. It's that ideas and behavior and messages and products sometimes behave just like outbreaks of infectious disease. They are social epidemics. The Tipping Point is an examination of the social epidemics that surround us. from his own website : What do you hope readers will take away from the book? One of the things I'd like to do is to show people how to start "positive" epidemics of their own. The virtue of an epidemic, after all, is that just a little input is enough to get it started, and it can spread very, very quickly. That makes it something of obvious and enormous interest to everyone from educators trying to reach students, to businesses trying to spread the word about their product, or for that matter to anyone who's trying to create a change with limited resources. The book has a number of case studies of people who have successfully started epidemics--an advertising agency, for example, and a breast cancer activist. I think they are really fascinating. I also take a pressing social issue, teenage smoking, and break it down and analyze what an epidemic approach to solving that problem would look like. The point is that by the end of the book I think the reader will have a clear idea of what starting an epidemic actually takes. I agree with Sweet Pea (otherwise my life is a misery :-)) Each of us taking firm action - even if painful - will contribute to a massive outcome. There's thousands of us out there on the same page - lets capitalise on one of the few weapons we have against a cult - our own individual right not to play ball anymore.

  • besty

    in the interests of journalistic integrity I admit that i made the above post on Sweet Pea's login :-)

  • bigmouth

    "in the interests of journalistic integrity I admit that i made the above post on Sweet Pea's login :-)" Yes I figured a second person got involved somewhere!

    I've done this too besty with my wifes login when I want to say something nice about myself. Unfortunately I always put in something like 'Signed, My Wife' Ha! :)

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