What % of JW's think they will make it to the New System without dying?

by JH 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • neverin

    My Dad is an active JW - approaching 70 with nearly 40 years service - and he told me a few days ago that he doesn't think he will live to see armageddon but that he still has the resurrection hope. He also said that if there is no resurrection he wont know anything about it anyway. Quite sad I thought, that he has spent so much time looking forward to an event that he now accepts he wont actually see. I also think that it's his way of coping with the reality that it wont happen at all.

  • journey-on

    In the last heated discussion my sis and I got into, I mentioned the fact that so many of the folks we grew up with are now getting old and dying off and these were the very ones that preached to my generation that they would not get old and die before Armageddon came. My elderly JW dad died a couple of years ago and he used to paint such a beautiful picture to us kids about the New World and how he was going to live to see it...how we would all be sheltered somewhere like Noah was in the Ark and after the battle was over, we would walk out right into the New World. (We called it the NW back then. I forget when we started saying New System.)

    Then my fanatical JW sister said, "That's okay if I die before Armageddon. I'll die faithful with the assured hope of the resurrection." So, my guess is most of them are now adjusting to the idea that they will not make it to the New System, but I don't think it is shattering their faith at all.

  • BFD

    I am sure that my mom was roped in on the promise of seeing the new system in her life time. 1975 to be exact! She was 34 and beautiful in 1965 when she got roped in. I'm sure she never thought she would grow old and die. But, she will be 76 this year and I'm sure she is disappointed but she will continue to wait on the prize yet to be while shunning her family here and now. I don't know if I'd recognize her if I saw her. She must look so different now from the last time I saw her. I can't picture her as an old lady, but I guess she is.


  • jaguarbass

    When I was a Witnoid back in 74, 75, I was counting on making it, I bet my future on it. By 83 I smelled a rotten egg. Or was that a funky light bulb?

  • jaguarbass

    I'm shocked reading this thread. Live and learn. A witnoid that doesnt think the Big A is right around the corner? Thats something I cant comprehend. You might as well be a catholic, lie cheat have all the sex you want and just confess occasionally. I wish my mother had been a catholic.

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    I think most witnesses think the end will come within the next 20 years, no matter what year it is today. I used to hear alot more about people buying thier "Armegeddon car" but not so much anymore. All those cars have rusted away and been replaced. Nobody thought they would graduate in this system, or have kids, certainly their kids would never graduate, or get married or have kids. More and more they are having to accept that there is a future and today matters. Its a harsh reality that they do not want to face. Maybe 20% think they will make it, maybe that's a bit high.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    I think it's high, like 95%. I know my parents believe it still, and they're 71, still believing no one should do anything of importance or for enjoyment of any sort, because at any moment we'll have it all . . .blah blah.

  • ninja

    not many of the old sisters round my place....they all have blue rinses

  • lesterd

    0 no one knows the day or hour, nor is there any real promise for the "great Crowd" and the anointed do not know what Jehovah really has in store. The way words have been switched in Rev describing the inner and ourt temple court yards to fit the societies idea of a great crowd before the throne, no one really knows

  • found-my-way
    I used to hear alot more about people buying thier "Armegeddon car" but not so much anymore. All those cars have rusted away and been replaced.

    This sentence jumped out at me!

    My grandmother who was in her 60's in the early years of 2000 said that her fairly new station wagon was going to be her last car till the big A. She lost her husband to cancer several years ago, and is now remarried...she will be 70 soon, and is still very young at heart. She has also sold that '97 station wagon (not so new anymore lol) and bought a new car.

    It just makes me sad that she can still be such a believer and be so brainwashed!

    When we (on JWD) speak of the rank and file, she is one of them!

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