Denim. Jeans - what do you like about jeans?

by Crumpet 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • horrible life
    horrible life
    This...this is fine
    reminds me of someone...

    Is he going to the FEST????

    And the best thing can always make them fit by lying down on the floor to do the zipper up when they get a tad small.
    (That's as long as you don't mind a 'spare tyre' at the top of waistband!!!)

    Winnie, I prefer the "Back up to the bed version, Drop backwards on bed, with your feet still on the floor. Zip and button. Then stand up, and do the Krammar walk for a few minutes.

    And the term spare tyre, is out. it is now called a MUFFIN TOP. Sounds so much nicer. Sorta friendly like.

    Once you get a nice ass groove in a pair though... its hard to throw them away when they get ragged.

    How so right you are But... my favorite pair, has 2 dime size holes, at the upper corners of my back pockets. Still fine if I wear a long shirt. I know I need to give them up, but I just can't.

    And if you are in a hurry and have to grab something off the floor to throw on and run they don't wrinkle.

    How true!!!!! Did this, done his, do this.

    Frannie Banannie
    Crumpet, I've always loved jeans and would have a closet full of denim, if I could afford it. The greatest thing is a good-fittin' pair of jeans is fandangtastic for those years when gravity has begun to take over the derriere area. They keep everything where it's supposed to be.

    This is the best reason. When I have to wear dress pants, I feel like everything jiggles. Like Jello. A pair of nice fitting jeans, that don't show that buldge under your butt cheek!, and not too much muffin top, are wonderful. They hold everything together, like Frannie said.

    And jeans feel so much cooler that dress pants. They breathe. Frannie are you going to he Fest??? I want to meet you too.

    Just call me a grumpy old fuddy-duddy!
    Unless, of course, you think I should give it a try. How much will I have to spend on this terrifying experiment?

    Terry: you are a grumpy old fuddy-duddy!!! Do like Nowman said, she knows what she is talking about. Try American Eagle, like joules said, and you might add Buckle to Nowmans list. You usually find Buckle in the mall. Just going to a large mall, hitting those stores, you ought to find the perfect pair. If they look funny, keep looking. I love my Eddie Bauer jeans, so I had my husband try a pair. OMG!!!!!! those were the worst looking pair of jeans on him. I still have that image in my head. It has been probably 5 years ago, but it still makes me shiver.

    I like 'em when they are washed about a dozen times and are all soft and comfy.
    Nuthin' gets between me and my Calvin's.

    Ain't it the truth!! Talesin, where the hell you been!!! Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • arrowstar


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    This is a muffin top. alt

  • Terry
    If you were to find jeans at The Gap, it could run you $25-60, yet they have alot of sales all the time....J Crew/Banana republic, $70-128

    I'd sooner find myself in Hell with my back broken listening to Bee-Gee's played backwards than spend that much on a pair of denims.

    I'm afraid I'm hopeless.

    I can't get past it. This is just a pair of pants fer Gawd's sakes! Where do they get off charging that much for a piece of fabric made by young Chinese slave girls that only costs them a couple of bucks??!!

    I'm sure I must be looking at this wrong, but; I can't wrap my widdle bwain around it.

    Thanks for your help, anyway.

    Old dog=New Tricks.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Terry, you aren't gonna get laid, wearing polyester!


  • misanthropic
    what do you like about jeans?

    Comfort. Levis, Paper Denim & Cloth, and Hudson are my favorites. Depending on what you're wearing them for, they can either be casual (which is my normal attire) or dressed up. And their just easy, usually if I have errands to run and I'm just hanging around the house I can throw a pair on and be out the door quickly.

  • J-ex-W

    The guy with the cocked gun reminds me of an old boyfriend....

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  • FlyingHighNow

    I tend to like intelligent men. But hey, I lapse sometimes. And I must admit I was crazy about Billy Ray Cyrus. I used to love to watch him shake his a$$. That was before mullets were so outdated and ridiculous. Now Billy really filled out a pair of jeans and boots. And he made a mullet look good. Sorry Michael Bolton, but you didn't hold a candle to Billy.

  • JH
    What do you like about jeans?

    There is nothing sexier than a woman in tight jeans. And I rather see a woman with a few pounds too many than too thin wearing them.

    Well, now you know my taste.

  • R.Crusoe


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